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  • 作者:上海论文网
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  • 论文编号:el201501242013436292
  • 日期:2015-01-24
  • 来源:上海论文网

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background of research
How to solve the affect problems in the language learning and teaching processto improve the efficiency? How to develop the learners’ emotional attitude andconcepts of value? All these questions are urging us to think about how to implementthe affect objective in English teaching. In recent year, the research staff of the foreign language education has conducteda lot of research on the relationship between affect and the foreign language study,and they have achieved significant research results. The main conclusion is: solvingthe affect problems is conducive to enhance the language study. Passive affect such asanxiety, fear, shyness, tension, sadness, doubt, hatred and so on will hinder thelearning potential. On the contrary, positive affect such as self-esteem, confidence,empathy, motivation, happiness, surprise and so on will create the psychologicalpreparation for better study(English curriculum standard)The implementation of the affect aim is the actual application of the affect theoryin the teaching process. In the long run, people often focus on the cognition factorsinstead of the affect factors which make the students hate school and have lowefficiency in study then the students don’t have comprehensive development. Thereason for this phenomenon is that there are four kinds of wrong understandings of theaffect teaching: the first is “harmful”; teachers think that if they emphasize on theaffect factors, it will cause negative influence. The second is “useless”; the teachersthink that the hardware in teaching is knowledge and intelligence, the inflexible targetis the score and enrollment rate, affect is not important at all. The third is “simple”;the teachers think that emphasizing the affect factor means when giving classes, theteachers must have facial expression and be kind to the student, they simplified theaffect teaching.

1.2 Research questions
In the three years’ studying in gannan normal university, I had the chance toobserve many English classes. I mainly observed 4 English classes of senior highschools in ganzhou, there are 45-60 students in each class. I find clearly that all thefour teachers pay more attention on language content, for instance, language points,grammar and vocabulary, but they neglect other aims to be reached in the newcurriculum standard, for example, affective attitude aim, learning strategy aims andcultural awareness and so on. It can be observed from the 4 classes that the teachersjust ask the students to memorize the words and do as much exercise as possible tograsp the grammar and language points. Judging from the whole observation, we cansee clearly that the integrated language communicative competence is not welldeveloped by this kind of teaching, apparently, other objectives are not wellimplemented and reached, this is the reason why I want to make this research.In the process of language teaching and learning, teachers and students are sureto encounter many problems in class, affective attitude problem is just one of them.If not properly handled, the problems will hinder the language content study andeven influence other subjects study in school. Considering these serious resultswhich may be caused, we must actively implement affective attitude objective inEnglish class.

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Affective attitude
What is affective attitude and concept of value? What is the concreteexpression of the affective attitude and concept of value in English subject? Theanswers to these questions are the prerequisite and key factors for the realization ofthe affective attitude and concept of value. So in this part, I will mainly focus on theexplanation of the basic connotation of it and then analyze this connotation. The concept of “affective attitude and concept of value” is put forward with thedevelopment of the new round elementary curriculum reform; The outline of basiceducation curriculum reform points out explicitly: one of the concrete aims of theelementary curriculum reform is to change the course which over emphasizes theimpartment of knowledge, form positive and active study attitude to make theprocess of knowledge acquisition at the same time be the process of learning tostudy and form the right concept of value. What is more, it is clearly stipulated in thecurriculum standard: The national curriculum standard is the basis for teachingmaterial compilation, teaching evaluation and the exam proposition; it is the basisfor the national administration and evaluation of the course. It should embody thenational basic requirements for students’ knowledge, ability and affect objective indifferent stage, it stipulates the property ,objective, content structure, suggestions forteaching and evaluation of each subject, in this outline document, the affectiveattitude and concepts of value is the most important component of the threedimensional objective.

2.2 Research abroad
Krashen’s affective filter theory makes us understand that affective factors playan important role in foreign language teaching. Affective factors are as important ascognitive factors, even more. (Stern, 1983) In 1956, American educator bloom andhis colleague publicized “educational target taxology: cognition area” in this book, it has divided education objectives into three large fields: cognition, affect and actionand it conducts detailed description and explanation about the major components ofthe cognition area. (BS Bloom,1956)By the early 1960s, with the increasing intereston education objectives from the American government and the public, especiallyafter 1964, krathwohl and his colleague publicized “educational target taxology:affect area” education target taxology had begun to gain attention. Many educatorsoften talked about the cognition objective and affect objective. The distinction ofcognition area, affect area and action area was common knowledge in Americaneducation field and then it was spread gradually in worldwide. (W. JamesPopham1990, 32) the application of social interactions views to language teachinghas been discussed surprisingly little. (Vygotsky, 1986)

Chapter Three Methodology and Ideas in research .........26
3.1 The method of investigation..........26
3.2 The main methods and thinking idea.......27
Chapter Four Results and Discussion ........28
4.1 Questionnaire analysis.......28
4.2 Interview analysis.........36
4.3 Discussion..........41
Chapter Five Teaching Reflections.......49
5.1 Culture construction in school......49
5.2 Supervision and management from government ......50
5.3 Support from the parents ........50
5.4 Improvement of the quality of the teachers.........51
5.5 Teaching strategies to be adopted.......52

Chapter Five Teaching Reflections

5.1 Culture construction in school
School culture refers to concepts of value, guiding ideas of running the schools,group consciousness, code of conduct which is formed after the long-termaccumulation; it is the concentrated reflection of the school campus spirit and theatmosphere.In the aspect of school culture construction, firstly we have to make full use ofvarious resources in the school, for example, different kinds of bulletin boards arenot only the place to guide the students’ daily behavior and provide them warm tips,meanwhile they should be the places to display the learning achievements of thestudents and their talents in art. The construction of the corridor culture and theposter bar is beneficial to inspire the students’ confidence. And be able to make thestudents feel the joy of success. Secondly, the construction of active school spiritand class spirit will do good to form a special collective appeal which makes thegroup members keep consistent in thoughts, affects and behavior to resist variousbad tendencies and the behavior invasion and then promote the formation of healthyaffect, positive attitude and right concept of value. Finally, we have to createdemocratic fair and harmonious atmosphere. In the school, the relationship betweenthe school decision makers, administrator, teaching staff and students should be fair.Only in the harmonious atmosphere can we form healthy and active interpersonalrelationship to promote the students’ study and development.



The purpose of education is to promote the comprehensive development of thehuman beings .In education; the students are first human beings and then thelearners. The curriculum objective is the embodiment of the national educationobjective. It represents some value orientation. The new curriculum reformadvocates perfect person education. It puts forward clearly the curriculum goal ofthree dimensions and puts the affect objective in the same important position as theknowledge objective and the ability objective, it emphasizes that the curriculumshould promote every student’s comprehensive development, cultivate goodbehavior, wishes and ability for lifelong study, handle well the relationship of theknowledge, ability, affect, attitude and concepts of value, it embodies the brand neweducation concept.The brand new education concept has instilled fresh vitality into the schooleducation. However, in the actual teaching practice, the implementation of the affectobjective is not preceded smoothly without a hitch; it is influenced by the schoolculture, evaluation system, the teachers’ education concepts, and social factors andso on. We should realize that school is not only the place for students to studysubject knowledge but also an important environment for students’ growth andindividual development, with the further implementation of the curriculum reform,the main problem we are facing now is how to implement the advanced concept inreal class, this is not only the problem in understanding, but also a problem inpractice. In our current senior high school English teaching, there is indeedsomething to be desired, among which the insufficient attention on students’ affect isthe bottleneck that constrains the healthy development of English education#p#分页标题#e#
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