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  • 论文编号:el2018070908503013403
  • 日期:2018-05-16
  • 来源:上海论文网
摘要:西奥多·德莱塞是最伟大的自然主义作家之一。“卡丽修女”是Carrie Meeber的第一部小说,追溯了Carrie Meeber的物质崛起和G. W. Hurstwood的悲剧性衰落。德莱塞和他的家人的经验是一个贫穷的国家主角的故事,渴望在大城市丰富的生活和梦想加入上层社会的完美材料。
关键词:Carrie Dreiser姐姐的家庭经历
西奥多·德莱塞是美国最伟大的作家之一,也是最伟大的自然主义作家之一。随着《卡丽修女》的出版,德莱塞致力于开创美国自然主义的新天地。“卡丽修女”是关于卡丽和她与Charlie H. Drouet和G. W. Hurstwood的关系。卡丽是一个年轻漂亮的穷女孩。她渴望大城市的富裕生活和加入上层社会的梦想。所以她离开家乡去了芝加哥。由于工厂工作的艰辛,她愿意成为Drouet在火车上遇到的情妇。男人的朋友G. W. Hurstwood向她求爱,她接受了他。赫斯渥偷了菲茨杰拉德和Moy的钱,绑架了她,把她带到了纽约。赫斯渥变得越来越穷,最后他用沼气自杀,而卡丽出名了,赚了很多钱。她仍然不能快乐。也许这是作者为她设置的惩罚。

ABSTRACT: Theodore Dreiser is one of the greatest naturalist writers. "Sister Carrie" which traces the material rise of Carrie Meeber and the tragic decline of G. W. Hurstwood was Dreiser's first novel. The experiences of Dreiser and his families were the perfect materials for the story of a poor country protagonist who longs for the rich life in big cities and dreams joining upper-crust society.
KEY WORDS: Sister Carrie Dreiser his families experiences

Theodore Dreiser is one of America's greatest writers, and its greatest naturalist writers. With the publication of " Sister Carrie " in 1900, Dreiser committed his force to opening the new ground of America naturalism. "Sister Carrie" is about Carrie and her relationship with Charlie H. Drouet and G. W. Hurstwood. Carrie is a young, pretty but poor girl. She longs for the rich life in big cities and dreams of joining upper-crust society. So she leaves her hometown for Chicago. Because of hardship of factory work, she is willing to be the mistress of Drouet, whom she met on the train. The man's friend, G. W. Hurstwood woos her and she accepts him. Hurstwood steals money from Fitzgerald and Moy's, kidnaps her and takes her to New York. There Hurstwood becomes poorer and poorer and at last he suicides by gassing himself with methane, while Carrie becomes famous and earns a lot of money. Still she can not get happy. Maybe this is the punishment the author sets for her.
In Europe the mid-nineteenth century had seen many novels in which the central situation was that of a young man from the provinces coming to the big city to seek his fortune. Sister Carrie begins in a similar way although here it is, unprecedentedly, not a young man but a young woman from the countryside. Carrie is the seeker, the dreamer for gold. So she begins her adventure.
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