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  • 日期:2018-05-16
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【中文题名】 翻译理论与唐诗英译研究 【英文题名】 A Probe into Translation Theory and English Versions of Some Tang Peoms 【中文摘要】 唐诗是中国传统文化宝库中的精品,是中国古典诗歌的巅峰。唐诗英译,在文化全球化的今天,对于中国传统文化的传播和全球文化交流是十分重要的。 翻译研究发展到今天,已经从语言学的层面转向文化的层面,翻译者应借助语言学的方法转向对所译作品文化内涵及作品所处的文化背境的研究和翻译,即翻译要达到语言与文化的统一。 多年来,对包括唐诗在内的中国古典诗歌的英译工作有了很大的发展。中外许多翻译家对此提出了许多理论、原则和技巧,并做了大量的翻译工作,出版了许多翻译成果,如Arthur Waley的Jade Mountain,Soame Jenyns的Selec 【英文摘要】 Tang Poetry is a precious gem of Chinese culture. It is the zenith of classical Chinese poetry. Translating Tang Poetry into English, in the era of cultural globalization, is crucial to the wide spreading of Chinese culture and to the interaction and communication of all the cultures in the whole world. Translation study up to now has developed from the level of linguistics to that of culture, it has taken "the cultural turn". Translators should make use of the methods of linguistics and go beyond them 【中文关键词】 唐诗英诗. 语言. 文化. 【英文关键词】 translating Tang poetry into English. language. culture. Introduction 7-9 Chapter One Translation theories and Principles: with regard to Poetry Translation 9-22 A. ’Transplanting the seed’ of Susan Bassnett 9-12 B. James Holmes’ and Ezra Pound’s basic strategies and views to translate a poem 12-14 C. Theories and views of some Chinese scholars and translators in regard to poetry translation 14-22 Chapter Two Translation as Unity of Language and Culture 22-31 A. The significance of proper language translation in translation Tang poetry into English 22-26 B. The significance of right ’Cultural Turn’ 26-34 Chapter Three A Case Study: Four Versions of ’The Spring Morning’ by Meng Haoran 31-41 A. Diction: soul of using language 34-35 B. Rhyme: form of using sound 35-36 C. Ideorealm: combination of image and atmosphere produced by words and rhyme 36-38 D. Ideology: intellect and thought dancing among words and between lines 38-045 Conclusion 41-42 Notes 42-045 Bibliography 045-47
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