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【中文题名】 翻译等值理论的语用顺应论诠释 【英文题名】 A New Understanding of TE Based on Pragmatic Adaptation Theory 【中文摘要】 长久以来,翻译等值概念一直是中西翻译理论界争论的焦点。不同的学者对翻译等值概念本身的界定以及对其在翻译理论与实践中的价值和作用的认定也不尽一致,在西方,从卡特福德的篇章等值到奈达的功能等值,再到纽马克的批评翻译等值太过理论化、随机化而应当摒弃;在中国,从金隄对等值理论在其翻译《尤利西斯》中的成功运用到屠国元对等值理论的辩证分析,到曹青对它的符号学阐释,再到吴义诚批评等值概念的对翻译基本问题的歪曲,关于翻译中等值概念的争论似乎从来没有停止过。 “顺应”论,作为由J.Verschueren于近年提出的一种语用学新理论 【英文摘要】 For a very long time, translation equivalence is the focus of discussion in circle of the science of translation at home and abroad. Different scholars have produced different, even contradictory statements about an adequate, comprehensive definition as the concept of TE between SLT and TLT. In the west, from J. C. Catford’s textual equivalence to E. A. Nida’s functional equivalence, to P. Newmark’s declaring TE’s too theoretical, too random to operate in the process of translating. In China, from Jin Di 【中文关键词】 等值翻译. J.Verschueren. 顺应. 变异性. 商讨性. 顺应性. 符号学. 【英文关键词】 translation equivalence. J. Verschueren. adaptation. variability. negotiability. adaptability. semiotics. Acknowledgement 2-004 Abstract in English 004-7 Abstract in Chinese 7-11 Preface 11-22 Chapter One A Comparative Study on Translation Equivalence 22-40 1.1 An overview of translation equivalence theory 22-30 1.1.1 Concept of equivalence 23-25 1.1.2 Different typologies of ’equivalence’ in the west 25-31 1.2 E. Nida’s statements about ’Translation Equivalence’ 30-36 1.2.1 E. Nida’s dynamic equivalence 31-33 1.2.2 The concept of ’functional equivalence’ and its significance 33-52 1.3 Translation equivalence in China and its limitations 36-39 1.4 Summary 39-40 Chapter Two Semiotics Understanding of TE 40-48 2.1 The definitions of semiotics 40-42 2.2 Its application to the analysis on TE 42-46 2.3 Summary 46-49 Chapter Three Jef. Verschueren’s Adaptation Theory 48-71 3.1 The framework of adaptation theory 49-62 3.1.1 Variability 52-55 3.1.2 Negotiability 55-58 3.1.3 Adaptability 58-76 3.2 Four angles of pragmatic investigation by Jef. Verschueren 62-68 3.3 Translation can not go without choice-making 68-70 3.4 Summary 70-71 Chapter Four Adaptation-theory-based Analysis on TE Phenomena 71-101 4.1 Introduction 71-73 4.2 Context-a very important role both in translation and in linguistics 73-75 4.3 Culture factor 75-79 4.3.1 Culture in translation 76-77 4.3.2 Culture in pragmatics 77-80 4.4 Various adaptations to cultural context in translation 79-100 4.4.1 Adaptation to mental world 80-90 4.4.2 Adaptation to social world 90-97 4.4.3 Adaptation to physical world 97-105 4.5 Summary 100-105 Conclusion 101-105 Bibliography 105-107
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