

  • 论文价格:150
  • 用途: 硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:1
  • 论文字数:38856
  • 论文编号:
  • 日期:2022-04-21
  • 来源:上海论文网


Chapter One Introduction

1.3 Overall Structure of the Thesis

This  thesis  tried  to  apply  lexical  chunks  of  discourse  organization  to  English discourse  reading  teaching,  so  as  to  improve  senior  high  school  students’  English reading comprehension competence and reading strategies. This thesis is divided into five chapters, and the specific content is as follows.

The  first  chapter  gives  a  brief  description  of  the  research  background,  research purposes, research significance and the overall structure of the thesis.

The  second  chapter  describes  the  theory  of  lexical  chunks,  including  the definitions,  classifications  and  functions  of  lexical  chunks.  The  related  studies  at home and abroad are also presented. Besides, this section provides some theories that are relevant to the study.

The  third  chapter  presents  a  detailed  description  of  the  methodology  of  the research.  The  research  questions,  research  subjects  and  research  instruments  are described  in  detail.  In  addition,  the  process  of  data  collection  and  analysis  is  also presented.  

The  fourth  chapter  gives  a  comprehensive  description  of  the  results  and discussion.  It  includes  the  following  parts:  (1)  students’  use  of  lexical  chunks  of discourse organization  in English  discourse  reading;  (2)  effects  of the  application of lexical  chunks  of  discourse  organization  to  English  discourse  reading  teaching  on students’  reading  strategies;  (3)  effects  of  the  application  of  lexical  chunks  of discourse  organization  to  English  discourse  reading  teaching  on  students’  reading comprehension abilities.

Chapter Three Methodology

3.1 Research Questions

This  study  attempted  to  verify  the  effects  of  lexical  chunks  of  discourse organization on senior high school students’ English reading competence through the use  of  quantitative  and  qualitative  methods.  Here  are  three  questions  presented  as follows:

(1) Can senior high school  students know how to  understand English  discourse with the help of lexical chunks of discourse organization? 

(2)  What  is  the  effect  of  the  application  of  lexical  chunks  of  discourse organization  to  English  discourse  reading  teaching  on  senior  high  school  students’ reading strategies?

(3)  What  is  the  effect  of  the  application  of  lexical  chunks  of  discourse organization  to  English  discourse  reading  teaching  on  senior  high  school  students’ reading abilities?

Chapter Four Results and Discussion

4.1  Students’  Use  of  Lexical  Chunks  of  Discourse  Organization  in English Discourse Reading

Questionnaire  1  was  administered  in  the  experimental  class  in  order  to  explore senior high school students’ use of lexical chunks of discourse organization in English discourse reading. Before the teaching experiment, 49 questionnaires were distributed to the students, and the response rate was 100 percent. 

The  first  figure  shows  the  students’  knowing  lexical  chunks.  The  statistical results of the first item in the second part of Questionnaire 1 are as follows. 


From  Figure  4.1,  we can  see  that  69 percent  of all  49  students  investigated  did not know what lexical chunks were. 22 percent of the students knew lexical chunks a little and 5 percent of the students knew a lot about lexical chunks. Only 3 percent of them  could  understand  the  concept  of  lexical  chunks  and  explain  it  with  examples. Therefore,  from  this  figure  we  can  know  that  the  overwhelming  majority  of  the students  failed  to  have  a  good  understanding  of  lexical  chunks.  That  is  to  say,  most students did not have the awareness of lexical chunks.

4.2  Effects  of  the  Application  of  Lexical  Chunks  of  Discourse Organization  to  English  Discourse  Reading  Teaching  on  Students’ Reading Strategies

The  results  of  reading  strategy  items  in  Questionnaire  1  administered  in  the experimental class were analyzed to make a comparison with those in Questionnaire 2 administered in the same class. The reading strategy items in Questionnaire 1 are the same  as  those  in  Questionnaire  2.  The  results  were  discussed  to  show  whether  the students’ reading strategies improved  after lexical chunks of discourse organization were applied to discourse reading teaching. 

Before  the  teaching  experiment,  49  questionnaires  were  distributed  to  the students  in  the  experimental  class,  and  the  response  rate  was  100  percent.  All  the results are presented as follows.


Chapter Five Conclusion

5.1 Major Findings

This  study  attempted  to  explore  the  effects  of  lexical  chunks  of  discourse organization  on  English  written  discourse  comprehension  of  senior  high  school students.  In  order  to  answer  the  three  research  questions  of  this  study,  two questionnaires  were  administered  in  the  experimental  class  and  the  pre-test  and post-test were administered in the experimental class and the control class. According to the analysis of the research results, the major findings are stated as follows.

Firstly,  according  to  the  results  of  Questionnaire  1,  it  was  discovered  that  the overwhelming  majority of  the  students  failed  to  have  a  clear  idea  of  lexical  chunks. That  is  to  say,  most  of  the  students  did  not  have  the  awareness  of  lexical  chunks. Moreover, most students could not grasp the logical structure of written discourse and infer  the  meanings  of  written  discourse  with  the  help  of  lexical  chunks  of  discourse organization. Besides, it was also found that most of the students tried to understand written discourse by reading it word by word and analyzing the grammatical rules. In addition,  it  was  found  that  the  students  usually  ignored  discourse  markers  and  they could  not  use  the  discourse  markers  to  help  them  understand  written  discourse.  In short,  it  was  discovered  that  most  senior  high  school  students  were  lacking  in  the awareness of lexical chunks and did not know how to use lexical chunks of discourse organization to comprehend English discourse. 

Secondly,  after  the  teaching  experiment,  the  students  in  the  experimental  class were  asked  to  respond  to  Questionnaire  2.  The  results  of  the  second  questionnaire showed that the students’ reading strategies obviously changed after lexical chunks of discourse organization were applied to English discourse reading teaching. That is to say,  the  students  in  the  experimental  class  mastered  the  reading  strategies  related  to lexical chunks of discourse organization. To be specific, the students could use lexical chunks of discourse organization to understand the structure of written discourse and grasp  the  author’s  intention  and  the  main  idea  of  the  discourse.  They  paid  much attention  to  lexical  chunks  of  discourse  organization  in  written  discourse  and  could use  these  lexical  chunks  to  grasp  the  logical  structure  of  the  discourse  and  infer  the information  of  the  discourse.  In  addition,  the  students  could  get  the  important information and the main idea of written discourse with the help of lexical chunks of discourse  organization.  It  is  evident  that  senior  high  school  students’  reading strategies can be improved significantly after lexical chunks of discourse organization are applied to English discourse reading instruction. 

Last but not least, after the test scores of the experimental class were compared with  those  of  the  control  class,  it  was  discovered  that  the  students’  reading comprehension  competence  in  the  experimental  class  was  obviously  developed. Obviously, senior high school students can comprehend reading materials better with the help of lexical chunks of discourse organization. 








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