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  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:197
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  • 论文编号:el201411281704496142
  • 日期:2014-11-27
  • 来源:上海论文网

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 The Background of the Study
With the gradual improvement of our country's economic system, increasingly closeinternational contacts, the importance of English teaching in secondary vocationalschools has gradually come out, more and more industries need talents that have differentlevels of English, many units take English proficiency as a condition of hiring talents.But in the recent enrollment of College Entrance Examination, students who register forvocational schools become fewer and fewer, and the quality of vocational students isdeclining, resulting in the difficulty of the English language teaching in secondaryvocational schools. Therefore, to strengthen the management of English teaching insecondary vocational schools, to change the traditional teaching model and to improvethe level and quality of English teaching is one of the important tasks that the currentsecondary vocational schools have to face.Under the new environment of curriculum reform deep-going, vocational Englishreform is imperative. I am an English teacher in a secondary vocational school inPitigdignshan, in the teaching process I have tried many kinds of teaching methods, Ihave also rethought the effect that achieved in English teaching, from the view of myschool and the secondary vocational schools of the surrounding counties, the effort ofsecondary vocational English teaching reform is weak, class is still boring, teachingmethods is generally unitary, and the effect is poor. The secondary vocational schoolstudents' English foundation is generally weak, individual students even can't writetwenty-six letter case completely. After talking with the teachers and the students ofvocational schools, I found that most of them are dissatisfied with their their presentsituation, a few teachers take it as a headache to teach English, some students sleep inclass, some talk with others, some play mobile phones,some even eat snacks in class,only a few students can concentrate on the teaching,so the teachers have to spend muchtime and energy in maintaining classroom discipline.

1.2 The Significance of the Present Study
Task-based teaching, we can also use the term “task of teaching", first and foremostit is a teaching method, but when we understand and discuss task-based teachingcompared with fixed classroom program, it can be understood as a teaching model, thisunderstanding does not conflict with the teaching method, but the perspective is different.Task-based teaching is a teaching method, to take specific tasks as motive power, thestudents complete the tasks in the process of learning process, and then this teachingmethod shows the outcome of the tasks to reflect the teaching success. Task-basedteaching conveys an idea, that is: the language is a tool, and it is used to express ideas, tocommunicate feelings and to solve problems. Rather than by mechanical form of training,we hope to reach the teaching effect by Language Acquisition, which is used in theachievement of the desired teaching effect. The purpose of language learning is not onlyto master the language knowledge and language skills training. More important it is to leam to use language to do things.

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Foreign Research Status and Development Trend
Task-based language teaching research began to be discussed in the 1980s, PrabhuBangalore in southern India conducted a strong communicative approach experiment(Bangalore Project), he made a number of task types, and designed learning content intoa variety of communicative tasks, so students can leam by completing the tasks. Prabhu(1987) defined tasks in his book Second Language Pedagogy. He believed that the task isan activity, through thinking the students can draw conclusions from the informationgiven in this activity, so that students are able to regulate their own thinking processes.This raised the concern of linguistics. Many linguists have invested in the study.With in-depth study, task-based language teaching method gradually became maturein theory in the 1990s. Candin and Bereen (1987) improved Prabhu's study, Candinregarded tasks as a series of activities of different levels and discrimination, suchactivities included issues (especially communication problems), which allows studentsand teachers through a variety of cognitive processes and communicative processes tofind solutions to problems, and the students can use old and new knowledge to exploreand achieve activities. objectives in the context of the creation activities. Long (1981,1992,1998) and Crookes (1992) believed that the task is a job for a particular purpose oractivity,in determining the teaching task, they are very stressed the importance ofanalysis, and they believed that the task should be closely related to daily life,due to thedesign task of teaching, the students need to know in real life what tasks they willencounter. Wills(1996) provided guidance on the operational level for teachers to carryout the task-based teaching and learning activities in the classroom, he pointed out theneed to comply with five principles of implementation of tasks, and divided task-basedteaching method into three stages: the pre-task, task ring and language focus.Skehan(1995, 1998) promoted a Cognitive Approach to Language Learning, which madetask-based language teaching a new development.

2.2 Domestic Research Status and Development Trend
In the late 1990s, task-based teaching method has been introduced into China whichattracts the attention of foreign language teaching research community. In China,task-based teaching method first appeared in Hong Kong, there is evidence to the test ofthe time in 1996 when Hong Kong Education Department established the Hong Kongprimary and secondary school English syllabus with task-oriented theory. Before 2001,some language experts in our country mainly introduce the latest research results offoreign task-based teaching method and theoretical basis, application principles,application process, teaching evaluation and summary and so on. After on the basis ofintroducing research achievements abroad, some English world experts in our countryalso do a lot of work constantly on the task-based teaching of Chinese localizationtransformation from theory to practice, to explore in depth the meaning and role oftask-based teaching of English teaching in our country. The main representative of theresults: Through to explore the early formation process of task-based teaching method,Professor Zhang Zhengdong of Southwest Normal University studied the characteristicsof task-based teaching method. He believed that the early formation of task-basedmethod based on the communicative concept of the communicative method. Heemphasized the communication concept, advocated learning through use.

Chapter 3 Related Theory and Research......... 9
3.1 Basic Concepts ........9
3.2 Theoretical Basis of Task-based Teaching Method ........9
3.3 Meaning and Characteristics of Task-based Teaching Method........ 11
3.4 Principles of Task-based Teaching Method........ 11
3.5 Procedures of Implementing the Task-based Teaching Method........ 13
3.5.1 Pre-Task ........13
3.5.2 Task Cycle ........15
3.5.3 Language Focus........15
Chapter 4 A Study of Task-Based Teaching Method Applied........17
4.1 Analysis of the Present Teaching Situation ........ 17
4.2 Teaching Problems Existing in Present Vocational Tourism ........ 18
4.3 The Reasons Analysis of the Problems Existing........19
4.4 Measures to Problems Existing in Vocational Tourism English Teaching........ 20

Chapter 6 Results and Discussion

6.1 The Written English Ability Results and Analysis
From table 6-1-2, one can see clearly that after the experiment, the average score ofthe experimental class is 9.4 higher than control class. Compared with the control class,23 students in experimental class pass the test, the pass ratio increased 25%, and theexcellence ratio is 15.6%.In summary, the results of the two tables list above reflect the following two pointsclearly: 1) There is no significant difference between the two classes in pre-test scores.2) There is significant difference between the two classes in post-test scores. So it can beconcluded that after implementing task-based teaching method for 12 weeks, students inexperimental class have made a big progress on their English competence, and the newtask-based teaching method is more effective than the traditional teaching paradigm.



This paper firstly introduces the background of current situation of English teachingof secondary vocational schools in Lushan, and then analyzes the reasons leading to thissituation in four respects as teachers, students and textbooks as well as teaching methods.According to the relative theories about the task-based teaching method, and incombination with characteristics of secondary vocational school students, the authorapplies task-based teaching method to English class. Based on the contrastive analysis onthe former test and the later test as well as the questionnaires, these results basicallyanswer the questions the author asked and achieve expected treatment benefits.Task-based teaching method completely eliminates the abnormal phenomena intraditional teaching as grammar teaching separating from practice, language formseparating from meaning, etc. There is self-examination or introspection in the learningprocess to furthest arouses students' learning motivation, to improve their ability to findand solve problems, and to cultivate their team spirit and sense of participation. Thestudents can develop their English competences and enjoy the success during the processof completing the tasks,as well as realize their full potential. The experiment shows thatthe task-based method is definitely a people-oriented, advanced and effective teachingapproach which embodies the language value. According to the applied research on theteaching method of task-based teaching at secondary vocational schools,the author getssome following implications and finds some limitations at the same time.#p#分页标题#e#
Reference (omitted)

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