

  • 论文价格:150
  • 用途: 硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:1
  • 论文字数:45622
  • 论文编号:
  • 日期:2022-12-24
  • 来源:上海论文网


Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Research Background

In the context of globalization, China has rolled out a new round of curriculum reform to cope with the rapid development of society and cultivate internationally competitive talents who can adapt to the fast-changing society. As one of the results of the curriculum reform, the General Senior High School English Curriculum Standards (2017), which is abbreviated as GSHSECS in the present study, suggests promoting the development of students’ English subject core competence during compulsory education. It advocates developing students’ language skills and learning ability, culture awareness, and thinking ability. To develop students’ core competence, GSHSECS advocates the activity-based approach integrated with six elements. GSHSECS[1]suggests that English learning activities are the basic form of English learning. It is also the primary way for learners to learn to use language to understand others, express their own opinions, develop diverse thinking abilities, and cultivate culture awareness. The activity-based approach is the leading way to achieving the curriculum goals. Therefore, teachers should actively study the GSHSECS to reflect on and improve their teaching. Moreover, teachers should adopt the activity-based approach to promote the development of students’ English core competence and foster their virtues through education.

Chapter 3 Methodology

3.1 Research Questions

To dig out the implementation situation of the activity-based approach in reading instructions and the factors affecting the implementation of the activity-based approach, the present study mainly focuses on the following research questions:

(1) What are high school English teachers’ understanding and attitudes towards the activity-based approach? 

(2) What is the implementation situation of the activity-based approach in senior high school teachers’ reading instructions?

(3) What’s the difference in the implementation of the activity-based approach between different groups of teachers?

(4) What are the main factors affecting the implementation of the activity-based approach in reading instructions?

Chapter 4 Results and Discussion

4.1 Teachers’ Understanding and Attitudes to Activity-based Approach

Items 1-6 and item 6-9 of the present study are respectively about teachers’ understanding and attitudes towards the activity-based approach. Question 2 in the teachers’ interview was designed to further survey teachers’ understanding of the activity-based approach. Question 3 was used to elicit teachers’ attitudes to the activity-based approach. Data collected from these two channels were combined to analyze teachers’ understanding and attitudes toward the activity-based approach. The results would be presented and discussed in the following part. 

4.1.1 Results and Discussion of Teachers’ Understanding

To know teachers’ understanding of the activity-based approach and teachers’ attitudes towards the activity-based approach, nine items were designed. Items from 1 to 6 are about teachers’ understanding of the activity-based approach. 


4.2 The Implementation Situation of the Activity-based Approach

Data collected from questionnaires and classroom observation would be analyzed to explore the implementation situation of the activity-based approach in reading instructions. The results were unfolded from the following aspects: teaching objectives learning activities, teaching content and teaching assessment in reading instructions.

4.2.1 Results and Discussion of Teaching Objectives

The activity-based approach is the primary way to achieving the goal of cultivating students’ core competence. Therefore, whether the teaching objectives of reading instructions can reflect the four elements of subject core competence to some extent determines the implementation situation of the activity-based approach in reading instructions. A means language competence. B represents cultural awareness. C means learning capacity. D is on behalf of thinking ability.


Chapter 5 Conclusion

5.1 Major Findings

According to the present study, a majority of high school English teachers claimed that they had known something about the activity-based approach. A large part of teachers knew about the three kinds of activities but they didn’t know the concrete meaning of activity-based approach. The result indicates that most of them have not formed a deep understanding of the activity-based approach, and some of the teachers understand it out of their own experience instead of systematic learning. Nevertheless, a large part of teachers’ attitudes toward the activity-based approach are optimistic. Most of high school English teachers involved in this survey have shown that the activity-based approach is helpful for cultivating English subject core competence. And many teachers claims that they have begun to implement the activity-based approach in their reading instructions. The result shows that many factors will affect the implementation of activity-based approach. These factors include teachers’ insufficient knowledge about the activity-based approach, traditional teaching views, quality of teaching materials, scores-oriented evaluation system, traditional class teaching system.

As for the implementation of activity-based approach, a large part of the teachers have tried to combine the activity-based approach with their reading instructions and they are able to implement the six elements-integrated reading instructions. However, the practice of activity-based approach in reading instructions is not optimistic. In terms of teaching objectives, a majority of teachers pay much attention to language ability, but they have ignored the cultivation of cultural awareness, thinking quality and learning ability in reading instructions. As for the implementation of learning activities, most of teachers do better in activities of learning and understanding but they have ignored activities of application and practice, transformation and creation. Moreover, the application and practice activities implemented by teachers are single and test-oriented. As for the teaching content of six elements, quite a few teachers are able to teach language knowledge based on specific discourse. But they still need to improve the exploration of thematic meaning, knowledge of culture and learning strategies. In the aspect of evaluation, the role of students in evaluation is underestimated and the standard of evaluation in reading instructions cannot be around English subject core competence. 








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