
上海会计英文论文-Accounting information distortion analysi

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  • 作者:上海论文网
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  • 论文编号:el201110101142192432
  • 日期:2011-10-10
  • 来源:上海论文网


Accounting information distortion analysis and countermeasure research
Abstract: This paper firstly analyzes the distortion of accounting information, which is from the accounting practice of summing up information. Then, points out the source of accounting information infidelity anatomical and genetic analysis, as the next step in the analysis provides a basis, then puts forward the measures to resolve the accounting information distortion and deep thinking, achieve the ultimate goal - to the distortion of accounting information to provide information support.
Accounting information has a certain economic consequences, this is an indisputable fact. Accounting information as an important social information, government is macroscopical economy adjusting control needs, more investors, creditors, the public and internal management evaluation of the financial situation, to guard against and dissolve the risk, make the investment decision, improve the operation and management of the important basis. Therefore, objective, true to the quality of accounting information is the most fundamental and basic requirements.
One, the distortion of accounting information in the form
The distortion of accounting information in general there are two types: one is not ( no ), is a fraud. Accounting information distortion and distortion of accounting information are the two fundamentally different nature of the concept, although in nature, motive, means, results and other aspects vary, but all lead to the distortion of accounting information.
( a ) the accounting information distortion of accounting information false
Accounting information distortion is due to accounting personnel subjective errors of judgment, lack of experience and accounting uncertainty and other reasons, resulting in the accounting information and economic activity does not match the actual situation. Has the following main features: the original recording and accounting data calculation, transcription errors, on the facts of neglect and misunderstanding of accounting policy, misuse, easy to find and correct. Accounting information distortion of accounting personnel is not intentional, but a post or dereliction of duty. Accounting information distortion may be to the enterprise finance condition and the management achievement of social influence, but it still has its legitimacy, fairness and authenticity. From the accounting procedures, the accounting vouchers, accounting books, accounting fraud have led to the distortion of accounting information. First of all, the original certificate of accounting vouchers is happened in the economic business of the first economy proves, is the accounting of the original information and the main basis. It leads to a distortion the books, report further distortion. Secondly, the accounting personnel in the accounting data of the process, in order to unit leadership and their own interests to cook the books, thus deliberately caused the distortion of accounting information. Finally, in the disclosure of information, some units obviously know the report is false but also released, even some intermediary agencies for their own interests, to help these false unit issued a" real" audit report, encourage false strength.#p#分页标题#e#
( two) distortion of accounting information makes the distortion of accounting information
False accounting information refers to the intentional, purposeful, planned, targeted financial fraud and fraud. Has the following main features: change records and documents forgery, misappropriation of assets, concealing or delete transactions, records false transactions or events, the deliberate use of improper accounting policies, not easy to be found and punished. False accounting information is accounting personnel and the relevant parties subjective intent, is a kind of illegal behavior. False accounting information is not accurate, reflects the enterprise's financial position and operating results, it will be true information conceal or alter, deceptive and harmfulness to society.
In two, the reasons of accounting information distortion
( a ) the causes of the false accounting information
In 1 the quality of the accounting business difference
The accounting information is accounting personnel on accounting recognition and measurement after generation. The different qualities of accounting staff on the same elements of accounting judgment, 上海会计英文论文will usually get a different result, handling the accounts may also have different results. Therefore, some professional level to low accounting personnel even followed the accounting norms, but due to their occupation level limitation, quality, lower skilled inevitably occur operation, principle error, cause of accounting information distortion.
The 2 Changes of accounting environment and accounting methods changes of
The change of accounting environment uncertainty, will inevitably lead to accounting difficult to accurately provide the value of sports information. Under the condition of socialist market economy, value of exercise environment is vary from minute to minute, such as price changes and the occurrence of random events, will be on the movement of value flow, flow, influence. Accounting regulations, in principle it is relatively stable, when the external environment changes, the objective of accounting are not synchronous tracking reflected, which is bound to produce the error and distortion of accounting information to reflect the more unstable, market, competition is more intense. This error and distortion is bigger.
The application of 3 accounting standards
Accounting standards of the wide applicability and the guidelines themselves certain established principle influence, will cause the false accounting information. For example, the cost benefit principle, means that accounting information can not reach the acme of perfection, implies the existence of a certain degree of false. The importance of the principle of application, due to abandon ( Simplified ) the less important information, the accounting information and the business has access to original. The application of the principle of caution, if the asset valuation is lower than the true cost of debt is estimated, higher than the actual amount of income, may in the future, the possible loss in the future does not occur, the accounting information is false, and so on. Therefore, many accounting principles to specific applications, if not enough understanding, grasp the brigadier general causes of accounting information distortion.#p#分页标题#e#
4 accounting supervision system is not perfect
By all levels of government finance departments approved the establishment of the accounting firm, in accordance with relevant state regulations, undertake audit business. Internal accounting supervision and the relevant departments of the unit executes national supervision, as well as by the CPA to undertake social audit, constitute the accounting supervision of the whole social economic activities, for the common services. But at present the enterprise external supervision mainly by the Department in charge of business executive, and departments are often from the interests of the Department, owned enterprises to adopt protectionism, cannot make effective supervision. In recent years, China's accounting firms and other social intermediary orgnaization to have certain development, but its quantity and quality and economic development falls far short of demand. Some also provide false verification report, has not yet formed an effective accounting supervision system.
5 basic accounting work is weak
Accounting foundation is the cause of accounting information is the most fundamental reason. I have been in previous years, small and medium enterprises engaged in the audit of financial statements and financial advisory work. Found in the workplace, many unit a member to accounting job seriously insufficient, with synergism of depletion of numbers to borrow, arbitrarily reduce financial personnel quantity, caused by incompatible positions by the same people who violates the provisions of the financial management of the phenomenon.
( two) the causes of false accounting information
Accounting information fraud, cause of formation is complex, has the profound social and economic reasons, the fundamental reason is the Department and individual interest drive. False means is varied, such as some false business accounting; some will produce business income and expenditure by statutory accounting books accounting, but the formation of the Zhang outside Zhang, set small exchequer; some direct forged prepare accounting vouchers, accounting books, accounting reports and so on. In addition, a considerable part of accounting personnel under the leadership of pressure, in order to survive on his own and other reasons, to give up occupation morality, against making false accounting information, the so-called" stand top does not live, can withstand the have to stand the phenomenon of" meet the eye everywhere.
Three, to prevent and control the distortion of accounting information and the Countermeasures
( a ) optimization of accounting environment, improve the quality of accounting information
Under the condition of market economy, give full play to the social law enforcement supervision, to ensure the full implementation of" accounting law", so as to realize the accounting order is essential improve. The application of computers and other modern advanced management methods, and constantly improve the quality of accounting information to strengthen the network technology application in accounting, as well as in computer networks and the new environment of accounting system design, also can improve the quality of financial information.#p#分页标题#e#
( two) strengthen the internal control system construction
Internal control system is refers to all levels of management within restrict each other, on the foundation of mutual connection, adopt a series of having the function of control methods, measure and program, and standardization, and the formation of the control system, its main contents are: the organization control, separation of duty control, access control and authorization, personnel quality control, information quality control, produce safety control, business process control, target control, executive control, document control, discipline control, internal control.
( four) improve the quality of accounting personnel, to ensure the authenticity of accounting information
Improve the quality of accounting personnel, to ensure the authenticity of accounting information is mainly from the following aspects: one is to improve the accounting professional qualification system; two is to improve the professional qualification system; three is the moral standard, increase the occupation ethics violation behavior treatment strength, accounting personnel should have a strong sense of responsibility, in their performance of duties in the law-abiding, honest, regardless of circumstances, without loss of principle, do not seek personal interests; the four is to increase the relevant accounting laws and regulations training and law enforcement. To the relevant state laws, regulations, financial accounting knowledge enterprise managers were organized training, continuing to carry on the accounting staff training. To strengthen the accountant occupation moral education of accounting personnel, continuously updated knowledge of accounting; the direct responsible person to restrain by law.
Accounting information distortion is diverse, but also very complex, to management to cannot simply rely on a strategy, but must pay attention to the comprehensive use of various control measures.
Therefore, we should take the accounting legal system construction as the core, supplemented by detailed administrative management, and carry out various forms of publicity and education work, to further standardize the economic order, combination strengthening punishing corruption, to promote the quality of accounting information.
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  摘要:本文首先分析了会计信息失真的表现,这是从会计实务中总结出来的信息。然后,又引出了会计信息失真的根源解剖及成因分析,为下一步的分析提供了基础,紧接着又提出了解决会计信息失真的对策与深层思考,达到了本文的终极目标— 为会计信息失真的解决提供信息支持。

  会计信息具有一定经济后果,这已是不争之实。会计信息作为重要的社会信息资料,既是政府宏观经济调控的需要, 更是投资者、债权人、社会公众与单位内部管理当局评价财务状况、防范和化解风险、作出投资决策、改善经营管理的重要依据。因此,客观、真实是对会计信息质最的最根本也是最基础的要求。





































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