
英语出自美国还是英国?English Language: American or British?

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  • 日期:2018-05-16
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English Language: American or British?英语出自美国还是英国?

关于这两种英语在未来之间的差异有多大的争吵引起了激烈的争论,以下是我的观点作为其他本土英语的母语(加拿大英语,澳大利亚英语,新西兰英语和南方非洲英语),英国英语和美国英语今天是英语世界的两种主要英语语言。虽然关于两种类型之间的不一致的范围,类型和可能的影响将来会有多少人已经说过,但在这个问题上的争吵还没有结束。 1989年7月第3期论坛XXVII的封面回顾了这一主题,并提供了几个世纪以来两种英语之间差异的证据研究。诺亚韦伯斯特(在英语论文中)声称,美国语言与英语的进一步不相容是必要且不可避免的。他还预测“北美英语最终将与英国不同,荷兰语,丹麦语和瑞典语则来自德语或彼此之间”。马克吐温(在被偷的白象中)认为美国和英国的英语是不同的语言,并宣称前者,“极其纯洁”,“英国人根本无法理解”。托马斯·汉密尔顿上尉(美国男人和男人)曾表达过这种态度。他说:“在一个世纪,美国人的话会变得完全无法理解一个英国人。”二十世纪的作者持完全不同的态度与过去几个世纪中,他们往往具有相同性之间的更加鲜明的感觉美国和英国英语。因此,米特福德M.马修斯(从美国英语的开端)看到两种是“如此压倒性的一致好评。”对于李科克(从如何写),“没有的有过作为一个美国人的语言作为最微弱的机会除了英语之外。“Randolph Quirk(纽约时报杂志)认为,”即使在发音方面,也很难找到许多绝对的英国和美国的区别“; Quirk声称,即使诺亚韦伯斯特在努力创造“语言鸿沟”之后毫无结果,“开始意识到,在所有必需品中,英国和美国人都说同一种语言”。 Albert H. Marckwardt和Randolph Quirk最近表达了他们的结论,他们认为英国英语和美国人在他们的“共同语言:英国和美国英语”一书中是一样的。A quarrel about how great would the differences between the two kinds of English be in the future caused vehement argument and the following is my point of view Being the paternal language of the other native Englishes (Canadian English, Australian English, New Zealand English and South African English), British English and American English today are the two main English languages of the English-speaking world. Although too many has already been said over how the scope, the types, and the possible effects of the inconsistency between the two kinds will be in the future, the quarrel on the issue has not come to an end at all. The cover of the journal Forum XXVII, No 3, July 1989, recalling the topic and provides a research of evidence of the difference between the two kinds of English over the centuries. Noah Webster (in Dissertations on the English Language) claimed that a further incompatibility of the American language from the English necessary and inevitable. He also predicted that “North American English would eventually be as different from British as Dutch, Danish and Swedish are from German or from one another”. Mark Twain (in The Stolen White Elephant) thought American and British English to be different languages and declared that the former, spoken “in its utmost purity”, cannot be understood by an English people at all. This attitude was previously expressed by Captain Thomas Hamilton (in Men and Manners in America). He said that “in another century, the dialect of the Americans will become utterly unintelligible to an Englishman.” Authors of the twentieth century hold entirely different attitude toward those of the previous centuries, they tend to have a much more distinctive feeling of sameness between American and British English. Thus, Mitford M. Mathews (from Beginnings of American English) sees the two kinds to be “so overwhelmingly alike.” For Stephen Leacock (from How to Write), “There is not the faintest chance of there ever being an American language as apart from English.” Randolph Quirk (in The New York Times Magazine), believes that, ”even in matters of pronunciation, it is difficult to find many absolute British and American distinctions”; Quirk claimed that even Noah Webster, after fruitless years in trying to create a “linguistic gulf”, “came to realize that in all essentials Britains and Americans spoke the same language”. Albert H. Marckwardt and Randolph Quirk lately expressed their conclusion that they consider British English and American as the same in their book A Common Language: British and American English. It’s Introduction which is an excerpt from the book reads that “The two varieties of English have never been so different as people have imagined, and the dominant tendency, for several decades now, has been that of

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