

  • 论文价格:150
  • 用途: 硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:1
  • 论文字数:45255
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  • 日期:2023-01-25
  • 来源:上海论文网



1.1 An Introduction to Lorraine Hansberry and A Raisinin the Sun

Lorraine Hansberry(hereinafter referred as Hansberry),an American playwright,essayist,and activist,who made history as the first black woman to have a showproduced on Broadway,is best known as the author of A Raisin in the Sun thatensures a place for African American experience in American theatre.A Raisin in theSun,beat out Tennessee Williams and Eugene O’Neill to win the prestigious NewYork Drama Critics’Circle for the best play of the year.Hansberry was the firstAfrican American to win the distinguished Drama Desk Award.

Hansberry was born on May 19,1930,in Chicago,Illinois,the youngest of fourchildren.Her father was a successful real estate broker,Carl Augustus Hansberry,andher mother was a school teacher,named Nannie Louise Hansberry(nee Perry).Shewas raised in an atmosphere suffused with activism and intellectual rigor.Her uncle,William Leo Hansberry,founded the African Civilization section at the historydepartment of Howard University.Her cousin,Shauneille Perry,was one of the firstAfrican American women to direct off-Broadway.Besides,scholars like W.E.B.Dubois and Paul Robeson were close family friends,and they often visit Hansberry’s home.

In 1938,When Hansberry was eight years old,her family moved the entirefamily to a whites-only area in Chicago and was violently attacked by whiteneighbors.They refused to leave until a court ordered them to do so,and her fatherwon a landmark case against furious locals in the Supreme Court involving housingdiscrimination and the case made it to the Supreme Court as Hansberry v.Lee,rulingrestrictive covenants illegal.



3.1 Destruction of Natural Ecology

Natural ecology focuses on the study of the relatively independent natural world,which is in a fundamental position in the ecosystem.Given the richness of the contentof ecosystems,the ultimate goal of ecocriticism is to explore the relationship betweenhumans and nature and thus solve the problems between them.Ecological holism isan important theoretical foundation and premise of ecocriticism,which emphasizes aholistic view of harmony between man and nature.Leopold proposes that a thingshould“tends to preserve the integrity,stability,and beauty of the biotic community”(Leopold 262),showing that the harmony of the relationship between man and natureis the core of ecocriticism.Only when people maintain and protect the natural ecology,and properly perceive the relationship between people and the environment,can theyachieve the harmonious development of people and nature.

In the play,Hansberry bears witness to the destruction of the environment by industrialization,highlighting the impact on the ecology of the ghetto and theunbalanced relationship between people and the environment.Hence,this chapteraims to reveal Hansberry’s ecological awareness from the aspect of nature description,ecological crisis,and its consequence,which“reflects the relationship between humanand materials,and man and nature”(Lu,“Literature and Art”147),and explores therespect for the ecosystem in her creation,with a certain anti-anthropocentricconsciousness,advocating harmony between man and the environment.


5.1 Love for Nature

From the view of ecological holism,Leopold advocates for“[preserving]theintegrity,stability,and beauty of the biotic community”(Leopold 262).He isconvinced that the only way for humans to understand their proper role in the bioticcommunity is to have“an internal change in our intellectual emphasis,loyalties,affections,and convictions”(Leopold 246).Therefore,the following part intends toexemplify that all things in nature have their value and meaning and observes theharmonious relationship between man and nature resulting from understanding andlove.

5.1.1 Female characters’appreciation for nature

As the pioneer of the theory of ecological holism,Leopold argues that in order tolive with nature in the long term,there is an urgent need for humans to replaceeconomic benefits with ecological benefits as the dominant factor in measuring socialdevelopment.So what should the public do to preserve the healthy biotic community?The land ethic,“an ethical obligation on the part of the private owner is the onlyvisible remedy for these situations”(Leopold 251),which is an ethical approach toreestablishing the relationship between humans and nature,which emphasizes respectfor each member of the ecological community,a perspective that breaks with thelong-held anthropocentric view.

5.2 Yearning for Harmonious Society

Social ecology promotes harmony between people.The idea of ecological holismpresented in Hansberry’s work is as much about valuing the natural ecologicalenvironment as it is about equality,justice,and fairness in the human social sphere.It is not only necessary for human beings to maintain a harmonious relationship with nature,but also between human beings,so as to facilitate the development of society.As Wang Nuo notes,humankind needs to transcend not only extreme individualism,beyond sexism,nationalism,and statism,to contribute to the well-being of the wholeworld;it also needs to transcend anthropocentrism to contribute to the balance,harmony,stability,and perpetuation of the entire ecosystem(“Ecologism”51).


5.2.1 Advocacy for equal social conditions

Lorraine Hansberry’s A Raisin in the Sun is a play that examines the problems ofinequality in America through an African-American family and history.The unfairtreatment of the experiences of two generations of the Younger family in Chicagoduring the 1920s and 1950s is a microcosm of society,and the changes in the plot ofthe play are a profound reflection of social reality.Hansberry recognizes the toll thatunfair treatment takes on the lives of black people and calls for action against barriersof race,color,and class to create a society where there is no more friction and wherethey can live in peace with their white counterparts.


A Raisin in the Sun is a play about a working-class,impoverishedAfrican-American family,the Youngers,who live as immigrants on the South Side ofChicago in the mid-twentieth century.Hansberry is a playwright with an ecologicalconsciousness.Based on the social background of the time and her personal lifeexperience,she extends the scope of ecological thought from nature to the wholeecosystem through her observation and depiction of the relationship between thecharacters,provoking people to think about the three dimensions of nature,society,and spirituality.

In terms of natural ecology,she stresses the relationship between humans andnature,emphasizing the intrinsic value of nature,opposing anthropocentrism,andespousing the concept of ecological holism.By describing the degrading urbanenvironment and living conditions,the playwright,on the one hand,expresses herconcern about ecological problems and the unbalanced relationship between man andnature.On the other hand,through the embrace and praise of nature by the male andfemale characters,she not only expresses her vision of ecological holism,but alsofurther affirms the healing effect of nature on the human physical and mental aspects.








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