

  • 论文价格:150
  • 用途: 硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:1
  • 论文字数:42525
  • 论文编号:
  • 日期:2022-05-15
  • 来源:上海论文网

语言学论文哪里有?经过深入分析,作者认为《人民日报》和《华盛顿邮报》在很大程度上采用了具体互文性和一般互文性。在具体的互文性方面,它主要体现在新闻来源、报道方式和报道动词上。《人民日报》和《华盛顿邮报》在使用特定的互文性方面有一些相似之处,但也有一些细微的差异。说到报道动词的应用,《华盛顿邮报》倾向于使用动词“say”,而《人民日报》的记者更喜欢使用“say”通知 (指通知)”。

Chapter One Introduction

1.2 Research objectives and significance

Based on Xin Bin’s classification of intertextuality (Xin, 2000), this paper aims to  compare  the  intertextual  features  of  news  reports  from  People’s  Daily  and  The Washington Post on resumption of work during the COVID-19 outbreak, and tries to find out the similarities and differences of these two newspapers in using specific intertextuality and generic intertextuality when it comes to reporting resumption of work, then tries to discuss the pragmatic functions that the intertextuality features perform in People’s Daily and The Washington Post. 

After  thorough  comparison  and  analysis,  the  significance  of  this  study  will reflect in both theoretical and practical aspects. 

Firstly,  it  will  theoretically  enrich  the  studies  of  news  discourse  from  the perspective of intertextuality. Based on the previous studies, we find out that English news discourse has been studied from various perspectives, such as stylistic feature, genre analysis and critical discourse analysis and so on. However, in this thesis the author takes a different perspective and tries to analyze the intertextual features of news discourse, so to some extent it will enrich the studies about news discourse. 

In  addition,  although  some  scholars  have  employed  intertextuality  in  news reports in a comparative way, the author found that there were few researches on the same topic in news discourse, so in this thesis the author chooses the topic which relates to the resumption of work during the COVID-19 outbreak. So, to a certain degree this study can serve as a supplement for the current intertextuality study about news  discourse,  and  it  will  also  provide  a  new  angle  for  the  theoretical  study  of intertextuality and pave the way for further related study. 


Chapter Three Research Methodology

3.1 Research questions

In  the  effort  to  reveal  the  similarities  and  differences  in  applying  specific intertextuality  and  generic  intertextuality  when  it  comes  to  the  news  reports  on resumption  of  work,  and  further  discuss  the  pragmatic  functions  that  the intertextuality  features  perform  in  People’s  Daily  and  The  Washington  Post,  the author put forward three research questions in the below:

(1) What are the similarities and differences regarding specific intertextuality in news  reports  on  resuming  business  between  People’s  Daily  and  The  Washington Post?

(2) What are the similarities and differences regarding generic intertextuality in news  reports  on  resuming  business  between  People’s  Daily  and  The  Washington Post?

(3) What  pragmatic  functions  do  these  intertextuality  features  perform  in People’s Daily and The Washington Post?

Chapter Four Data Analysis and Discussion

4.1 Similarities and differences in specific intertextuality

Intertextuality  is  ubiquitous  in  discourses  and  texts,  which  is  regarded  as  the basic  features  of  them.  In  news  reports,  intertextuality  is  more  universally  visible than any other carriers. According to Fairclough, intertextuality is the basic attribute of  all  texts  (Fairclough,  1992).  Specific  intertextuality,  in  Xin’s  classification  and interpretation, refers to the intertextual relations of one text with another ones (Xin, 2000). Or to put it in another way, it means that a discourse contains utterances of other discourses with specific sources. 

In this part, the author spares no efforts to analyze specific intertextuality from the perspective of reporting speech, news source and reporting modes to compare the similarities and differences of People’s Daily and The Washington Post in employing specific intertextuality. 


4.2 Similarities and differences in generic intertextuality

In previous sections, specific intertextuality of news discourse was analyzed in detail. In this part we will focus on generic intertextuality analysis. There is always generic  intertextuality  in  both  literary  discourse  and  non-literary  discourse.  As mentioned  before,  Xin  classified  intertextuality  into  specific  intertextuality  and generic  intertextuality  (Xin,  2000).  His  idea  of  generic  intertextuality  was  deeply influenced by Fairclough and generic intertextuality corresponds to interdiscursivity that was put forward by Fairclough. Fairclough claimed that interdiscursivity refers to the constitution of a text from various discourses and genres (Fairclough, 1995). Similarly,  Xin  believes  that  generic  intertextuality  means  the  mixture  of  various styles, registers and genres in a discourse (Xin, 2000). 

In this section, the author will conduct an analysis of generic intertextuality from the perspective of genre, based on Xin’s notion of generic intertextuality. Besides, the idea of interdiscursivity will also serve as a reference in the course of analysis and discussion  of  generic  intertextuality  in  news  reports  of  People’s  Daily  and  The Washington Post. 

Chapter Five Conclusion

5.1 Major findings of the study

Based  on  Xin’s  classification  of  intertextuality,  this  study  is  devoted  to conducting a comparative analysis on intertextuality between People’s Daily and The Washington Post on the topic of resumption of work in social context of the outbreak of COVID-19, and further revealing the similarities and differences in the application of specific intertextuality and generic intertextuality. The main findings of the study will be summarized in the below. 

After  thorough  analysis,  the  author  figured  that  in  People’s  Daily  and  The Washington  Post,  specific  intertextuality  and  generic  intertextuality  have  been adopted to a large extent. In the aspect of specific intertextuality, it has been reflected in  the  news  source,  reporting  modes  and  reporting  verbs.  People’s  Daily  and  The Washington  Post  share  some  similarities  but  also  have  slight  differences  in  using specific  intertextuality.  When  it  comes  to  the  application  of  reporting  verbs,  The Washington  Post  is  inclined  to  use  the  verb  “say”,  whereas  in  People’s  Daily, reporters prefer to use “通知  (means inform)”. It indicates that the news resource of People’s Daily comes from government or official institutions to some extent. In The Washington  Post,  utterances  from  scholars  and  ordinary  people  have  a  larger proportion in news resource. Generic intertextuality has been reflected in the mixture of genres in People’s Daily and The Washington Post. Various genres are mixed in a single news report, and there is rare one-genre-oriented phenomenon in news reports. Moreover, there are two major pragmatic functions of the intertextuality features in news reports on resumption of work. Among  the intertextuality features, specified source  and  mixture  of  genres  not  only  endow  the  news  with  credibility,  but  also reflect the intention of reporters.








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