

  • 论文价格:150
  • 用途: 硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:1
  • 论文字数:35266
  • 论文编号:
  • 日期:2022-05-02
  • 来源:上海论文网


Chapter 1 Introduction

1.2 Significance and purpose of the Study

This thesis aims to provide guidance for contemporary literature translation studies frompragmatic view. Since the translation studies of contemporary literary novels from theperspective of pragmatics account for only a very small proportion, the author intends to useHuo Zhe as the research object to make up for the gaps and make contributions to this direction.In addition, from the perspective of pragmatics, no systematic studies have been done on the translated version of Michael Berry. The author attempts to analyze the English translation ofHuo Zhe on the basis of Relevance-Adaptation Theory in order to make a breakthrough in theresearch of the English translation version of Huo Zhe. The author takes Michael Berry’stranslation version as a case study and make thorough discussion and analysis to point out howthe translator keep balance between original author and target readers in the translating process.

From the perspective of Relevance-Adaptation Theory, this thesis chooses some examplesin Huo Zhe and To Live to analyze the translator’s cognitive process. In order to better conveythe expected information in the translation process, the translator found the optimal relevanceand achieved the cultural transmission between the original text and the ability of the targetreaders successfully. This thesis can give us a clearer understanding of the translator’s cognitiveand psychological activities in translating , as well as improve our abilities in pragmatics andtranslation aspects, which can supply a new angle for the literary translation.


Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework

3.1 Development of Relevance-Adaptation Theory

The Relevance Theory was introduced firstly within the book: Relevance: Communicationand Cognition, which described that the translating process of a text is an ostensive-inferentialprocess and seeking for the optimal relevance is crucial in making linguistic choices in targettext. Verschueren considers that pragmatics is a discipline that is studied from the perspectivesof cognition, social and culture. However, these two theories have their own merits and defects.In this way, this chapter came out with the new model: Relevance-Adaptation Theory.Relevance-Adaptation Theory is united in Relevance Theory and Adaptation Theory, whichproductively avoid their own respective limitations and weakness of the two theories. The newestablished theory model is competent in explaining and describing almost every aspects intranslation process.

3.1.1 Relevance Theory

Relevance Theory was introduced firstly by Sperber and Wilson within their book:Relevance: Communication and Cognition. According to this, they jointly displayed what hashappened in the human communication process. Since the present study is based on the light ofRelevance Theory, the analysis of main information is a necessary condition for providing thetheoretic support to the later discussion on its application in translating process. Relevancetheory treats human communication from the perspective of competence rather than behaviour.Translation is also a kind of communication in essence, not just a process. 

Chapter 4 Analysis of the Translating Process of Huo Zhe

4.1 Analysis of Discourse-Interpreting Communicative Process

This part is about to discuss the first translating process of Relevance-Adaptation Theoryin translating the novel Huo Zhe. It will discuss two aspects related to this first activity:ostensive-inferential communication process, seeking for the optimal relevance to makeexpected contextual effects. To start with, the translator need to make contextual assumption onthe basis of the original text. Next, he need to seeks the optimal relevance to the author’scommunicative intention. Finally, the translator can realize successfully the expected contextualeffects in the translation text.

4.1.1 Ostensive-Inferential Communicative Process

Discourse-interpreting communicative process is an ostensive-inferential communicativeprocess(Sperber & Wilson, 1995:63). It means that he author makes ostension actions on thebasis of his informative intention and communicative intention to the target readers, and next,the translator will deduce these information from the author’s ostension actions.

Ostensive-inferential communicative process consists of two main aspects: the author’sostension actions and the translator’s inference, which refer to that the author makes hisinformative intention ostensive to the translator and conduct the mental interaction with thetranslator, expecting that the translator can seek the optimal relevance of the author’s expectedcommunicative intention. The original work is based on the macro background of the author’scognitive environment, therefore it reflects the author’s experience, knowledge structure andachievements. 

4.2 Analysis of Discourse-Producing Communicative Process

From above, the thesis has discussed the translation of Huo Zhe from thediscourse-interpreting communicative process. This part is going to discuss the second communicative process: discourse-producing communicative process. In discourse-producingcommunicative process, the translator should apply the optimal relevance that he has inferred totarget cognitive environment from three aspects: adaptation to linguistic structure, adaptation tolinguistic context and adaptation to communicative context.

4.2.1 Adaptation to Linguistic Structure

In terms of the process of text itself, the adaptation of language structure is the choice oflanguage from different aspects, so as to achieve the adaptation of language to variousfragments. The linguistic structure refers to the vocabulary segment mainly concerned with partof speech, vocabulary structure, vocabulary function, vocabulary meaning, vocabulary field,etc.. The grammatical rules mainly include tenses, voices, sentence patterns (such as declarativesentences, interrogative sentences, imperative sentences, exclamation sentences, simplecomplex sentences, compound sentences, etc.), tone, modality, semantic structure, etc.. As thestudy object of the thesis, Huo Zhe has important study significance in terms of phonology,vocabulary, syntax and text.

Chapter 5 Conclusion

5.1 Major Findings of the Study

This thesis is aimed at applying Relevance-Adaptation Theory as guidance to thetranslation of Huo Zhe. In translating the work Huo Zhe, Michael Berry stands at the center ofcross-cultural communication between the original author and the intended readers. This thesisaims to explore the dynamics of the translation process. It makes an attempts to give aexplanation that how the information processing ability in the translator’s mind allows him tocommunicate with the original author and target readers. The main purpose is to use theRelevance-Adaptation Theory to explain the mental ability of the translator and explain allaspects of the translation process.

After accurately dealing with the author’s communicative intention, he communicates withreaders by ensuring their cognitive environment. And he searches for the optimal relevancewithin the original cognitive environment along with his own cognition, and makes languageselections to fulfill the target cognitive environment. His cognitive resources will be optimallyallocated when he finds the optimal relevance and his linguistic choices successfully satisfy thereaders’ aesthetic expectations and acceptability level. The analysis of the examples from theEnglish version of Huo Zhe can provide the valid and powerful support for the rationality andvalidity of the Relevance-Adaptation Theory. Thus, Relevance-Adaptation Theory is worthfurther research and development for every translator and linguistic researchers. The authorhopes that this thesis can supply readers a full understanding of this theory and its greatexplanatory force of literary works.








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