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  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:195
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  • 论文编号:el201506011807156579
  • 日期:2015-05-30
  • 来源:上海论文网

1 Introduction

With the informatization and economic globalization, English becomes more andmore important. As the most widely used language, English is not only the informationloading, but also the compulsory courses of primary education in many countries.Presently China has widely opened English courses at primary school.In Feb. 2001, the National Ministry of Education issued the Guidance onpromoting setting up English course at primary school, which determined setting upEnglish course at primary school is the main content of curriculum reform ofelementary school of 2严 century. It also put forward its basic goal: since the autumn of2001, all cities and counties primary school would begin to set up English courses stepby step. In autumn of 2002, all villages and towns would begin to set up English coursesand the courses would begin at grade three generally. Actually the municipal andprovincial capital cities, as well as listed cities and southeastern coastal areas haveadvanced the grade. Most cities have set up the English courses at grade one. Someplaces even advanced to kindergarten and this trend has expanded to middle and westregions.Setting English courses at primary school is an important measurement, whichdramatically promote English learning capability in the elementary education. However,according to the feedback since establishment, the researcher found that: on the onehand, English learning tended to be low age and the learning number multiplied. But thedisadvantages were obvious which constrained the children language learning potentialas they repeated at a low level or being compelled to remember low efficient wordswhich were beyond their ages. These acts resulted many bad effect and even killed theirEnglish learning interests, which would surely affect their later language learning.
On the other hand, with the age increasing and intelligence improving, theirEnglish learning interests are declining. Failing to get a rapid improvement after certainadvancing in fundamental learning, their interests will continue to decrease. How doesthis happen? It deserves our attention. Where is the original interest and how does itbegin to decline? Where does the learning motivation come from and how does it startto decrease? What is decisive factor? How can we turn around the situation to maintainand increase sustainable interest? We hope to get the reasonable answers basing onelementary school students learning behavior. We hope to find the rules and take theappropriate measurement to solve the problems.

2 Literature Review

2.1 Research based on learning behavior of learners is necessary
English learning behavior in elementary school is a new subject In recent literaturewe find that most materials come from the angle of teach. There is little research basingon the learning behavior of learners.English education cause is undergoing glorious development in China. As theforther development into elementary education period, the effect of primary schooleducation is connecting with our future English learning level. The primary schoolEnglish learning research is becoming more and more important. As the cognitivepsychology researchers begin to pay attention on the teacher's faith effect on teachingbehavior. Many researches have proved this effect and the great achievements havebeen made abroad. But our country has just start this research, most of which are still onthe stage of introducing western theories and achievement with less researching. Someresearch is just focusing on college English teachers, which neglect English teacher atelementary education,The research in this field is good for self-development of teacher themselves andimproves the teaching resource, and finally the whole English teaching system. TheEnglish teachers have accepted the advanced teaching philosophy, which are stillcontradicted with practice. Traditional teaching philosophy still guidance their teachingbehavior and teachers do not use advanced philosophy into the teaching practice.Thus teaching improvement shall enhance the professional training of teachers andorganize them to learn advanced teaching philosophy. Meanwhile we must pay moreattention on guidance of teaching practice. Teachers shall rethink their teachingphilosophy and behavior to improve the effect and realize their professionaldevelopment. In addition, there are some other factors affecting teacher’ behavior, thedecreased class hours at primary school and pressure from parents, society and school.Therefore it shall join hands with whole society to improve English teaching level andrealize the related reform.

2. 2 The background of students' learning interest survey
Through the class observation to conduct research on open teaching provides thenew possibility for primary school teaching reform. The writer explains the backgroundand meaning of students' interest in primary school English learning and also explainsthe teaching concept,meaning and characteristic in respect of improving students'learning interest, improving class efficiency, realizing students' development andteacher attainment promotion etc” and then through the way of questionnaire survey, byadopting the combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, using variousobservation schedules conducts the observation in respect of students' learning interest,emerge, defense and development. The research finds the following problems: students' interest in learning Englishdeclines with age,so their graduation -delays. There are many reasons. Content is toohard to grasp and overemphasizes the expansion to neglect their receptivity; theactivities lack effectiveness and overemphasize form; teaching lacks languagepracticing and leaving less time for their consideration; there are still some room forseating arrangement and layering practice design. Therefore we suggest that teachershall emphasize on teaching method resource,renew philosophy; accumulate teachingresources in life,expand teaching content with real life; focusing on students and payattention to their feeling.

3 Research Design ..........  7
3.1 Purpose of the Research ..........  7
3.2 Data collection...........    8
3.3 Data analysis ..........    10
3.3.1 The Investigation Data ..........10
3.3.2 The results of the investigation.......... 13
3.3.3 The smalysis of data.......... 15
4 Analysis of Students' English Interest.......... 19
4.1 Cause of Data ..........  19
5 The Results of Analysis..........     28
5.1 Education Quality depends on Students1 learning interest.......... 28
5.2 The development of students1 learning interest ...........29
5.3 Improve the ability of using English ..........  32

4 Analysis of students' interest

4.1 Cause of Data
And then, how to help the students leam English well in the stage of primaryschool? We, the teachers, are the very direct people who impart knowledge naturallyand have the inescapable responsibility. As a teacher, I will do my best to pay attentionto and show great interest in every student, and teach them to leam English well.The students who are well in their studies have good habit of study and studymethod. Therefore, we should attach great importance to cultivating of good study habitof students. “The loftiest buildings are built from the ground up”,only when laying agood foundation, the building can become higher. Therefore, it is very important to laya solid foundation. In the English teaching of primary school, it is most important tocultivate the good habit of students in English study. The good study habit will benefitthem a great deal in their English study. The students cannot be more difficult and theirresults cannot be poorer in the English study in the future only when laying a goodfoundation for the students at present. We also pay attention to making the studentsbecome more interested in study and have self-confidence in English study at the sametime. This requires the teachers and parents jointly make great efforts and takeconcerted action.


According to the data analysis and theory research, we find that primary students’English learning interest declines along with the growth of age. Ordinarily, when theymeet English for the first time, they think it's an interesting and surprising subject withso strange voices and so different types of letters and words. The curiosity appears andthe students are excited to begin to learn EnglishThe longer students learn English, the more English knowledge students willunderstand and grasp. And as an important subject of primary school for pupils, theyfind that they will have to spend more and more time learning English words, practicingspelling words, doing their homework, finishing the tasks and so on. It takes studentslonger and longer to learn English and at the same time they find the interest of learningEnglish declines. According to the research and data analysis I believe it's normal andirreversible for students to lose English interest. What can we do as primary Englishteachers?Although the perceptual interest declines with the growth of students' agegradually, we can encourage the students to get the rational sense of achievement at thesuitable time. If the student can change their interest into the rational sense ofachievement, they will get the new power of learning English. They will learn Englishharder and harder and they will continue to study better and better.
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