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  • 作者:上海论文网
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  • 论文编号:el2018082014250813309
  • 日期:2018-05-16
  • 来源:上海论文网


论文摘要:《Percy Bysshe Shelley》(1792-1822)被称为伟大的活跃的革命浪漫主义者。他有一辈子的挫折经历。尽管他的生命是短暂的,如同闪电穿过威力天空,他对社会的不公正、暴政和黑暗做出了持续的抵抗。他以诗作为武器和号角,散布自己的革命思想,呼吁民众奋起反抗肮脏的生活,预言人类理想的未来。他的革命精神和乐观精神给我留下了深刻的印象。马克思自称是彻底的革命者,但通过广泛细致的研究我发现雪莱积极而革命的浪漫主义手法是浪漫主义与现实主义相结合的产物。想象和想象的核心来自现实,这一事实的确立有助于很好地理解他的创作意图和艺术创作的社会意义。在这篇论文中,首先我引用了其他评论家对雪莱积极而革命的浪漫主义的批评。然后,通过与消极浪漫主义的比较来说明积极浪漫主义的意义。然后,阐述了积极浪漫主义的由来,论述了浪漫主义想象和象征主义与现实相结合时,他的诗歌所呈现出的革命精神。因此,我们确立了雪莱革命积极浪漫主义的艺术手法,即浪漫主义与现实主义的结合。此外,雪莱加入革命活动从现实生活中吸取了许多经验和斗争,并以自然的眼光激发。

 A Thesis Presented for Bachelor Degree

ABSTRACT:Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) is known as a great active and revolutionary romanticist. He has a lifetime of setbacks and frustrations. Even though his life is transient as the lightning flashes through the might sky, he makes constant resistance to injustice, tyranny and darkness of society. He adopts poetical works as arms and horns to scatter his revolutionary ideas and appeal to the populace to rise up against the sordid life and predicts the ideal future of mankind. His revolutionary spirit and optimism impress me a lot. Marx ever calls him a thorough revolutionary through top to bottom. Through extensive and meticulous research, I find that the craft of Shelley’s active and revolutionary romanticism is combination of romanticism and realism. The core of imagination and vision comes from the reality. After this fact is established, it helps to well understand his intention and the social significance of his artistic creation. In this thesis, first, I cite the criticism of other reviewers on Shelley’s active and revolutionary romanticism. Then I illustrate the meaning of active romanticism, by comparison with the passive romanticism. Afterwards, I explain the origin of active romanticism Then, I discuss the revolutionary spirit presented in his poetry when romantic imagination and symbolism are combined with the reality. Therefore we establish the fact that the artistic craft of Shelley’s revolutionary and active romanticism ids the combination of romanticism and realism. In addition, Shelley joins in the revolutionary activity learned a lot of experience from the real life and struggle and inspires by the natural sight. He finds his expression in the poems Ode to the West Wind, Song to the England, England 1989. Then I want to show the presentation of Shelley’s revolutionary and active romanticism in his main works by combination of romanticism and realism, namely Queen Mab, The Revolt of Islam, The Mask of Tyranny, Prometheus Unbound. These works have something in common that Shelley reveals and criticizes the reality, and predicts the future to express his love for the ideal society. For Shelley’s active and revolutionary romanticism, romanticism mingles with realism as the form and the contest, the body and the skeleton. My hope is that my tastes and yours will coincide at least some of the time. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I should like to express my gratitude and appreciation to my supervisor for his valuable advice and criticism on points of details. He has given me a lot of inspiration and helped so much to improve the thesis. With the help of him, I learnt how to write a thesis. I am most grateful to him for his patient and meticulous instruction.

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