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  • 作者:上海论文网
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  • 论文编号:el2018060408595113394
  • 日期:2018-05-16
  • 来源:上海论文网

Jane Eyre似乎是一个不幸的女孩在她早期。她在十九世纪之交长大。作为一个孤儿,她没有家庭或朋友,没有财富或地位。独自一人在这个世界上,她似乎注定要失败一生。也许对当时的许多女孩来说,她们只是被动地接受并接受命运。但简选择了完全不同的方式。她捍卫自己的权利,为她应得的成功而奋斗。简的行动打开了一个新的解释妇女的大门。
Jane Eyre向世界证明了一个女人独立而成功的想法并不是一个无法实现的梦想。简不仅在财富和地位方面取得了成功,而且更重要的是,在家庭和爱情方面。此外,她享受两个不失去她的独立性。简是十九世纪女性的典范,也是当今女性的典范。她的遗产生活在相信只要有希望和梦想,没有什么是不可能的。

Abstract: The following paper will explore the obstacles that Jane encounters in her struggle to disprove the stereotype of women and show how she is able to overcome them to attain the life she has always dreamed to have.
Key Words: obstacle, love, overcome, independence

Jane Eyre seems to be an unfortunate girl in her early time. She grows up around the turn of the 19th century. As an orphan, she has no family or friends, no wealth or position. All alone in the world, she seems doomed to a life of failure. Maybe for many girls at that time, they just stand passively by and accept their fates. But Jane chooses a completely different way. She stands up for her rights and fights for the life of success she deserves. Jane's actions open the door for a new interpretation of women.

Jane Eyre proved to the world of the 1800's that the idea of a woman to become independent and successful on her own was not an unrealizable dream. Jane is not only successful in terms of wealth and position, but more importantly, in terms of family and love. Moreover, she enjoys both without losing her independence. Jane was a model for women in the 19th century, also for women today. Her legacy lives on in the belief that as long as there are hopes and dreams, nothing is impossible.

① Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre, New York: Bantam Books,1981.
② Laurie Lanzen Harris, Nineteenth-Century Literary Criticism , Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1982
③ Frank N. Magill, Critical Survey of Long Fiction , Englewood Cliffs: Salem Press, 1983

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