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  • 论文编号:el2018081516143713319
  • 日期:2018-05-16
  • 来源:上海论文网
保罗爱情悲剧缘由探析 摘要:《儿子与情人》是劳伦斯创作中一座里程碑式的作品,是一部自传式精神分析小说。劳伦斯运用写实手法,描写了出生在英格兰中部的一个男孩的成长过程,揭示了这个矿工儿子的悲剧,有着丰富而深刻的内涵。其中保罗与米丽安的爱情悲剧最能打动人心,在小说中的地位举足轻重。对该小说的评论普遍认为造成保罗爱情悲剧的最主要原因是由于保罗的恋母情结的干扰。其实不然,笔者认为造成这一爱情悲剧主要是两人的性格缺陷以及爱情观,宗教观的差异所致。保罗追求的是灵与肉的统一,他第一次恋爱失败是因为米丽安过分专注于精神生活;第二次恋爱失败是因为克莱拉无力参与他的精神生活。保罗和米丽安的人格都是分裂的,是畸形社会、畸形家庭的必然产物。 关键词:《儿子与情人》 保罗 爱情悲剧 Analysis on the Causes of Paul's Love Trgedy Abstract:"Sons and Lovers", Which is the landmark of Lawrence's creations, is an autobiographical psychoanalytic novel. Applying the realistic skill, Lawrence describes the growth of a boy born. In Middle England, and reveals the tragedy of the miner's son. The novel has rich and profound connotation, of which the love tragedy between Paul and Miriam is the most moving point and occupies an important position in the novel. The general perspective toward the main cause of the tragedy is the disturbance of the Oedipus complex. However, from the writer's point of view, what results in the tragedy is the nature defects of the two, and the disparity between their values of love and religion. Paul persues the unity of body and soul. His first failure of love affair is attributed to his over concentration on spiritual life, and the second failure is Miriam's personalities are broken, which are the inevitable product of the malformed society and family. Key words:"Sons and Lovers" Paul Love tragedy
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