本文是一篇英语论文,英语论文提纲页包括论题句及提纲本身,其规范格式如下:先在第一行(与打印纸顶端的距离仍为2.5cm左右)的始端打上 Thesis 一词及冒号,空一格后再打论题句,回行时左边须与论题句的第一个字母上下对齐。(以上内容来自百度百科)今天为大家推荐一篇新闻媒体论文,供大家参考。
Background of the research
The importance of vocabulary in English learning is widely accepted.Some researchers find that there is a positive correlation betweenvocabulary and reading as well as integrated language competence. TheNew Curriculum Standards(experimental, 2011) (henceforth the NCS)requires that senior high school students should master 3500 words and400-500 common idioms and fixed collocations at level 8. Level 9vocabulary learning objective requires that high school students’vocabulary should reach 4,500. Meanwhile, NCS suggests that studentsshould learn vocabulary for practical use. For example, students shouldbe able to comprehend different functions, intentions and attitudesimplied by certain vocabularies and expressions. What’s more, studentsare expected to describe characteristics and behaviors, define things andexplain concepts. Level 9 requires that students should be able to applyappropriate vocabularies to communication according to differentcontexts, topics and interpersonal relationship. All these indicates thatstudents are supposed to not only recognize the meaning of vocabularieswhen come across them in reading and listening, but also be able toproduce appropriate ones in writing and speaking correctly. In other words, students are supposed to master both receptive vocabulary(RV)and productive vocabulary(PV).
Many EFL learners have problems in English learning not becausetheir grammar is weak but because they have a limited vocabulary or theydon’t acquire any vocabulary learning strategy. The current situation isthat students cannot master the required vocabulary efficiently andteachers’instructions are of relatively low quality. The limited RV and PVof students is the very obstacle for the further improvement of Englishbasic skills like reading, writing, speaking and listening. A lot of teacherswouldn’t prepare vocabulary teaching as much and attentively as theyprepare for reading or grammar lessons. The vocabulary teaching andexplaining has always been in isolation rather than in associations. It ismore like a moving from dictionary to the classroom from which studentsare memorizing a whole bunch of word senses and usages without anyconnections from inside. And objectively, because of the high academicworkload for seniors, many students would not pay much attention tovocabulary, let alone work on how to turn their RV into PV.
Chapter One Literature Review
Vocabulary is one of the three essential factors of language, and thebasis of all language activities as well. The inadequacy of vocabularydirectly affects the application of basic language skills and theimprovement of language competence. The critical task of secondlanguage learners, therefore, is to enlarge their vocabulary. Many learnersin China, especially those of high school students, consider vocabularyacquisition as a major obstacle in English learning. So it is necessary tofirst understand what is meant by knowing a word. There are manydifferent views on the study of second language vocabulary acquisition.Lots of second language vocabulary researchers have proposed somedifferent yet complementary frameworks. And almost all researchersagree that vocabulary knowledge is not one-dimensional butmultidimensional and complicated.
1.1 Receptive vocabulary and Productive vocabulary
Vocabulary is one of the three essential factors of language, and thebasis of all language activities as well. The inadequacy of vocabularydirectly affects the application of basic language skills and theimprovement of language competence. The critical task of secondlanguage learners, therefore, is to enlarge their vocabulary. Many learnersin China, especially those of high school students, consider vocabularyacquisition as a major obstacle in English learning. So it is necessary tofirst understand what is meant by knowing a word. There are manydifferent views on the study of second language vocabulary acquisition.Lots of second language vocabulary researchers have proposed somedifferent yet complementary frameworks. And almost all researchersagree that vocabulary knowledge is not one-dimensional butmultidimensional and complicated.Richards (1976) made the first attempt to explore the different typesof knowledge that are necessary to know a word completely. Below areRichards’“Vocabulary Knowledge Framework”(1) The vocabulary knowledge of native speakers still grows in theiradult life, while their grammatical competence remains relatively stable;(2) Knowing a word means knowing the probability of encounteringthat word in conversation or reading;(3) Knowing a word implies knowing the limitations on usageaccording to changes of situation and function;(4) Knowing a word means knowing the syntactic behaviorassociated with word;(5) Knowing a word means knowing the underlying form ofknowledge and its derivations;
1.2 Mind Map
Mind Map is an effective way to make the most of our brain, whichwas proposed by the famous British psychologist and educationist TonyBuzan in 1970s. The invention of Mind Map has made him the worldfamous ‘Mr. Brain’. Buzan was surprised to find that there existed noguidebooks about how to use our brain when he had difficulties in information organization, absorption and memorization in his collegetimes. Then he began to study psychology, neuro-linguistics, memory &mnemonic, Visual Perception and creative thinking and found that it ismore efficient when all the thinking skills of the brain are workingcooperatively, which had also been confirmed in brain science. He traineda group of children known as ‘learning disabilities’, ‘loss of readingability’. Those who were called losers or who had been abandoned bytheir teachers turned out to be good students and made higher grades thantheir classmates after training(Tony Buzan 2015). In 1971, the concept ofMind Map and Radiant Thinking were formed. With the publication ofthe book Use Your Head in 1974, Mind Map was first introduced toreaders.Mind Map, which was first come into being as a method ofnote-taking, is an effective tool to improve the efficiency of the brain. Itstimulates the radiation structure of human brain network and visualizethe cognitive and thinking process. Mind Map is composed of subjects,nodes, lines, images and colors, which is a network structure that canconvey, reflect and organize relevant fields of knowledge from multipledimensions. Nodes are branched out from the central subject andsub-nodes from the nodes. The number of nodes keeping increasing withthe process of diffusion.
Chapter Three Methodology........ 35
3.1 Research design...........35
3.1.1 Research questions........35
3.1.2 Research subject............36
3.1.3 Research instruments.....38
3.2 Research procedure......45
Chapter Four Results & Discussion........51
4.1 Results of the experiment.......51
4.1.1 Effect on learners’receptive vocabulary........51
4.1.2 Effect on learners’productive vocabulary.....54
4.2 Discussion of the results.........57
4.3 Implications for future vocabulary teaching...........63
Chapter Four Results & Discussion
There are three main parts in this chapter. Firstly, details about thetest results, both pre-test and post-test, are reported below and the datathereof were explained. What’s more, the reason for the results as well asthe implication for further vocabulary teaching are discussed.
4.1 Results of the experiment
To answer the first question, which is ‘What is the effect of theapplication of Mind Map to vocabulary teaching on students’ receptivevocabulary?’, the pre-test and post-test of RV were implemented andIndependent Sample T Test was employed first to examine whether thereis a significant difference in the scores of the pre-test between theexperimental class and the control class, below are the results.Table 4-1 shows that the means of the scores from the experimentalclass and the control class are 9.9364 and 10.3000,which are very close.And from Table 4-2, we can see that the significance of the differencebetween the two classes is 0.558 which is far more above 0.05. Itindicates that the difference of the scores of RV between the two classesis not significant. In other words, the RV of experimental class andcontrol class is at the same level before the teaching experiment.

The effect of the application of Mind Map to senior high schoolEnglish vocabulary teaching on students’ RV and PV is discussed in thepresent thesis. Some researchers find that there is a positive correlationbetween vocabulary and reading as well as integrated languagecompetence. The NCS also has some requirements on vocabulary seniorhigh school students, for example, it suggests that students should learnvocabulary for practical use; Students are expected to describecharacteristics and behaviors, define things and explain concepts, etc. Itindicates that students are supposed to not only recognize the meaning ofvocabularies when come across them in reading and listening, but also beable to produce appropriate ones in writing and speaking correctly.But the current situation is that students cannot master the requiredvocabulary efficiently and teachers’ instructions are of relatively lowquality. The limited RV and PV of students is the very obstacle for thefurther improvement of English basic skills. The relatively isolated waycan hardly achieve the purpose of effective learning. In order to changethe current state, the teaching experiment combining Mind Map withvocabulary teaching is conducted.#p#分页标题#e#
References (abbreviated)