

  • 论文价格:150
  • 用途: 硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:1
  • 论文字数:41525
  • 论文编号:
  • 日期:2022-05-18
  • 来源:上海论文网


Chapter OneIntroduction

1.3 Data and Research Methods

1.3.1 As far as the research data are concerned, tiger metaphor , namely thosefour-character Chinese idioms related to tiger will be collected from (1)someauthoritative Chinese dictionaries, including 《汉语成语大辞典》,《通用惯用语词典》, and《现代汉语词典》. In total , there are 216 of them, characteristic ones of whichwill be picked out and be analyzed for the thesis.

1.3.2 Research Methods

In the thesis, some common analysis methods will be used ,including qualitativeand quantitative analysis, descriptive and theoretical analysis and literature reading.


Chapter ThreeTheoretical Foundation

3.1 The Theory of Cultural Linguistics

The theory of conceptual metaphor can contribute to the grounding ,formation andmeaning construction of metaphors. And it is also recognized that culture and languageare intertwined ,meaning they can influence each other.But what is missing is that thetheory only deals with metaphorical meaning and doesn’t clearly distinguish betweenliteral and metaphorical meaning while outline the evolution of metaphoricalmeaning.And also it doesn’t cover cultural decoding behind metaphoricalexpressions.With the increasing deepening of cross-cultural interaction, what is neededis to convey original meaning of metaphorical expressions and outline the evolution ofmetaphorical meanings.So it is natural for the theory of cultural linguistics to come intobeing.

The book, Cultural linguistics -Cultural conceptualisations and language ,authoredby professor Farzard Sharifian from Monash University, as one of the series toinvestigate the relationship between culture,language and cognition aims at providinghigh-quality research on the relationship between language, culture, and cognition fromthe theoretical perspective of Cognitive Linguistics. It especially welcomes studies thattreat language as an integral part of culture and cognition, that enhance theunderstanding of culture and cognition through systematic analysis of language –qualitative and/or quantitative, synchronic and/or diachronic – and that demonstratehow language as a subsystem of culture transformatively interacts with cognition andhow cognition at a cultural level is manifested in language.


Chapter FourThe Analysis of Chinese Idioms Related to Tiger

4.1 Idioms Classification

Limited by the length of the thesis, the range of the idioms to be analyzed isrestrained to four-character Chinese idioms related to tiger.After a complete andthorough search of some important dictionaries and the Internet,216 Chinese idioms totiger will be used and some important ones will be picked out for the analysis. Usually,each of the idioms only refers to one aspect of people or things but there are four idiomsthat can be used to refer to two aspects. Those four idioms are 虎变不测,凤叹虎视 ,画虎类犬 and 虎墨沉香. And after references are made to some theses for master’sdegree, like DING Xiaohui(2007), LUXin(2014) and other people, those 197 idiomscan be classified as follows with Chinese pronunciation and Chinese translation coming next for the first 20 idioms of the idioms.

4.1.1 Human Behavior

The category contains 58 idioms, which are as follows:

狐假虎威 hu jia hu wei using power or status of some people to threaten others

马马虎虎 ma ma hu hu careless or making do with something

调虎离山 diao hu li shan luring the enemies or opponents down a certain place

为虎作伥 wei hu zuo chang help evil people

虎头蛇尾 hu tou she wei describing an anticlimax

龙腾虎跃 long teng hu yue being enthusiastic and head on in actions

敲山震虎 qiao shan zhen hu showing one's military strength and means of forcingothers into submission, to subdue the enemy without fighting

4.2 The Analysis by way of Cultural Schema

4.2.1 Classification of Cultural Schema

As is mentioned above that Nishida’s (1999) intercultural study is one of the first toinclude a typology of schemas that, by virtue of the author’s chosen approach, isculturally sensitive. Nishida distinguishes eight primary types of schemas for socialinteraction:

a. Fact-and-concept schemas: these are schemas that include factual informationsuch as “The capital of Australia is Canberra” and conceptual information such as “Aroom has walls”.

b. Person schemas: these are schemas that include knowledge about types ofpeople, including their personality traits, represented by sentences such as “John istaciturn”.

c. Self schemas: these are schemas that include knowledge about the social self andthe individual self.

d. Role schemas: these are schemas that include knowledge about achieved andascribed social roles and the expected behaviour associated with these roles.

e. Context schemas: these are schemas that include knowledge about situations andappropriate behaviour associated with them.

f. Procedure schemas: these are schemas that contain knowledge about theappropriate sequences of events in common situations.

g. Strategy schemas: these schemas include knowledge about problem-solvingstrategies.

h. Emotion schemas: these schemas contain information about affect andevaluation. Emotion schemas are in fact activated through their association with otherschemas.


6.1 Major Findings and Implications

6.1.1 Major Findings The Finding 1

By way of analysis of the idioms , it can be found that it is also important look atwhat is behind those idioms in terms of cultural schemas , cultural metaphors andcultural categories as well as analyze them by way of theory of conceptual metaphor.

In the idioms, they show our way of seeing animals, the world and everything init.Tiger is seen as quite important as a tool of conceptualization because primitivelytiger is seen as a totem and a god able to protect people.

Tiger can be seen as showing a feature of driving away evil spirits, and conveyingpositive, negative and neutral meaning.And when paired with dragon, the idiom mostlyconvey a positive meaning. The Finding 2

The theory of conceptual metaphor alone cannot provide an over-all analysis of theidioms as the conceptual metaphor actually doesn’t analyse idioms culturally andmostly covers the analysis of the process of mapping and formation on a micro-level,which will lead to the shallow understanding of the idioms and even misunderstandingin learning and use of Chinese when only the theory of conceptual metaphor is used astool of analysis and the theory of cultural linguistics can do what the theory ofconceptual metaphor cannot do.








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