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  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:168
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  • 论文编号:el201505122323266522
  • 日期:2015-05-11
  • 来源:上海论文网

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Current situation of English writing for non-English major students.
In China, English has become much more important due to the coming of the informationage and the expansion of globalization. In the learner's four basic skills writing skill plays a veryimportant role. So writing teaching should be given much attention.?But in the regular English teaching at college, writing is a weak point. Non-English majorstudents haven't got specialized writing courses. They have English lessons because just duringtheir first two years. So does the two classes of sophomore in College of Biological Sciences.Most classes for non-English majors are quite large so teachers have little time to instructeveryone's writing skill in class, which is a big burden to teachers, and English writing teachingis not systematic because of most English teachers have no English writing teaching plans.Students often ignore the discourse aspects of the written language in the writing, andoverly concerned the lexical aspects of written language,thus, the overall structure being badlyorganized. The students ignored the effects of recitation and they think it is a time-consuming joband the effect is not good. They don't have much interest in it,which causes them not to makeeffective output in writing.

1.2 Significance of the Study
On the one hand, writing is important theoretically, because writing can reinforce leamtlanguage, develop the students' language. (Jeremy Harmer, 2000:86) NuNan (2001:271) says1"producing a coherent, fluent, extended piece of writing is probably the most difficult thing thatthere is to do in language,in terms of skills. ” “ Writing enriches personal growth ,influences theway we think, contributes to the way we leam, and to some extent, the successful of competitionand career is decided by good writings. ” (Qi Shouhua, 2001:Contents). On the other hand,though many scholars' relevant research proves that model essay recitation promote Englishwriting, they rarely make use of discourse recitation to help their English writing, which bridgesthe two components, especially for non-English majors in colleges. In fact, in the English writingteaching, recitation is not only an enhanced input, but also a verified output. Reciting can makelearners get a large number and high quality of the language material input. And reciting can helpthe learners intake the key words, and common phrases. Reciting can strengthen the sentencesusing in English writing. And Reciting can make full use of selective imitation. At the same time,recitation, the output for English learners, provides a multitude of good writing modes withEnglish writing, improves the ability of learners to be familiar with the vocabulary and sentence,and can consolidate the learner's input. It also helps improve learner's ability in expressingin-depth ideas with some sentences borrowed by reciting and achieve accurate and fluent writing.Ill a word, recitation is an effective way for language output in writing. To sum up, recitation isthe input, while writing is the output. They are a whole and are related closely together Only wehave massive inputs, can we have an effective output. Therefore, the limitation of previousstudies is an important reason that motivates the author to choose this research topic.

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1Related studies of the Application of Recitation on the EFL Writing at Home and Abroad
As we all know the method of recitation in the actual teaching of writing has been widelyused. But there are also different views on recitation. Critical opinions of text recitation are beingvoiced by some Chinese scholars whereas others support this method in the English teaching.They believe it's an effective way to input knowledge.In most language schools of China, the modem teaching methods are popular, whichmakes a lot of Chinese scholars in foreign language researching begin to think whether recitationcan really promote foreign language learning. Several researchers believe that because ofmultimedia and internet, college students can study more autonomously. The modem mediaguarantee them input enough of language. But recitation requires lots of time to repeat. Theyconsider recitation equals to mechanical memorization. They believe recitation is atime-consuming study method and will reduce the students' interest. So, recitation is against thespirit of quality-oriented education. Thus, they believe it is out of date .So,they canceled recitingtexts, especially the long ones and only imitate the phonetic and recite the vocabulary (Luo,2005). From the aspects of communicative and humanity teaching recitation seems to bemeaningless. It frustrates students in their creativity and initiative. To adopt recitation in Englishteaching has been for a long time, the chief reason is: (1) the traditional Chinese teaching'simperceptible influence; (2) the characteristic of English itself as a language and languagerequires memorization; (3) there is a larger number of students in a class; (4) the far-reachingbackwash effects of the imperial civil service examination system in China, etc. Since recitationpays too much attention on not the content but form, Luo considers that recitation lackscommunication. So, in English teaching we should strictly located its ftinction again. Some otherpeople think that the more poor place, without modem equipment, the more the teachers adoptthis teaching method. Because the teacher apply recitation in class, they required little modemmultimedia in teaching.

2,2 A brief historical overview of discourse analysis and the second language writing.
Discourse analysis, which extends beyond sentence boundaries, is the study of language inuse. (Cele-Murcia, 2000:4)It includes both language form and language functions and involveslooking at the study of both written texts and spoken interaction. It identifies linguistic featuresthat characterize different genres and social and cultural factors that help our understanding ofdifferent texts and type of talk (Demo, 2001). An analysis of spoken language might focus onthese aspects plus, opening and closing sequences of social encounters, turn-taking practice ornarrative structure. And a discourse analysis is of texts might include a study topic developmentand cohesion across the sentences. The study of discourse has developed in a multitude ofdisciplines: anthropology, social psychology, sociology, and sociolinguistic. Thus discourseanalysis takes different analysis approaches and theoretical perspectives: anthropology ofcommunication, speech act theory, variation analysis,interactional sociolinguistics, andconversation analysis, and pragmatics. (Shriffrin, 1994). They all view language as socialintCTaction, though each approaches emphasizes different aspects of language use.

Chapter 3 Theoretical framework ........    11
3.10ptimal input hypothesis and second language learning........ 11
3.2Deflnition of recitation and nature of writing........   12
3.3 Language chunk........ 14
3.4 Behavioral theories on second language learning........ 15
3.4.1Habit formation ........  16
3.5 Structural theories on second language learning........ 16
Chapter 4 Present study methodology........ 18
4.1 Introduction........ 18
4.2 Subjects........     18
4.3 Instruments........ 18
4.4 Research procedure........ 19
4.5 Post-test ........24
4.6 Questionnaire ........25
Chapter 5 Result of data analysis and discussion........ 26
5.1 Data collection and analysis........ 26
5.2 Feedback from questionnaire and did analysis........   34
5.3 Analysis of interview ........  48

Chapter 5 Result of data analysis and discussion

5.1 Data coUection and analysis
During the study, the author carefully collected the data about the subject and control class.The Pre-test was conduct before and post-test after the experiment on EC and CC. The topic wasgiven, time was limited within SOminutes, the topic is almost same to the two classes. Resultsiand of data was presented. The composition scores of the EC and CC in pre-test was presented in table 5.1,when it comesto the mean scores,the mean score in table 5.1of the EC is72.10,while 72.3667 for the CC, bycontrast, the former is 0.2667 points lower than the latter. It can be seen from Table 5.2 the composition scores of the EC and CC in pre-test. We cansee that the minimum scores of the groups are 54 and 58 points, the maximum scores of thesetwo groups are 89 and 83 points. There is no big difference in writing ability among the students.



This chapter firstly summaries the major findings of the study, then provides somepedagogical implications for English teaching and learning, points out the limitations and finallymakes suggestion for further essay recitation combined discourse analysis on English writing. The topic of language acquisition implicates the most profound questions about ourunderstanding of the human mind. Learners of foreign language are different from each other.There aren't a strategy that are completely effective for all the language learner. This study hasexplored the effects on discourse analysis on effective recitation and the output of language.Discourse analysis may help improve the proficiency of recitation and put what has rememberedinto practice it is obvious when the students do reciting by some monitoring and guiding. Inaddition, the questionnaire reveals the most students holds a positive attitude towards recitation.They considers that recitation is an effective but painful way to improve their English level. Sothe teachers should do more works to make the less pain and more interesting. And help thestudents express themselves freely.#p#分页标题#e#
Reference (omitted)

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