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  • 作者:上海论文网
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  • 论文编号:el2018052409250213389
  • 日期:2018-05-16
  • 来源:上海论文网

The nineteenth-century novel hosts many villains who all seem to be experts in intimidating people around them. Dickens' novels too have many "bad" characters who all have their peculiar ways of oppressing the weak and the innocent. However, intimidation does not always occur through the explicit threats and practices of an evil character. Often "good" characters intimidate others, and characters intimidate each other even when they are polite and "nice" as well. Intimidation also occurs within social interactions which may have several other results and defining characteristics; for example embarrassment is another emotional state which often accompanies or replaces intimidation. In this paper I will first propose a definition of intimidation and later exemplify this definition by explicating some conversations, scenes and characters in several of Dickens' novels.

Key Words
intimidation embarrassment interaction communication face threats

1."Face Threats" in Dickens
2."Face Threats" in David Copperfield
3."Face Threats" in Pickwick Papers

Mr. Pickwick is the intended hearer of this speech; however, since technically the jury ("gentlemen") is being addressed, Pickwick cannot respond. Moreover, he is being threatened by Sergeant Buzfuz's information about the possible consequences of his actions if he intimidates the Sergeant. Even that bit of information is not given to him but to the jury. Sergeant Buzfuz, though "looking through Mr. Pickwick," does not acknowledge his physical presence and accepts it only on the ground that he has been informed about it by others. Mr. Pickwick's obvious desire to be an active participant of the interaction is disregarded and suppressed, which poses several threats to his negative face.

Grahame Smith,"Dickens and Critical Theory"
Melteme kiran Raw,"The French Revolution in the Popular Imagination:A Tale of Two Cities"
Anthony lake,"Ghosts, bodies,selves and others in David Copperfield"

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