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  • 日期:2018-05-16
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【中文题名】 汉英“死亡”隐喻对比及汉语“死亡”隐喻的英译 【英文题名】 A Study of Chinese and English Death Metaphors and the Translation of Chinese Death Metaphors into English 【中文摘要】 两千多年来,隐喻一直是众多语言学家特别是修辞学家的研究兴趣所在,他们从不同视角进行的深入研究也形成了流派众多的理论。基于把隐喻仅仅看作是一种语言现象还是思维的特征,这些理论可被分为两类:传统隐喻理论和当代隐喻理论。传统隐喻理论认为隐喻只是一种语言现象,主要作用是对语言表达进行修饰润色,使之变得更为精彩。而于1980年出版的Lakoff和Johnson的经典著作《我们赖于生存的隐喻》标志着当代隐喻理论的诞生,并对传统隐喻理论提出了挑战。当代隐喻理论认为隐喻首先是思维的基本特征,其次才是一种语言现象,其功能也由修辞润色而转变 【英文摘要】 Metaphor study, which can be traced back to Aristotle, has been the interest of linguists and rhetoricians for more than 2000 years. According to the views on whether metaphor is a matter of language or a matter of thought, metaphor studies fall into two general types: the traditional theories and the contemporary theory of metaphor. The traditional views of metaphor hold that metaphor is just a property of words; it is a linguistic phenomenon used for some artistic and rhetorical purpose. The contempora 【中文关键词】 死亡隐喻. 文化共性. 文化个性. 映射条件. 翻译策略. 【英文关键词】 death metaphors. cultural universality. cultural variation. mapping condition. translation strategies. Acknowledgements 3-4 Abstract in Chinese 4-006 Abstract in English 006-11 1 Introduction 11-15 2 The Contemporary Theory of Metaphor 15-25 2.1 Classical Views versus Contemporary Views 15-16 2.2 Metaphor as a Set of Mappings 16-19 2.2.1 Metaphor as a Set of Mappings 16-17 2.2.2 The Partial Nature of Mappings 17-18 2.2.3 The Systematicity of Mappings 18-26 2.3 Conceptual Metaphors and Metaphorical Expressions 19-20 2.4 Conventional Metaphors and Poetic Metaphors 20-22 2.5 The Experiential Basis of Conceptual Metaphor 22-23 2.6 Cultural Universality and Cultural Variation 23-25 3 A Comparison Between Chinese and English Death Metaphors 25-46 3.1 Death Metaphors in English 25-33 3.1.1 ’Death’ Expressions in English 26-28 3.1.2 Death Metaphors in English 28-33 3.2 Death Metaphors in Chinese 33-40 3.2.1 ’Death’ Expressions in Chinese 33-34 3.2.2 Death Metaphors in Chinese 34-40 3.3 A Comparison of Chinese and English Death Metaphors 40-47 3.3.1 Cultural Universality of Death Metaphors 40-42 3.3.2 Cultural Variation of Death Metaphors 42-48 4 Mapping and Translation 46-60 4.1 Cultural Universality and the Similar Mapping Condition 47-47 4.2 Cultural Variation and the Different Mapping Condition 47-48 4.3 Translation Under the Similar Mapping Condition 48-58 4.3.1 Same Conceptual Metaphors with Equivalent Expressions 48-53 4.3.2 Same Conceptual Metaphors with Different Expressions 53-55 4.3.3 Different Conceptual Metaphors 55-57 4.3.4 Non-Metaphorical Expressions 57-062 4.4 Translation Under the Different Mapping Condition 58-062 5 Conclusion 60-062 Bibliography 062-64
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