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  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:233
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  • 论文编号:el201507081229456680
  • 日期:2015-07-06
  • 来源:上海论文网

Chapter One Introduction

1.1Research Background
Newmark, a British translation theorist, stated in his book A Textbook ofTranslation that "all kinds of discourse subjects can be divided into three categories,which are expressive, informative, and vocative" (Newmark, 2001: 39-42). It isunderstood that corporate profiles belong to the discourse of informative and vocativeforms, which aim at providing target customers with the information required andinspiring customers' desires to buy their products or services."To establish their image, enterprises establish a written external communicationwindow with more vivid language to demonstrate their fruitful results, and reflect theirunique culture" (Wan & Sun,2012: 100-103). As is known to many people,purposes ofthe translation of CCP are very clear, which are, firstly,to establish a good corporateimage; secondly, to give potential customers full and effective information so as to gainthe client's ^jproval, and get business opportunities for the enterprises. However, there are more and more mistakes in tifie C-E translation of CCP. Somereasons have been found: firstly,very few scholars turned their focuses on reader'sperspective. The active role the reader plays, in a large part, was neglected; secondly,most of the C-E translations of CCP are full of such problems in grammar, spelling,language and culture. Some of the problems are caused by the carelessness oftranslators and some are caused by their poor translation skills.In fact, the C-E translation of CCP with poor quality has seriously influenced thecorporate image, and driven potential customers away from their companies because ofthe inaccurate, incomplete information provided. In this way, enterprises will lose manycooperative opportunities. The author thinks it's extremely urgent to improve thequality of the C-E translation of CCP.

1.2 Data Collection and Framework
The data of this thesis is mainly collected from the "About us,,part in tiie websitesof the China's enterprises listed in the top 500 enterprises of Fortune magazine in 2013.As all these enterprises chosen are well-known and large-scale in China, they can notonly represent themselves, but also represent their countries' images in the world. So itis important and emergent for these enterprises to improve the C-E translation of theircorporate profiles, and this is the reason to write this thesis.Here is the process of my data collection. Firstly, the author searches the internet tofind out China's enterprises on the name list of Fortune Top 500 and choosestwenty-four enterprises as corpus. Secondly, the author tries to find out both the Chinese and English texts of each enterprise and studies them carefully.Thirdly, the author finds out many mistakes in the C-E translation of theseenterprises and selects mistakes which will cause communication deficiency problemsunder the guidmice of the Skopos Theory and the three principles ("faithfulness",“exactness,,,and "consistency").

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Previous Studies on C-E Translation of Corporate Profiles
Different scholars focuses on different aspects,so books, articles and thesis on thetranslation of corporate profiles are classified into several aspects, such as studies fromlinguistic and cultural angles, from the application of translation theories angles,andfrom criticism and principles exploration angles, and etc, From a linguistic perspective,Xiong (2000) analyzes corporate profile texts fromthree aspects: scope, style and pattern, under the guidance of register theory. Bycontrasting the differences between Chinese and English corporate texts,she also triesto translate the text following the process of pre-treatment of the text,with the interpersonal function of Halliday's systematic fiinction grammar as a framework.Fang (2003) introduces stylistic differences between English and Chinesecorporate profiles in his book: Pragmatic Translation from Chinese to English,and healso states his views on C-E translation of corporate profiles. Wang (2007) makes acomparative analysis of corporate profiles between China's and American enterprisesfrom a stylistic perspective. Through her analysis, she summarizes characteristics ofEnglish corporate profiles and writing skills of it. He (2010) discusses stylisticscharacteristics of corporate profiles in writing, grammar, vocabulary and semantics,comparing with general English and EST (English for science and technology).

2.2 Problems of Previous Studies
Since 1980s,many scholars began to pay attention to C-E translation of corporateprofiles, and many scholars made great contribution to it However, there is still muchroom for the improvement of C-E translation of CCR Some scholars study theapplication of translation theories to corporate profiles, but most of them can't combinethe theories with practice. Even though some countermeasures are put forward,butmany are old ones copied from other scholars' articles or only can be used in very fewexamples.So there is an eager demand for finding more problems in C-E translation of CCPand proposing more practical and valuable countermeasures to solve the problems.Meanwhile, more useful study angles and methods are needed in the study of C-Etranslation of CCP.In present,there are many researches on pragmatic translation, and more and morearticles and monographs are published, but communication deficiency problems in C-Etranslation of CCP hasn't been found, let alone countermeasures to them. So ifsnecessary to propose some practical countermeasures that are suitable forcommunication deficiency problems in C-E translation of CCP.In this thesis,the author will present some kinds of problems that can causecommunication deficiency in C-E translation of CCP, and propose effectivecountermeasures to solve these problems respectively.

Chapter Three Theoretical Foundation......... 31
3.1 Skopos Theory .........31
3.2 Three Principles in C-E Business Translation......... 33
3.3 Theoretical Construction.........35
Chapter Four Analysis of Problems in C-E Translation of CCP.........36
4.1 Communication Deficiency Caused by Power Distance......... 36
4.2 Communication Deficiency Caused by Contexts......... 37
4.3 Omission of Business Introductions......... 39
4.4 Inconsistency of Translation Versions .........40
Chapter Five Countermeasures against the Problems.........41
5.1 To Dilute the Power Distance.........  41
5.2 To Complete Context When Necessary.........   43
5.3 To Fully Transmit Business Introductions.........   45
5.4 To Keep Consistency of Fixed Translated Names.........46

Chapter Five Countermeasures against the Problems

5.1 To Dilute the Power Distance
Diluting the power distance is a countermeasure proposed by the author to solvethe problems caused by power distance. As is mentioned in the preceding part of thethesis, Chinese culture is a culture with large power distance, which means thatgovernment, leaders rank higher than the mass, which is indicated in CCP. However,some translators or interpreters don't take this kind of cultural differences intoconsideration in their translation process.Diluting the power distance in C-E translation can not only lighten the load oftarget readers but also can help tiiem find the information tiiey want more quicklywithout thinking hard about information that confuses them.To dilute the power distance here means to decrease the stress on power distance inC-E translation of CCP. What should we do to dilute the power distance in C-Etranslation? Firstly, we need to find out what kind of information that contains power distancein ST. Usually information contains Chinese government or Chinese leaders indicatespower distance. Secondly,under the guidance of the skopos rule and the coherence rule,we can use the following methods according to different cases: 1) simplify this partwith a short sentence diluting the stress of leaders or government; 2) put the informationin a parentheses; 3) remove it from the first sentence to another place in the sameprofile. The author will present examples to show the feasibility of these methods in thefollowing examples.



This thesis mainly presents four kinds of major problems which can causecommunication proficiency in C-E translation of CCP. The author chooses more thanthirty-five examples from twenty-four China's enterprises which ranked top 500 in theFortune magazine in 2013 in this thesis. With the guidance of the Skopos Theory andthe three principles ("faithfiilness", "exactness" and "consistency"), the author proposescorresponding countermeasnres to solve the problems respectively.Firstly, the author analyzes the problems in the C-E translation of CCP under theguidance of the Skopos Theory and three principles ("faithfulness", "exactness" and‘‘consistency,,),and then puts forward corresponding countermeasures with theenlightenment of the theory and principles.Secondly, the author presents four kinds of problems that can causecommunication deficiency in C-E translation of CCP in this thesis, such ascommunication deficiency caused by: 1) different power distance; 2) high and lowcontexts; 3) omission of business introductions; 4) inconsistency of translation versionsof fixed translated names. These problems are analyzed under the guidance of theSkopos Theory and three principles.Thirdly, on basis of the Skopos Theory and the three principles, the authorproposes such four corresponding countermeasures to solve the problems respectivelyas: 1) to dilute the power distance; 2) to complete context when necessary; 3) to fullytransmit business introductions; 4) to keep consistency of fixed translated names.#p#分页标题#e#
References (omitted)

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