1 Introduction
1.1 Background
Agricultural techniques promotion is those things that can help farmers promote techniquesand methods of their production through upgrading and training. In order to enhance agriculturalproductivities, increase farmer's outcome, agricultural techniques promotion plays the role totransform advanced technology or practices into practical productivities,which is a significantthing to accelerate agricultural techniques. The entrance of World Trade Organization (WTO)further strengthens the exchange and cooperation between China and other countries. Therefore,agriculture, as the primary industry of China, has become one of the most important parts ofinternational cooperation. Because agriculture is closely related to people's daily life, we can seethe agricultural scientific technology, agricultural economic development and agriculturalmanagement have become one of the major issues of international exchange in China.Heilongjiang Province is a major agricultural province in China, the huge size of agricultureand food industry in Northeast accounts for the important status in our country,but the regionlacks international trade and communication platform now, Agriculture and Food Expo Harbinbecome a key project by government consequently, which aimed at developing Harbin into anational and international trade center on food and agricultural in the next five years. When we arepromoting our agricultural techniques to other countries, standard and proper agriculturaltechnique translation is needed to ensure the successful information conveyance. The signing ofthe Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Cooperation between the People^sRepublic of China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and Memorandum ofUnderstanding on Agricultural Cooperation marked the beginning of cooperation on agriculturebetween China and ASEAN countries. Agricultural cooperation between China and ASEAN can beincluded as following; crop planting, husbandry, fishery and forestry to process agriculturalproducts and rural energy use and utilization.⑴ It has been implemented by means of personneltraining, technology education and techniques sharing, experiment demonstration, businesspromotion and so on. Through that cooperation, we have achieved remarkable outcomes. It'sknown to us that English is the official language of international communication, which serves asan important tool to promote the agricultural promotion.
1.2 Aims and Significance
This study is mainly concerned with the cognitive explanation of the explicitation betweenChinese absracts and their English versions as well as the English abstracts and English versions ofChinese abstracts, and it intends to address the following research objectives which will be furtherdiscussed in chapter four. In the present research,both theoretical significance and practical significance can beachieved. From the theoretical point of view, firstly, as the theoretical framework of the research iscorpus-driven study and the explicitation, the thesis may help to enrich the theories of them by theperspective of the comparison on Chinese abstracts and their English versions, as well ascomparison between English abstracts and English versions of Chinese abstracts. Secondly, thestudy provides an empirical research for the theory of explicitation. Thirdly, explicitation isconsidered as an important way for expressing and exchanging the knowledge in language whilethe previous studies usually focus on the definition, classification and formation of explicitation,this study shows a new way to classify explicitation for the convenience of further discussion.
2 Literature Review
2.1 Previous Studies at Home
The creation of monolingual corpus began in 1970s. About 20 years later, the bilingual corpusand translating corpus has been taken seriously and started to build, because the researcher whoengaged in language comparison and engaged in translation studies realized that the bilingualparallel corpus are very valuable for comparative study of two languages, translation teaching andresearch (including automatic translation), for the teaching of foreign languages and translation,and the bilingual dictionary compilation. For corpus translation, design and development of corpusis the foundation. Only after building the corpus; it is likely to start a new topic for study. In recentyears, new corpus creates constantly and the new topic has been discussed. The first corpus in themodern sense, however, should owe to Randolph Quirk, who established corpus named “theSurvey of English Usage" in the late 1950s at the university of London (ditto: 24; Wang Kefei, 2004:3). [4]We know for example that the large "general corresponding Chinese-English corpus" inBeijing foreign university has carried out many studies on the basis of the library (Wang Kefei,2004).
2.2 Previous Studies Abroad
English corpus is a word comes from Latin which means "body". After the 18th century, theword starts for alleged "assembled and completed writing form in a topic". In 1950s, the term"corpus" gradually has the modern sense of meaning which refers to “collection of data used inwritten or spoken language analysis" (OED, 1989:1989).(7] In 1960s, the first machine readableCorpus - Brown Corpus (Kennedy, 2000:23, Kenny 2001:24) created in the United States, it marksthe birth of the modern computer Corpus and the term "Corpus" evolve to the modern meaning.According to Kennedy, the earliest corpus involves the nature of language began in the 18thcentury. It is vocabulary indexing for the Christian bible, and proves the consistency of chapters inbible. (Kennedy, 2000:13-14). Francis (1992) argue that before the advent of the computer,theearliest corpus began in 1775, which written by Dr. Johnson, named ”A Dictionary of the EnglishLanguage"(see Kenny 2001:23-24), because the dictionary not only has abundant vocabulary andaccurate meaning, but also a large number of references from famous writers and their classicworks to illustrate the meaning and usage of language. [s^Corpus means “to collect a large numberof text summaries with the way in accordance with certain principles". (Kenny, 2001:22). Todaywe talked about corpus in linguistics research, refers to use computer technology, according tocertain principles of linguistics, make large real corpus of collection and storage for the specificpurpose,and after a certain degree of tagging was to facilitate retrieval and can be applied todescription and empirical research. This shows that the development of corpus has experiencedthree stages marked by the application of computer technology: original corpus, modern corpusand contemporary corpus. (Shown in table 1)
3 Theoretical Framework........ 11
3.1 Corpus Linguistics........ 11
3.2 Explicitation in Translation........ 13
3.3 Corpus and Explicitation in Translation........ 15
4 Analysis and Discussion ........18
4.1 Data Collection ........ 18
4.2 Tools Used for Analyzing Data........ 19
4.3 Comparison between Chinese Abstracts and Their English Versions........ 19
4.3.1 The Usage of Conjunctions ........ 20
4.3.2 The Explicitation of Translation in ........ 22
4.3.3 The Explicitation of Translation in "as" and "so"........ 23
4.3.4 The Explicitation of Translation in "but" and "however"........ 24
4-4 Comparison between English Abstracts and English Versions of Chinese Abstracts........ 25
5 Conclusion........ 28
5.1 Major Findings........ 28
5.2 Limitations ........ 28
5.3 Suggestions for Future Research ........ 29
4 Analysis and Discussion
In this chapter,the detailed examination of agriculture English features will be conducted onthe base of Agriculture English Corpus and Translated Agriculture English Corpus, in the hope oftexting my hypothesis in Chapter III. Now, consensus has been reached on the important roleplayed by professional corpus in translation, however, in this paper, a corpus needs to be built asthere's no existing professional corpus. To build a corpus, firstly we need to collect linguistic datawhich may be selected from professional textbooks, reference books, manuals,journals, literaturesand internationally recognized authoritative EI database, but the style,publication time and topicsof the articles selected should be similar. Secondly, we need to consider volume of the corpus. Theoretically, the larger the volume of the corpus is,the more representative it will be. However,time proves that, when volume of the corpus reaching a certain degree, representativeness of somelinguistic features will decrease instead of increase; moreover, corpus with too large volume ismore likely to burden data analysis. [29] Therefore, in determining volume of the corpus, bothrepresentativeness and operability of the corpus should be taken into consideration.Professionalcorpus that only collects texts of a specialized field is with smaller volume than that of generalcorpus, generally, ten thousand to hundreds of thousands words would be appropriate. The corpuscan also be served as the experimental corpus for establishment of scientific translation corpus,though it may not include all linguistic features of scientific field,it is adequate for learning ofcore terms of the fieldPi] As science and technology develop rapidly and new terms and conceptsemerge constantly, the corpus should be dynamic and available for real-time update so as to reflectchanges of professional vocabulariesThe analysis software used in the corpus is Antconc3,2.1.#p#分页标题#e#
To find out the fiinctions of agricultural promotion English, the corpus-based study,from theperspective of explicitation makes the comparison between three corpora. The results will bepresented in the study and the limitations as well as the suggestions for future study will also bepresented, which the paper is considering the following two aspects. First, for future study aboutthis topic, what questions might be particularly appropriate. Second, what measures might possiblyprove fruitfully in further study of this topic. Agricultural techniques promotion is those activities that can help farmers improvetechniques and methods of their production through promotion and training, in order to enhanceproductivities and incre farmer's income. Agricultural techniques promotion plays the role totransform advanced technology or techniques into practical productivities, which is significant toaccelerate agricultural techniques. The entrance of World Trade Organization (WTO) strengthensthe exchange and cooperation between China and other countries. Therefore, agriculture, as theprimary industry of China, has become one of the most important parts of international cooperation,because agriculture is closely related to people's daily life. We can see the agricultural scientifictechnology, agricultural economic development and agricultural management have become themajor issues of international exchange.
Reference (omitted)