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  • 论文编号:el2018051708144313384
  • 日期:2018-05-16
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【中文题名】 从社会符号学的角度看英语双关语的翻译 【英文题名】 English Pun Translation--From a Sociosemiotic Perspective 【中文摘要】 本文尝试在社会符号学翻译法的指导下研究英语双关语的汉译问题。 我们在不断的尝试和探索新的表达方法来满足我们追求新奇的心理,双关语正好满足了我们这一需要。双关语的使用和语言的交流向我们提出了双关语翻译的问题,而两种语言文化及语音和词汇的巨大差异使这一任务更富有挑战性。只要语言和文化的差异存在,译者就要不断的克服双关语翻译中的障碍。 社会符号学是将符号体系纳入社会语境中进行探究。文字符号永远涉及一定的社会情景,对符号的解释与符号所在的结构有关,即,任何文字符号的意义只能借助有关的符号才能得到解释。奈 【英文摘要】 The thesis is intended for the study of pun translation from English to Chinese under the guidance of sociosemiotic approach. And the thesis also reveals the development of sociosemiotics and its application in translation practice. Men are always exploring new ways of expression to content their seeking for novelty. The employment of pun, which can go back to 2,000 years ago, meets their demand in this aspect. The use of pun and the language exchange direetly leads to pun rendition that has long been r 【中文关键词】 双关. 符号学. 社会符号学翻译法. 【英文关键词】 pun. semiotics. sociosemiotic approach. 1 INTRODUCTION 9-11 1.1 Significance of the Study 9-9 1.2 Aim of the Study 9-11 2 A SURVEY OF ENGLISH PUN 11-17 2.1 Definition of Pun 11-11 2.2 Classification of English Pun 11-15 2.2.1 Homophonic Pun 11-12 2.2.2 Paronomasia 12-13 2.2.3 Antalaclasis 13-13 2.2.4 Sylleptic Pun 13-14 2.2.5 Asteismus 14-14 2.2.6 Embedded Pun 14-15 2.3 Rhetorical Effect of English Pun 15-17 2.3.1 Producing Humorous Effect 15-15 2.3.2 Attracting Attention 15-16 2.3.3 Making Bitter Satire 16-16 2.3.4 Provoking Thought 16-16 2.3.5 Forming a Riddle 16-17 3 TRANSLATABILITY AND LIMITATIONS 17-27 3.1 Factors Contributing to Pun Rendition 17-19 3.1.1 Intellect Common to All Normal Humans 17-17 3.1.2 Language Universals 17-18 3.1.3 Cultural Permeability 18-20 3..2 Barriers in Pun Translation 19-27 3.2.1 Language Barriers 20-21 Structure 20-20 3..2.1.2 Meaning 20-20 Usage 20-21 3.2.2 Culture Barriers 21-27 Culture 21-24 The Relation Between Language and Culture 24-26 The Influence of Culture Barriers on Pun Translation 26-52 4 THE INTRODUCTION OF THE SOCIOSEMIOTIC APPROACH INTO THE PUN TRANSLATION 27-39 4.1 The Development of Sociosemiotics 27-32 4.1.1 Semiotics 27-29 4.1.2 Sociosemiotics 29-34 4.2 The Advantages of Sociosemiotic Approach 32-33 4.3 Sociosemiotic Nature of Pun 33-34 4.4 Criteria of Translating Pun 34-41 4.4.1 General Principles of Translation 34-36 4.4.2 Three Meanings of Linguistic Signs 36-36 4.4.3 Text-type Specific Criteria 36-52 5 SPECIFIC TECHNIQUES USED IN ENGHISH-CHINESE PUN TRANSLATION 39-48 5.1 Relative Equivalence 41-42 5.2 Keeping the meaning in double context 42-43 5.3 Retaining a Semi-pun 43-44 5.4 Substitution 44-45 5.5 Annotation 45-46 5.6 Transliteration 46-52 6 CONCLUSIONS 48-49 BIBLIOGRAPHY 49-52 PAPERS PUBLISHED IN 2001-2004 52-52
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