

  • 论文价格:150
  • 用途: 硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:1
  • 论文字数:48566
  • 论文编号:
  • 日期:2022-05-31
  • 来源:上海论文网



1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Research

Under the current situation of high school English writing teaching, this researchaims to explore how to apply scaffolding theory to English writing teaching.Scaffolding teaching is based on a learner-centered teaching method with the goal ofcultivating students’ problem-solving ability and autonomous learning ability. Duringthe teaching process, teachers will build various scaffolds for students according totheir specific learning needs, and provide guidance and assistance when appropriate.Then, the teacher slowly removes the scaffolds of learning and makes studentsexplore and complete the learning content independently so as to improve theirlearning ability.

By exploring the application of scaffolding theory to English writing teaching inhigh school and combining the relevant findings in the research, it provides someenlightenment and suggestions for the research of scaffolding theory in Englishteaching. Specifically, the significance of this research is as follows.

First of all, this research has theoretical significance. Scaffolding is described asa means to develop students’ knowledge and skills. Although scaffolding instructionhas been initially applied in many aspects of English teaching such as speaking,vocabulary, listening, grammar, and reading, there are few studies on the applicationof scaffolding teaching theory to English writing teaching in high schools. Therefore,the conduct of this research has great significance. Based on literature review andteaching practice, this research applies scaffolding instruction theory to Englishwriting in high school. After that, the research data obtained is used to master thecurrent situation of high school students’ English writing and analyzed the effect ofthe application. Meanwhile, there is a certain theoretical reference value for theselection and adoption of English writing teaching strategies.


3.1 Research Questions

This study aims to explore how to apply scaffolding theory to English writingteaching based on the current teaching situation. By analyzing the current situation ofEnglish writing in high school with questionnaires and interviews, studying thetheoretical foundation of scaffolding teaching and carrying out the teachingexperiment, the research intends to explore the following questions:

1. How to build scaffolding in English writing teaching in high school?

2. Whether the English writing teaching guided by scaffolding theory canimprove high school students’ writing ability?


5.1 Analysis of the Results of Tests

The composition topics of the pretest and post-test are all selected from theEnglish compositions of the National College Entrance Examination English testpapers with a total score of 25 points. The grading of the composition is based on thescoring standard of the English composition of the National College EntranceExamination. In order to ensure the fairness, the test scores are given by twoexperienced teachers of Grade Three and the mean score is calculated as the finalscore. The statistical software SPSS21.0 is used to analyze the pretest and post-testdata. The main contents of the assessment items are shown in Table 2.


5.2 Analysis of the Results of Questionnaires

As mentioned in Chapter Three, there are questionnaires for teachers andstudents respectively at the early stage of the experiment. The questionnaires are usedto investigate students’ writing status and teachers’ teaching status, which aims toknow the status of English writing teaching in the high school. Also, at the end of theexperiment, there are questionnaires for students from the experimental class aimingto know the impacts of scaffolding teaching on students’ writing. Results and analysisof questionnaires will be presented in detail.

5.2.1 Analysis of the results of teachers’ questionnaires

The data was analyzed with statistical software SPSS21.0, which was also usedto test the reliability and validity of the data. The result shows that the reliability valueis 0.896 (Appendix N) .


Table 11 shows the status quo of writing teaching. It can be seen that the meanvalues from Q1 to Q4 are all greater than 3, and around 4. Among them, the meanvalues of Q2 and Q3 are greater than 4. The data reflects that teachers pay closeattention to the content of the national English curriculum standards and the Englishsyllabus for college entrance examination, indicating that teachers timely update theirideas and dynamics of English teaching. Also, it is found that the majority of teachersbelieve that they need to improve students’ interest in learning English, and theirteaching methods need to be improved as well. In general, there are some problemsexisting in current English writing teaching, which are urgent to be improved.


6.1 Summary

According to the current situation of English writing teaching, the research aimsto explore how to apply scaffolding theory to English writing teaching in high school.Based on scaffolding theory, the research concentrates on how to build scaffolds forstudents at each writing stage with a teaching experiment. Combined with the resultsof questionnaire surveys, interviews and teaching experiments, the major findings areas follows:

First, scaffolding that provides support such as language scaffolding, situationalscaffolding, positive psychological scaffolding, interactive scaffolding and evaluationscaffolding can be offered to help students in English writing teaching. All these kindsof scaffolding play an active role in the students’ writing process. Only when teachersbuild rich and diverse learning scaffolds appropriately and timely, can they helpstudents achieve the goal of self-constructing the framework of knowledge (J. Li,2020). In the pre-writing stage, it is important to construct language scaffolding, suchas vocabulary scaffolding, sentence pattern scaffolding and discourse structurescaffolding. Because these scaffolds enable students to accumulate useful writingmaterials and they are conducive to making good use of vocabulary, sentence patternsand discourse structure. When introducing a writing topic, the situational scaffoldingprovides a good teaching situation and stimulates students’ learning enthusiasm. In thewriting stage, it is essential to provide positive psychological scaffolding for studentsbecause it can create a relaxed writing atmosphere and assist them with gainingconfidence in writing. After finishing writing their own essays, interactive scaffoldingis provided to have students shared their writing achievements, supported each otherand revised essays together. In the post-writing stage, students gradually know how toevaluate their essays with the aid of the evaluation scaffolding.








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