

  • 论文价格:150
  • 用途: 硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:1
  • 论文字数:39899
  • 论文编号:
  • 日期:2022-08-15
  • 来源:上海论文网


Chapter1 Introduction

1.3 Research Significance

1.3.1 Theoretical Significance

Reading is an important activity in human daily learning and life. It is a valuableway for human beings to gain experience and increase knowledge by analyzing visualreading activities, and it is a direct and effective way to explore the cognitivecharacteristics of reading by analyzing the eye movement trajectory. This studyexplores the eye movement differences of the NNCSCS in reading different Englishgenres, hoping to supplement the existing theories on different genres of reading, it isof particular psychological value to expand the research on English reading in the fieldof psychology, and to further explore and analyze the characteristics of individualinformation processing in English reading, it will accumulate valuable materials for thestudy of eye movement model of English reading and provide valuable theoreticalguidance for college students’ English learning and teaching. According to the data ofeye movement in English reading, it can also analyze the eye movement trajectory and various eye movement data in English reading, so as to provide scientific theoreticalbasis and guidance for better bilingual education and teaching.


Chapter3 Research Methodology

3.1 Research Subjects

This experiment selects first-year undergraduate non-native Chinese-speakingcollege students at Northwest Minzu University as the research subject. After fullyconsidering the subjects’ English learning conditions, the subjects were selected for thepre-experimental test, and twelve students were selected based on the scores of acertain reading test in the PETS first-level mock test questions. All of the subjectschoose non-English majors and the NNCSCS, because they receive less professionalEnglish training and are closer to natural learning. A total of 12 subjects were tested,and the invalid data of 3 subjects were excluded, and the experimental results of thefinal experiment were based on the experimental data of 9 subjects. All subjects hadnormal or corrected visual acuity, naked visual acuity or corrected visual acuity isabove 1.0, no dyslexia, and no subject knew the purpose of the experiment. Aftercompleting the experiment, the subjects received a few reward.


Chapter 5 Analysis and Discussion

5.1 Analysis of Reading Indexes in Different Reading Genres

5.1.1 Differences in Reading Scores and Analysis of the Reasons

From the perspective of reading scores, there are significant differences in readingscores of the NNCSCS when they read the same English genre, which reflects theseriousness and carefulness while processing in the experimental research of thestudents, which is in line with their actual English reading level. Among them, thedifferences between narrative and expository essays are the most significant, whichmeans that the NNCSCS have the best grasp of narrative essays, followed byargumentative and expository essays.

Reason analysis: In terms of the different genres, the NNCSCS perform the best innarrative essays, which may be related to the language characteristics of narrativeessays. Narrative essays generally describe social phenomena or social issues, andthese genres of essays are usually mainly descriptions. Based on the factual description,the structure of the essay is clear, students are easy to grasp the point of view andfactual basis, and the central idea of the article itself is relatively clear, so it is easier tograsp. The NNCSCS have the worst performance on expository essays, which meansthat expository essays are indeed a difficult genre of writing. Expository andargumentative essays are based on a certain point of view, a topic, and some people’sthoughts on this topic. The repeated argumentation will increase the frequency of newwords, and it is difficult for students to straighten out the thematic context and centralidea of the essay and the author’s point of view. At the same time, expository essayshave higher requirements on students’ logical reasoning ability, so when answeringquestions there are discrepancies. This is also related to the less application ofexpository essays in daily life.

5.2 Analysis of Eye Movement Indexes in Different Reading Genres

5.2.1 Differences in Fixation Counts and Analysis of the Reasons

From the point of view of fixation counts, there are significant differences infixation counts no matter whether students with different abilities read the same genreor students with the same reading scores read different genres. And according to themean of fixation counts, low-score students have more fixation counts than high-scorestudents.

Reason analysis: The number of fixation counts in narrative texts is less than thatin expository essays, which is because the fixation counts is related to the ability tosuppress interference of irrelevant information. Due to the clear structure and contextof narrative essays, students can effectively suppress the processing and processing ofirrelevant information when reading narrative essays. However, the arguments ofexpository essays are not so clear, and students cannot effectively distinguish andsuppress the processing of irrelevant interfering information, resulting in low searchefficiency and cognitive processing heavy workload. Subjects with high reading scoreshave less fixation counts than subjects with low reading scores. This may be becausestudents with high reading scores have a rich vocabulary, a solid grasp of Englishgrammatical structure, a good overall understanding of the essay, and can effectivelysuppress the processing of irrelevant information, so they pay less attention to the essay.Thus, less fixation counts is paid to the essay of the reading. This is similar to thefixation counts proposed by Yan Guoli in 2000, which to a certain extent represents theindividual’s reading efficiency. The more the number of fixations, the longer thereading time, and the lower the reading efficiency; This is also consistent with theconclusion that Bai Liu’s 2014 study concluded that the fixation counts is a measure ofindividual reading proficiency. Low-score students get less information about the essayduring each fixation than high-score students, and they use certain words lessfrequently in the reading process. Therefore, they need to increase the fixation countsto construct the meaning of the words. And low-score students should increase thefixation counts to get the same text information as high-score students.

Chapter 6 Conclusion

6.1 Conclusions Based on Reading Indexes

1. There is significant difference in reading scores in terms of genre. In terms ofreading scores, Non-native Chinese-speaking College Students perform best in readingnarrative essays, followed by argumentative essays, and the worst in expository essays.And no matter if the score is high or low, the subjects get the highest score on narrativeessays and the lowest score on expository essays. The average scores of low-scorestudents in all three genres were lower than those of high-score students.

2. There is significant difference in reading times in terms of genre. In terms ofreading times, Non-native Chinese-speaking College Students spend more time inreading argumentative essays than expository and narrative essays. And low-scorestudents spend the least time on narrative essays, and high-score students spend theleast time on expository essays.








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