

  • 论文价格:免费
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  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:3
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  • 论文编号:el2018071711504513346
  • 日期:2018-05-16
  • 来源:上海论文网

《呼啸山庄》的分裂世界在第一次出版时,艾米莉·简·勃朗特唯一的小说《呼啸山庄》受到了极大的敌意。20世纪20年代以来,现代主义的创新和技术实验推翻了这一批评趋势。评论中充满了“有力”、“大量”、“激情”、“原创”等字眼。然而,很少有评论家小心翼翼地发现“呼啸山庄”中的分裂并理解二元论。本文着重论述了这本书的细节,阐释了人类内心世界和人类世界的多样性。The Divided World of Wuthering Heights Abstract On its first publication, Emily Bronte's only novel – Wuthering Height was received with great hostility. Since the 1920s, this trend of criticism has been reversed by the innovations and technical experiments of the modernists. The reviews are full of such words as "powerful", "massive", "passionate", "original". Yet few critics have been careful enough to spot the division in Wuthering Heights and comprehend the dualism. This thesis focuses on details of the book and interprets the diversity running deep in human's heart and human's world. In conclusion, in Wuthering Heights Emily Bronte sees the entire universe in two divided dimensions: contradictory and somewhat interdependent.


I. Introduction

1. Wuthering Heights in Social and Literary Background

2. Wuthering Heights Briefly Introduced II. The Division in Wuthering Heights Chapter 1. The Divided World in Wuthering Heights 1) The Division between Heights and Grange A. Wuthering Heights Stands for Rebellion B. Thrushcross Grange Stands for Submission C. Different Environment Result in Different Personality and Fate 2) The Source of this Division A. Use One’s Own Measure to Judge B. Both Refuse to Communicate with Each Other 3) Opposite though, Height and Grange are Attracted to Each Other Chapter 2. The Divided Self in Wuthering Heights 1) Catherine's Intense Attachment to Heathcliff 2) Catherine's Sincere Love for Linton 3) Different Traits of Each Love and Self 4) Impossible to Combine Two Selves into One III. Conclusion

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