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  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:196
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  • 论文编号:el201411301335156148
  • 日期:2014-11-29
  • 来源:上海论文网

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study
With the economic globalization,the contact and cooperation among thecountries or areas have been more and more common and frequent all over the world.During their continuous collaboration,the countries involved seem to get closer andcloser than before and their languages are mixing and blending. Under the policy ofreform and opening to the outside world,China has been playing a key role in theglobal development through ongoing exchange visits and information-sharing withother nations and areas. English can be considered as one of the most popularlanguages in the world with a great number of users. English language has graduallybecome a necessary instrument as a result of the development of science andtechnology as well as the needs of communication. In China, English has also becomean indispensable communication tool with which Chinese make contact with foreigners in every field of social life. English language has been deeply influencingthe daily life of Chinese people. China is a monolingual country in which the Englishlanguage is learned or used as the first foreign language. In communication,thephenomenon of language mixing and blending is becoming increasingly obvious inChina owing partly to the enhancement of English proficiency of Chinese people, whotend to alternate their languages between English and Chinese quite often to achievecertain goals in their verbal communication. This phenomenon can be reckoned asCS.

1.2 Necessity and Significance of the Study
English language is taught and learned as the second language in China.Domestically, many scholars (Wang, 2008; Liu, 2010; Li & Wang,2013) have showngreat enthusiasm for and interest in the C-E CS in English language teaching.However, they merely carried out their study pertaining to the C-E CS in traditionalclassroom teaching.Business Etiquette,as one of the VOA bilingual programs, can be considered as asupplementary means for the traditional classroom teaching. The program of this sorthas become very useful materials for English students and business persons. In thisprogram, there exist a great number of instances of C-E CS. But the investigation intothe C-E CS in the bilingual radio program like this has not been found yet.As a result, it is of great necessity and profound significance to conduct the study on the C-E CS in the program Business Etiquette on account of the prevalence ofresearch on CS and insufficiency of existing studies.

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Definition of Code-switching
It is of great necessity to figure out the definition of CS first. CS was mentionedfor the first time by Hans Vogt in 1954 (Auer, 1998). Since then, CS has drawn muchattention among the scholars in the linguistic circle. The popular definitions presentedby the scholars are introduced chronologically in this section.CS is defined as "the juxtaposition within the same speech exchange ofpassages of speech belonging to two different grammatical systems or subsystems"(Gumperz, 1982: 59).Muysken (1995) regards CS to be a tool which can be used for rapid successionof several languages in a single conversation or utilized informally when referring tothe co-existence of constituents in a sentence from different languages.Auer (1998) clarifies CS as the two languages juxtaposed in a discourse and/orwithin a sentence, which is called language alternation or code-mixing.Verschueren considers the CS like this:(CS is) "a cover term for language or code alternations, is an extremelycommon occurrence and a favored strategy, especially in oral discourse" (Verschueren,2000: 119).It is obvious that scholars hold different points of view on the definition of CS.However, CS can be interpreted as the alternative use of two or more languages orlanguage varieties in the same conversation, or interaction.

2.2 Classification of Code-switching
Many scholars have taken pains in distinguishing and identifying the types of CS.Based on functional considerations,Blom & Gumperz (1972) attempt to classify CSinto situational switching and metaphorical switching. The situational switching istriggered by a change of the situation while the metaphorical switching is caused by achange of the topic. This classification is regarded as an integrated one thatinvestigates the sociolinguistic dimensions of code-switching,Poplack (1980) puts CS into three types: inter-sentential switching,intra-sentential switching and tag switching. Inter-sentential switching occurs betweenthe boundary of two sentences or clauses,and each sentence or clause belongs todifferent languages. Intra-sentential switching is the switching occurring witiiin asingle sentence or a clause. Tag switching emerges with the insertion of a tag into asentence or a clause from one language to another.Considering the connection between the social context of the conversation andthe structure of the utterance as well as communicators' psychological state,Auer(1990) divides CS into two types: discourse-related alternation and participant-relatedalternation. The former is speaker-oriented, which is employed to accomplishdifferent communicative acts in the conversation. The latter is hearer-oriented andtakes the hearers' competences and preferences into account.

Chapter Three Methodology.........   22
3.1 Research Questions......... 22
3.2 Data Collection .........  22
3.3 Data Analysis Procedures.........      23
Chapter Four Results and Discussion.........   25
4.1 Linguistic Characteristics of Chinese-English Code-switching .........25
4.2 Functions of the Chinese-English Code-switching ......... 38
Chapter Five Conclusion .........60
5.1 Major Findings of the Study......... 60
5.2 Implications of the Study......... 61
5.3 Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Further Research......... 62

Chapter Four Results and Discussion

4.1 Linguistic Characteristics of Chinese-EnglishCode-switching in the Program Business Etiquette
In this section,the linguistic characteristics of C-E CS in the bilingual programBusiness Etiquette will be illustrated. Apart from that,an analysis will be made toexplain the reasons of these linguistic features. According to Jiang's classification, the instances of C-E CS in the programBusiness Etiquette can be divided into foiir types, namely, intra-sentential CS,inter-sentential CS,tag CS and repetitive CS. The total number and the percentage oftfie instances in each type are shown in Table 1. After that,the analysis will beconducted for the statistic results. As Table 1 shows, there are 2083 instances of C-E CS in the program BusinessEtiquette. Among these instances, the intra-sentential CS has an absolute advantage intotal number with the proportion of 63.18%. The inter-sentential C-E CS is in thesecond place, which accounts for 26.55%. The instances of tag CS have not beenfound in this program. The repetitive CS only takes up a small proportion, i.e. 10.27%.Except for the tag CS, the other three kinds of CS are to be illustrated with typicalexamples.



The major research findings of the present study can be summarized in thefollowing two aspects.First, the C-E CS in the program Business Etiquette is equipped with thefollowing linguistic characteristics. Firstly, the C-E CS can be categorized into threetypes,i.e. the intra-sentential CS, the inter-sentential CS and the repetitive CS. Thetotal number of the intra-sentential CS takes up the highest percentage and theinter-sentential CS comes next The repetitive CS ranks the third, covering a relativelysmaller proportion. Secondly, the instances of C-E CS exist in seven kinds oflinguistic units. They are letters, letter clusters,words,phrases,URLs, sentences anddiscourses. It is wordi mentioning that the total number of the C-E CS in the form ofwords is the highest. To be concrete, the switched words involve nouns,verbs,adjectives and initialisms. The nouns occupy the main position while the verbs ranksecond. The adjectives occur with a lower proportion and the initialisms take up thesmallest parts.
Reference (omitted)

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