
关于翻译On Translation

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  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:2
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  • 论文编号:el2018082113391613296
  • 日期:2018-05-16
  • 来源:上海论文网







我们之所以强调适合目标语言的翻译的重要性是因为不同的语言有不同的概念。 1)关于我们母语的两种不同的不确定性的表达形式。 2)世界人民之间的文化差异。每种语言都有自己的语法系统。 III。翻译的方向1.字面翻译2.自由翻译3.动态等效翻译----使翻译流畅自然的正确方法IV。英汉表达形式差异较大的典型例子。 1.具有属性的主体2.具有属性子句的句子3.具有名义主语的主观条款“it”4.表示条件的后置状语从句(if子句)5.具有状语结论的句子

Title: On Translation

l Acknowledgements I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to Professor Ma Jiguang, my supervisor, without whose valuable advice and guidance this dissertation could not have been accomplished. Also, a special word of appreciation is due all the lectures who have provided me with the knowledge of English language and translation, which is very useful to the writing of this dissertation. Finally, I should acknowledge a debt to those whose ideas or work have been adopted in the dissertation. l Abstract This thesis centers about how to make the translation suitable for the target language. Part One introduces the thesis through an example. Part Two explains the reason why we attach the importance to the translation suitable for the target language. Part Three discusses the three kinds of the orientations in translating. Part Four shows the typical cases with the difference between English and Chinese expressive forms. Part Five gives a brief conclusion on translation. l Content I. To begin with an example to introduce the thesis----we should pay attention to how to make the translation suitable for the target language.

II. The reason why we emphasize the importance of the translation suitable for the target language. 1. Different languages have different concepts. 1) two different expressive forms of uncertainty about our native language. 2) the cultural difference between the people in the world. 2. Each language has its own grammar system. III. The orientations in translating 1. literal translating 2. free translating 3. a dynamic equivalent translation----the proper way to make the translation smooth and natural IV. The typical examples of the great difference between English and Chinese expressive forms. 1. the subjects with attributes 2. the sentence with attribute clause 3. subjective clauses with nominal subject “it” 4. the postposed adverbial clause indicating condition (if clause) 5. the sentence with the adverbial Conclusion

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