

  • 论文价格:150
  • 用途: 硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:1
  • 论文字数:43666
  • 论文编号:
  • 日期:2022-05-21
  • 来源:上海论文网


Chapter One Introduction

1.2 Research Motivation and Significance

In  the  cognition  field,  metaphor  has  been  widely  applied  in  news  cartoons  as  a rhetorical technique. News cartoons present with metaphors have conveyed information on a limited scope by employing concise images and words. To figure out the implicit information, readers should combine the signs with personal knowledge to complete the cognitive process. The recognition of cartoon content depends on the reader's mind and cognition  ability  so  that  the  interpretation  results  will  vary  from  person  to  person.  To avoid controversy when interpreting the image signs in cartoons, the cartoonist should be attentive  and  designate  the  proper  concepts  of  the  domains  and  the  reasonable  and deductible attributes in the similarity of the two domains should take into consideration, which  could  help  readers  to  complete  the  process  of  interpretation  building  of  the conceptual  metaphor.  In  conclusion,  this  research  studies  the  utilization  of  conceptual metaphor in the US-China trade war news cartoons and intends to explore the meaning construction process of these news cartoons. 

To  give  details  about  this  systematic  research,  the  initial  step  to  observe  the  two potential  domains,  and  then  identifying  which  categories  of  conceptual  metaphor  for collected  cartoons.  Subsequently,  combining  with  conceptual  metaphor  theory  and guiding by the three stages: composition, completion, and elaboration to start the image and words signs exploration. This procedure aims to discover what factors would affect the recognition of conceptual metaphors in cartoons.


Chapter Three Theoretical Framework

3.1 Conceptual Metaphor Theory

Metaphor  is  a  systematic  mapping  through  conceptual  fields,  from  a  concrete conceptual  domain  to  an  abstract  conceptual  domain,  and  it's  a  thought  and  cognitive approach that people communicate completed by words. Conceptual metaphor is divided into  three  groups  by  Lakoff  and  Johnson  (1980):  structural  metaphor,  orientational metaphor, and ontological metaphor.

(1) Structural Metaphor

The  structural  metaphor  applies  a  well-structured  and  well-defined  concept  to express a vague, ambiguous concept or one that lacks internal structure. Take example 1: “The trade dispute between China and the US is a war.” to illustrate.

As we know that “dispute” and “war” are two different concepts, belonging to two different cognitive domains, the concept of “dispute” is rather vague, abstract, while the concept of “war” is more concrete and vivid: there are winner and loser in a war, and it requires  participants  to  attack  and  defense.  However,  similar  terms  may  be  applied  to build the concept “war”: I’ve never won an argument in the debate. 

The elements in "trade wars" can be interpreted in this metaphor, for example, trade actions introduced by the governments of China and the United States can be interpreted as  arms,  and  tariff  policies  can  be  interpreted  as  ammunition  since  the  tense  situation between the two countries has been to last for a long time. During the “disputes”, the two participants didn’t compromise but fighting towards the goal of  maximizing their own interests. In this interpretation, every element in the “dispute” can correspond to the “war”, and  the  conceptual  structure  of  war  is  used  to  construct  the  “dispute”  concept. Furthermore,  the  conceptual  mapping  has  brought  to  light  the  trade  tensions  between China and the United States.

Chapter Five Conceptual Metaphor Analysis and Results

5.1 The Conceptual Metaphor Types

5.1.1 War Metaphor

War is an act of violence, attack, and killing between organizations, countries, and governments  against  each  other,  and  as  well  an  ambitious  battle  to  achieve  certain political, economic, and territorial objectives. The so-called war metaphor is an analogy between normal events and real war, which depicts these events with war-related concepts or elements and could give the target language category a strong press of confrontation and  urgency.  The  trade  war  between  China  and  the  US  are  intensely  confrontational competitions with uncertain outcomes and that is identical to the nature of war. Therefore, these types of cartoons have applied  many war  metaphors, which they display as war, weapons, competition, and disasters.

War metaphors combined with direct or indirect perceptions and experiences of war from  people's  daily  lives,  which  play  an  important  role  in  constructing  conceptual knowledge. War has a tremendous impact on human society, which leads to forming a fundamental  conceptual  domain  in  people's  understanding  of  the  world.  Through cognitive  thinking  and  similar  associations,  people  employ  words  that  belong  to  the concept of war as source domains to recognize things and concepts in the target domains and finally map the concept of trade war in their minds. Demonstrating that trade war between China and the US are as harsh and intense as war, so that readers can perceive what it's like to be there, and thus attain a better perception of the metaphor. 


5.2 The Affected Factors

The creation of news cartoons requires the cartoonists to find a concrete concept in reality to correspond to the news event in the cartoon. In the process of conception, the cartoonists’ comments about the event are not intended directly but take the advantage of the cartoon to express. In other words, the author usually depicts specific events, with images of people or scenes as the main focus and words as the supplement to indicate the commentary on the news event, so that the form and emotion are highly correlated, and the reader as can think from the author's view and the realistic meaning reflected as well. Excellent cartoons can make the reader think about the story while reading. As a result, the incorporation of text and images is more conducive to the transmission of news events and is easier for readers to absorb directly. 

There are many kinds of visual symbols in news cartoons, including color symbols, graphic symbols, and text symbols, which form a certain structure after combination and synthesize to illustrate. Color symbols refer to the overall color scheme presented in the cartoon,  such  as  warm  color  tendency  or  cold  color  tendency,  or  the  color  choice  of  a specific object in the cartoon, different color property determine the tone of the cartoon. Conventional color cognition as red represent blood in the war, black indicates bad luck or death; graphic symbols can be divided into character images and environmental scenes, according  to  the  principle  of  visual  perception  in  cognitive  psychology,  readers  could comprehend the images faster than words, so graphics can quickly stimulate the readers in  the  visual  senses  and  meanwhile  convey the  theme  of  the  cartoons; While  the  texts symbols carry the keywords or key information corresponding to the news event, which is  complementary  to  the  graphic  symbols,  neither  is  indispensable.  Therefore,  the structure  of  a  cartoon  is  externally  expressed  in  various  visual  symbols,  and  the organization of the structure reflects the cartoonist's understanding of the news event.

Chapter Six Conclusion

6.1 Major Findings

While starting the analysis of cartoons in the first place, it is necessary to identify the  potential  domains  and  mappings  in  the  cartoons.  Comparing  the  similarities  of  the conceptual domains and correlating the news event as the context to determine whether the cartoon employs conceptual metaphor as a rhetorical device. 

Although only the above 6 cartoons are analyzed, the author has gone through the overall  375  cartoons,  and  with  the  systematic  analysis  according  to  the  three  research questions has got the following major findings:

In  the  US-China  trade  war  cartoons,  there  are  three  typical  types  of  conceptual metaphors  which  are  war  metaphors,  barrier  metaphors,  and  character  metaphors. The trade war cartoon applied with these types of conceptual metaphor has been found that they have mainly shaped a negative image of the US economy and industry; 

And while going through the interpretation process, even though there have words in the cartoon as a supplementary to avoid ambiguity, but slight deviations could happen due  to  different  personal  cognition.  The  cognitive  construction  of  the  conceptual metaphor in the news cartoons not only requires readers to apply the personal knowledge base and creative thinking but also the indispensable news events as added value. Due to the restriction of cartoon space, cartoonists only take the essences from the news content, thus all the minor details are neglected. Therefore, when interpreting cartoons, to avoid mistaking the elements, causes, and effects of events, interpreting in the light of the news could help you get a well understanding of these cartoons. 








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