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  • 作者:上海论文网
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  • 论文编号:el2018082519201013280
  • 日期:2018-05-16
  • 来源:上海论文网


第一部分:在这部分的介绍中,我们将讨论外来词的定义和外来词在英语中的重要性。根据其起源,英语词汇由两个主要元素组成,即原生元素和外来元素。借词是指外来因素。根据随机房子韦伯斯特大学字典,借词可以被定义为一种语言中的单词,该单词是从另一种语言借来的并且通常是自然化的。确实,当我们研究英语词汇时,我们必须从本土元素开始,因为它是基本部分。但它不能掩盖外国因素 - 外来因素在英语中的影响和重要性。我们可以从这两个角度来看待它的影响和重要性:英语词汇中的借词数量及其覆盖的领域。外来词在英语词汇中占有很大份额,事实上,超过百分之七十的英语词汇由外来词构成,只有不到百分之三十的词由本地词组成。由于英语词汇量可能比世界上任何其他词汇都要大得多,我们可以想象这个数字应该是多大。同时,外来词在英语词汇中具有强大的影响力。我们几乎可以在每个英语句子中看到借词。现在,让我们看两个例子。

Title: loanwords in english

the first part: introduction in this part, we will discuss the definition of loanword and the importance of loanwords in the english language. according to its origin, the english vocabulary is composed of two major elements, the native element and the foreign element. loanwords refer to the foreign element. loanword, according to the random house webster’s college dictionary, can be defined as a word in one language that has been borrowed from another language and usually naturalized. it is true that we must begin with the native element when we study the english vocabulary, because it is the fundamental part. but it cannot overshadow the effect and importance of foreign element ╟ the loanwords in english. we can view its effect and importance from these two angles: the quantity of loanwords in english vocabulary and the fields they cover. loanwords have an extensive share in the english vocabulary, in fact, more than seventy per cent of the english vocabulary is composed of loanwords, and only less than thirty per cent is composed of native words. as the english vocabulary might be much larger than any other one in the world, we can imagine how huge the number should be. meanwhile, loanwords have a powerful influence in the english vocabulary. we can see loanwords in almost every english sentence. now, let’s see two examples.

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