

  • 论文价格:150
  • 用途: 硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:1
  • 论文字数:28566
  • 论文编号:
  • 日期:2022-05-25
  • 来源:上海论文网



1.3 Research Significance

In this section, significance of this research is highlighted in both theoreticaland practical aspects.

The study of language learning strategies is a breakthrough in second languagelearning research field. Oxford (1990) attaches importance to the application oflanguage learning strategies and points out that these strategies can be instructed andtrained by teachers. Moreover, Gu and Johnson (1996) testifies that learners areeffected by learning strategies variously in the vocabulary learning process. Wen(1996) establishes the English learning strategy theory, it is also the first theorysystem about English language learning strategies in China. Above all, the researchon language learning strategies application is meaningful since it can offer implications and suggestions for English pedagogical progress in junior highschools.

The research on the application of vocabulary learning strategies is full ofpractical significance. Mastering a word includes not only remembering thephonological forms and matching meaning, but also using the word in a realisticsituation. In fact, plenty of Chinese students, especially the young, have trouble inlearning English, especially in learning English vocabulary. Teachers make greatefforts in teaching, and give students much homework to consolidate the classlearning. However, the progress is slow. Maybe there is a reason that students do notknow what vocabulary learning strategies is and they do not know how to use thesestrategies. At the same time, teachers do not offer enough guides about these usefulstrategies or learning methods. Therefore, it is urgent to change this situation. Theauthor conducts the research to have a detailed investigation about the usage ofvocabulary learning strategies for students in a junior high school. This researchhopes to offer some suggestions for vocabulary learning and language learningstrategies training in junior high schools.


3.1 Research Questions

Based on the relevant research in this study, we can clearly learn that if studentsuse vocabulary learning strategies effectively, they will improve their learningefficiency and lay a solid foundation for cultivating their comprehensive languageapplication such as the ability of speaking, the ability of listening, the ability ofwriting, the ability of reading. In this case, as a teacher in junior high school, wehope to understand whether our students use strategies, how many strategies ourstudents use in English vocabulary learning and whether it is effective to usestrategies. If we can understand the situation of students, it can help us to carry outmore targeted teaching practice activities.

Junior high school students’ English vocabulary learning strategies will beinvestigated in this paper, the following questions will be answered one by one.1.What is the use of vocabulary learning strategies for all junior high school students?2.What is the use of vocabulary learning strategies for students in different grades?3.What is the use of vocabulary learning strategies for students in high and low scoregroups?


4.1 Results and Discussion of English Vocabulary Learning Concepts


we must first understand learners' learning concepts if we want to study the useof learning strategies. "The idea or strategy of isolated research can not reflect thelearner's learning situation completely, and the concept affects the learner's choiceand use of learning strategy ." (Wen ,1996) Therefore, the first question I want to investigate in this study is the English vocabulary learning concepts of junior highschool students.

In three vocabulary learning concepts, the average value is more than 3, andstudents’ acceptance level is repetitive memory > context > practical application.The specific acceptance levels of junior high school students to three vocabularylearning concepts are: repetitive memory (M=3.30), context (M=3.21) and practicalapplication (M=3.10).

4.2 Results and Discussion of the Use of English Vocabulary LearningStrategies for All Junior High School Students


This survey classifies vocabulary learning strategies into three categories: thefirst is cognitive strategies, the second is meta-cognitive strategies , the last is socialaffective strategies. The frequency of the three vocabulary learning strategies is lessthan 3 except for the use of cognitive strategies (M=3.12), and the other twostrategies are: social affective strategies (M=2.78) and meta-cognitive strategies(M=2.63).

The three types of vocabulary learning strategies contain several specificstrategies, and the results of their use are as follows:

The use of meta-cognitive strategies is as follow: three specific strategies inmeta-cognitive strategies are investigated: self-management, planning andself-evaluation. The application level of the three strategies is low than 3, which are:planning (M=2.65), self-management (M=2.31), self-evaluation (M=2.92).

The use of cognitive strategies: eight cognitive strategies are investigated in thepaper, they are extensive reading, context, repetitive memory, guessing,classification, looking up in a dictionary, doing exercises, and connecting. The usingfrequency of five cognitive strategies is more than three, They are repetitive memory(M=3.72), guessing (M=3.12), classification (M=3.25), looking up in adictionary(M=3.46), doing exercises (M=3.85). The using frequency of other threecognitive strategies is less than 3, they are context (M=2.69), extensive reading(M=2.33), and connecting (M=2.56).


5.1 Major Findings

In this survey, the use of vocabulary learning strategies for junior high schoolstudents is analyzed and discussed. After that, the author draws the followingconclusions.

The idea that words need to be memorized repeatedly is accepted by mostjunior high school students. They also accept the concept that learning words byusing and guessing words from context. The concept of vocabulary learning variesfrom grade to grade: students in seventh grade only accepts the idea of rotememorization to learn words, three concepts are generally accepted by students ineighth and ninth grade. High and low score group students have many differences invocabulary learning concepts, the two concepts are completely different. Students inlow score group generally accept the concept of rote memorization, but they rarelylearn English vocabulary in practical use and context. On the contrary, students inhigh score group rarely use repetitive memory and they are tend to learn Englishvocabulary in practical use and context.

Junior high school students generally use English vocabulary learning strategiesat a low level: they lack the awareness and ability to use meta-cognitive strategiesand social affective strategies, so they hardly use these strategies during vocabularylearning. Junior high school students generally use some cognitive strategies to learnvocabulary, but the use of cognitive strategies (such as context strategies, extensivereading strategies and contact strategies, etc.) is not common.

Junior high school students in different grades have different levels of Englishvocabulary learning strategies: students in seventh grade have the lowest level of vocabulary learning strategies, three strategies are not generally used as a whole, andonly cognitive strategies are generally used by students in the eighth and ninthgrades. In terms of specific strategies, all social affective strategies andmeta-cognitive strategies used except for planning strategy in ninth grade ; "repetitive memory strategy "," look up dictionaries strategy "and" do exercisesstrategy "are generally used by students in the three grades; and" classificationstrategy "is commonly used in seventh and eighth grades. "guessing strategy" iscommonly used in ninth grade, while "context strategy" is generally used only inninth grade.








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