

  • 论文价格:150
  • 用途: 硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:1
  • 论文字数:32566
  • 论文编号:
  • 日期:2022-09-11
  • 来源:上海论文网


Chapter One Task Description

1.2 Task Features

In a nutshell,escort interpretation of museums has threecharacteristics.Firstly,it covers a wide range of areas.It goes withoutsaying that museum exhibitions,showing what was like thousands ofyears ago,cover almost everything of human in daily life.What’s more,museum interpretation often involves many technical terms,amongwhich most of them are archaeological and historical vocabulary,such asthe names of ancient artifacts,material,craftsmanship,texture,dynasty,etc.

Large cultural span between the East and the West is anotherdifficulty that confuses the author.To present Chinese cultural elementsin a way that can be understood and accepted by English native speakers,a qualified interpreter needs to handle the text to retain the originalnational and cultural characteristics,and then convey it to them.Finally,as a public place,museum has culturally,intellectually and age-diverseaudience.In dealing with the translation of professional vocabulary,interpreters should focus on the popular expression,and strive toaccurately interpret the information of the exhibits and the rich culturaland historical connotations carried by them.


Chapter Three Theoretical Basis

3.1 The Triangular Model of the Interpretive Theory

The theory of interpretation was established in the 1970s by aFrench translator.At that time,a common view was that interpretationwas simply a linguistic activity,that is,one language was simplytranscribed into another language.However,Seleskovitch(1987)thoughtof translation as a triangular process:from one language to sense andfrom sense to the other language.She coined the name the InterpretiveTheory and brought the translation process into the broad field ofcognitive research.

Jean Herbert for the first time divides the process of interpretationinto three stages:comprehension,conversion and expression.However,he mainly discusses the process of interpretation from the aspects oflanguage conversion and interpretation skills,without mentioning thepsychological process of interpreters.Julius Wirl points out that theessence of translation is the separation of meaning from language form,that is,“deverbalization.”And Seleskovitch(1982)holds the view thatbetween the comprehension and expression stages,there is also animperceptible stage during which language and sense separates from eachother.Seleskovitch(1978)divides the interpretation process into threesteps:comprehension,deverbalization and reformulation of the targetlanguage.She also points out that this is not a linear transformationprocess,but a triangular transformation process.

Chapter Four Case Study

4.1 Reasons for Information Loss

Escort Interpreting is a complex cognitive and linguistic activity,which has something to do with a lot of aspects,such as linguistic aspect,cognitive aspect and social and cultural aspects.Because of multi-taskingand too many culture-loaded words,information loss happens frequently,even inevitably.the author has summarized some factors contributing toinformation loss.

Our world is getting closer to become a global community whereindividuals frequently interact and communicate with other people whohave totally different cultural backgrounds.Intercultural communicationis one of the highly demanded skills in today’s society.The basicdefinitions of Intercultural communication is the process of exchangingideas,feelings and information between the sender and the receiver.Intercultural communication occurs when the sender and receiver comefrom different cultures.Therefore,cultural diversity is one of the reasonsfor intercultural communication barriers.The way people communicatevaries within different cultures and usually have their own specificmeanings.

4.2 Coping Tactics for Information Loss in EscortInterpreting

The Interpretive Theory of“the mode of interpretation”includesthree stages of comprehension-deverbalization-reformulation.In thischapter,the author analyzes the problem of information loss in a detailedmanner with typical examples presented as follows and put forwardfeasible solutions guided by the Interpretive Theory.

4.2.1 Guessing

Although the source language is Chinese,sometimes the speakerspeaks too fast for the author to hear the content of his speech,resultingin the loss of information in this part of the interpretation.According toInterpretation Theory,interpretation is not the language form of thesource language,but its essence meaning.In the process of interpretation,due to emotional tension,the author tends to have a loss of informationbecause of poor comprehension.In post-interpretation,the author adoptsthe method of guessing to supplement the missing information bycontacting the context(Qiu Yan,2016).In the stage of post-translationarrangement,in order to avoid the quality of the translation being reduceddue to the author’s blind guess in subjective consciousness,the authorre-analyzed the text based on the source language.The author thinks it isreasonable to guess the missing part,which can ensure the audience’scorrect understanding of the source information.

Example 1:

Original Text:甜白釉是明代永乐窑烧制的一种白釉,16世纪前我国是没有白糖的,都是黑糖或者红糖,白糖的出现使人们对永乐白瓷有了一个新的认识,就是说像白糖,而且有一种内心的感受-甜,从那时候开始才叫甜白釉。


Target Text:It is a kind of things,glaze,created in the Ming Dynasty.Before the 16th century,there was no white sugar in China.It was allblack sugar or red sugar.The white sugar made people have a newunderstanding of Yongle white porcelain,that is to say,it looks like whitesugar and is sweet.From then on,it is called…….

Chapter Five Conclusion

5.1 Summary

In the practice of consecutive interpreting of Chinese-English,information loss is inevitable and very common.The author finds thatthere are some factors causing information missing and affecting thequality of the interpretation.The first factor is high density of informationin the source text.Intercultural communicative barriers also causeinformation loss because there are so many culturally-loaded words inthis travel.

In order to eliminate that,this report analyses the issue ofinformation loss in escort interpretation on the basis of InterpretationTheory.The theory focuses on meanings,not words.And the core of it isthe triangular model,which redefines the translation steps as“comprehension—deverbalization—reformulation”.Since the goal ofinterpretation is to convey communicative meaning,then the first thing aninterpreter should do is to fully understand the message that the originaltext is intended to convey.So,when someone fails to comprehend thesource text,the strategy of guessing can be used to solve the problem ofinformation loss.Besides,an important principle of the interpretiveTheory is to detach from the source language shell and directly find itstrue meaning.Therefore,to ensure integrity and consistency of sentences,amplification and paraphrase are good ways of getting rid of the literalform and expressing true meanings.








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