
劳伦斯的《儿子与情人》: 家庭失和与失衡的研究(摘要)

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  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:1
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  • 论文编号:el2018061409065813308
  • 日期:2018-05-16
  • 来源:上海论文网
【中文摘要】 在诸多劳伦斯的作品中,《儿子与情人》是其早期相当著名的自传性小说。其自传性色彩,深刻地描绘出劳伦斯早年的家庭生活与成长历程。纵观劳伦斯的一生,深受其双亲及家庭背景的影响,且反应在其重要作品中。因此,本篇论文首先介绍劳伦斯的家庭背景,以及双亲对他的影响,以为析探《儿子与情人》的背景基础。 本篇论文目的是阐述处身于维多利亚时代的莫雷尔家庭,其失和与失衡对家人的影响。第一章主要由社会经济文化层面分析莫雷尔家庭争端的起源。由于不同的社会阶级,及不同的经济文化背景,虽同处一屋檐下,莫雷尔夫妇却过著迥然不同的生活。由于对婚姻生活及对丈夫期盼的失望,再加上经济压力,莫雷尔太太对丈夫的冷言冷语开启了家庭争端。夫妇间的互不妥协,更使得家庭生活每况愈下。不甘受困于贫穷脏乱的煤矿区,莫雷尔太太转而冀望由儿子们获得更好的社会地位及物质生活,然而却在不知不觉中,使其家人直接或间接蒙受其害。因此,第二章转至探讨母亲的爱,如何成为“害”。莫雷尔太太在追求中产阶级的梦想时,孰不知将其丈夫拒于门外,同时也将儿子们孤立于自己所生长的煤矿区之外。一味地追求社会地位及物质生活的后果,莫雷尔先生、威廉及保罗成了莫雷尔太太欲望下的牺牲品。因之,在第三章中,将说明母亲的意志如何宰治丈夫及儿子们,使彼等逐渐成为受害者。莫雷尔太太的好胜及向上,却使得性好自由的莫雷尔先生,由一热情开朗、性情温和的人,变成以暴力及言语恐吓妻儿的夫与父。而长子威廉,虽实践了母亲的梦想,跻身于上流社会,却失去自我及方向。由于身心的压力与负担,威廉撒手人寰。次子保罗,因为心理上过份仰赖母亲,以致成年后,却无法与母亲之外的女性正常交往。母亲为家人所铺设的“正确”、“有远景”的道路,却为他们带来莫大的灾难。本篇论文无意谴责母亲的强势或父亲的无能。通过检视“力争上游”对于莫雷尔一家人的意义,其结论是,母亲为追寻梦想而牺牲家人,如此惨痛的代价,并不值得。

【英文摘要】 With an overtone of autobiography, Sons and Lovers primarily explores D. H. Lawrence's early life and upbringing. This autobiographical novel is closely related to Lawrence's family, his parents and his dilemma in an imbalanced household. During his lifetime, Lawrence was profoundly influenced by the domestic discord in his own family. In most of his works, we can easily trace his domestic burden and his life experience to his family and his social background. To better understand Sons and Lovers, I have briefly introduced Lawrence's family background in my thesis. This thesis aims to discuss how the domestic discord and disharmony influence the family's destiny and how the family suffers under the disastrous imbalance. The first chapter of this thesis treats the origins of the domestic conflict in the Morel family. The conflicts, resulting from different social and economic backgrounds between Walter and Gertrude, devastate the domestic balance and reverse the roles of man and woman. These differences make them antagonistic toward each other and irreparably pave the way for the family to a disastrous end. Because of her disappointment and disillusionment in life, Gertrude finds consolation in her sons and unconsciously teaches them to look down on their father. As a result, in the second chapter, I aim to demonstrate the mother's devouring force towards her husband and sons. With an effort to fulfil her middle-class dream, the mother actively urges her sons to get on, to lead a life without want, but meanwhile she also isolates her husband. Her efforts only sever her sons from their own roots and force her husband to be a brute. She gradually plays the dual role of a destructive wife and devouring mother when she prepares a "proper" way for her family. In the end, the father and sons become victims in their own house. The third chapter examines the process of how the father and sons are victimized in this mother-centered family. When pursuing her dreams, the mother turns all of her hopes and expectations on her sons, while excluding her husband from the family, and treating him more like a lodger in "their" house. William bears the responsibility of glorifying his mother, but eventually dies of a skin disease. As a dependent son, Paul can never love a woman other than his mother when he reaches manhood. The mother always paves a "right" way for her sons, but she victimizes them unconsciously. Since home plays a crucial role to people, what the family aspires to determines their attitudes in life. At the end of this thesis, I focus on the importance of the family and the influence of the domestic disharmony and discord. Also, I reexamine the price of "getting on" for the Morel family and arrive at a conclusion that it is not worth pursuing at such a high cost.
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