Chapter One Introduction
1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study
No matter what language it is, it takes a lot of reading to master it systematically.Anyone with a good command of English must have done amount of extracurricularEnglish reading. According to the new curriculum standards, students are required toread more than 200000 words of English from senior high school. Thus, English readingis a top priority for senior high school. It also acknowledges the differences amongpupils and asserts stratified education for all students. As one of the important ways ofsenior high school students' autonomous learning, extracurricular English reading notonly reflects the requirements of the new curriculum concept and training program, butalso has been widely recognized for its authenticity and effectiveness in improvingEnglish comprehensive proficiency. The implementation of English reading activitiesaffects teachers’ teaching and students’ self-study to a great extent. Though teachers andstudents have improved their recolonization, the implementation of extracurricularreading is not effective, which makes extracurricular English reading a mere formalityand fails to fully realize its value. Hence, the purpose of this study is to improvestudents’ comprehensive English reading ability by exploring the current situation,finding problems and putting forward measures.
Chapter Three Methodology
3.1 Research Questions
The study’s intention is to investigate the current situation, find problems, proposea solution and provide valid guidance for teachers and students. Specifically speaking, itmainly studies the following two questions:
(1) What are first year senior high school students’ attitudes towardsextracurricular English reading?
(2) What is current situation of first year senior high school students’extracurricular English reading, and what are the prominent problems related(such asreading materials, reading time, reading methods and teacher’s guidance)?
Chapter Four Results and Discussion
4.1 Attitude and Understanding of Extracurricular English Reading ofFirst year senior high school Students
This part discusses students’ attitude towards extracurricular English readingcombining the questionnaires and interviews with students and teachers.
In line with the results of the survey, about 75% of the students think that theirEnglish proficiency is in a middle or lower position, so the respondents arerepresentative. In the meantime, 22.87% of the students think that their Englishfoundation is common, which shows that almost 80% of the students are extremelyurgent to improve their English foundation. The English proficiency of first year seniorhigh school students is generally average and needs to be improved urgently, which isclosely related to their reading experience, vocabulary and grammar knowledge.
4.2 Current Situation of First Year senior high school Students’Extracurricular English Reading and the prominent problemsrelated
4.2.1 Reading Materials
This part discusses the main sources of materials for first year senior high schoolstudents’ extracurricular reading.
According to the survey results, supporting reading materials and simple readingbooks are the most widely reading types, accounting for 48.4% and 39.89% in the totalproportion, followed by reading problem sets, accounting for 30.85%, English newsand the magazines, accounting for 26.59%, other English textbooks, accounting for 25%,and those who have not read anything, accounting for 12.76%. In addition, the mainways for students to obtain reading materials are recommended by classmates, friendsor teachers and they buy them from the bookstore frequently, while libraries do notmake much use of them. On the other hand, different students have different standardsand requirements in choosing reading materials. Generally speaking, the most popularEnglish reading materials are humor and animation, accounting for 69.68%, followedby biography, accounting for 43. 08%, fairy tales 37.76%, popular science 30.85%,followed by historical geography, accounts for only 20.21%. But the heavy academicload and tight study schedule have taken a toll on them, so reading material that willmake them feel fun and relaxed should also be considered. As can be seen from theresults, most of the reading materials are related to the teaching textbooks, which arerelatively simple and difficult to expand their vocabulary.
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Major Findings of the Research
The first research question is about the attitude and understanding of first year seniorhigh school students in extracurricular English reading.
With regard to reading attitude, most students have certain interests inextracurricular reading. Most of them have a strong desire to do some extracurricularreading and clear cognitive ability. However, it is inevitable that there a smallproportion of students who passively complete the teacher’s requirements and are notfully engaged in extracurricular English reading. As we can see from the survey, atpresent, the motivation for first year senior high school students to do extracurricularEnglish reading is to expand their knowledge or improve their English proficiency,followed by learning interests. Thus, we can know that first year senior high schoolstudents still have a strong desire for knowledge and take the initiative to improve theirreading ability. Students who choose to deal with the examination for extracurricularreading accounts for 42%, which also indicates that some students are passive, which isa burden under the exam-oriented education, but we can still feel that students are atleast semi-autonomous. In terms of teachers, restricted by the limitation of teachingtime and the complexity of teaching objects, teachers do not play a significant role inEnglish reading of first year senior high school students.