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  • 论文编号:el2018060808510713410
  • 日期:2018-05-16
  • 来源:上海论文网

Naturalism是法国小说家Emile Zola创作的一个词。他相信人们并不是真正自由的。相反,他们的生活、观点和道德都受到社会、经济和心理原因的控制。与许多欧洲作家和艺术家一样,Emile Zola对达尔文的进化论印象深刻,并用它来解释文学作品中人物的行为。宇宙的起源和自然过程所包含的所有事物被广泛接受和宣布。现存的第一种有机体的发展以及它们对所有现存的动植物的多样化被许多人归因于自然过程。最广泛接受的解释通常被称为进化论,通常被教导为基于既定事实的自然法则。质疑其在知识世界中的有效性是虚拟异端邪说。

Abstract: In this period, naturalists write a lot of excellent works with naturalism tendency.Theodore Dreiser' Sister Carrie id one of these works. Different background of the works, it will cause different significance in the works. In this article, the author attempts to analyze the morality and responsibility in Sister Carrie. It will help you understand this great novel very well.

Key words: morality, responsibility, naturalism

Naturalism was a term created by the French novelist, Emile Zola. He believed that people were not really free. Rather their lives, opinions and morality were all controlled by social, economic and psychological causes. Like many other European writers and artists, Emile Zola had been impressed Darwin's theory of evolution, and to use it to account for the behavior of characters in literary works. The origin of the universe and all things contained therein by natural processes is widely accepted and proclaimed. The development of the first living organisms and their diversification into all the plants and animals now extant are attributed by many to natural processes. The most widely accepted explanation is usually called the theory of evolution, often taught as a law of nature based on established fact. To question its validity in the intellectual world is virtual heresy. At the end of nineteenth century came a generation of writers whose ideas of the working of the universe and whose perception of the society's disorder led them to naturalism. A new and harsher realism, naturalism was introduced to the United States, literary naturalists spoke out against the ideas that literature should present what Howells called for the " smiling aspects of life". Instead, they attempted to achieve extreme objectivity and frankness presenting characters of low social and economic classes who were dominated by their environment or heredity in depicting the extremes of life. American naturalists emphasized that world was amoral that men and women had no free will, that their lives were controlled by heredity and the environment, that religious "truths" were illusory, and that the destiny of humanity was misery in life and ablivion in death. The pessimism and deterministic ideas of naturalism pervaded the novels of such writers as Stephen Crane, Frank Norris, Jack London and Theodore Dreiser. Naturalism in literature is a moral and spiritual absolute zero, conceivable but unattainable, and the term "naturalistic" when applied to a book or an author must be able only in a relatively sense.

Just now, I have analyzed the novel "Sister Carrie" about its morality and responsibility. So we can say this novel is one of the best naturalism works in the world. And this will do help you understand the novel well now. In well-known naturalistic works, Sister Carrie, Dreiser dared to write what people had often observed but didn't wish to admit explicitly: that men and women do always suffer in their lives for transgressions of the social and moral code.

Theodore Dreiser "Sister Carrie"
Peter conn "Literature in American", Cambridge University Press,1989
王长荣 "现代美国小说史"
胡荫桐 刘树森 A Course in American Literature
毛信德 "美国20世纪掠影"

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