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  • 作者:上海论文网
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  • 论文编号:el2018083110235113245
  • 日期:2018-05-16
  • 来源:上海论文网

词汇学习标题:Vocabulary-learning Headlines:

1.词汇学习的现状。 2.短语方法实验。 3.人们不应用短语的原因。 4.建议:尽量记住单词。 5.根据全文的结论。摘要:本文重点介绍如何理解和记忆英语单词。一个重要的方法是通过短语来学习单词。为了证明短语方法的可行性,在许多学生中进行了短语方法和点方法的对比实验。结果表明,该短语方法比点法更有效。然而,在实验之后它没有按预期工作,并且英语学习者倾向于采用点法,因为它们看起来看起来比短语短,所以很多人认为较短的语言单元更容易学习。


大家都知道,词汇在英语学习中起着至关重要的作用,当然一个没有大量词汇量的人,不能很好地掌握外语。困扰许多英语学习者的一件事就是找到学习词汇的方法。在本文中,我将重点介绍学习英语单词的更有效方法。在第一部分中,我提到了词汇学习的现状。然后从实验中我们得出结论,短语方法在点方法中更有效。第三部分是找出人们不接受短语方法的原因。在第四部分。我提出了一些改变习惯性学习方法的建议。最后,我根据全文得出结论。虽然众所周知,英语单词数是判断某人英语水平的标准,但英语单词的数量并不意味着一切。但我们必须承认,例如,词汇部分仍然很重要。我们需要掌握500~1000字的TEM 4和9000~12000字的TEM-8。因此,如果我们想通过一些合格的考试,如果我们想在英语学习上迈出新的一步,我们必须掌握尽可能多的英语单词。但是,在学习过程中,发现了许多问题。有些人抱怨他们能记住一些话,但很快就会忘记他们。另外,他们无法在不同的背景下理解它们。英语单词有很多不同的含义,这很糟糕也使得我们很困惑。

1.The current condition of vocabulary learning . 2.An experiment on phrase-approach . 3.The reason that people don’t apply the means of phrase approach well 4.Advices: try to remember the words by phrase approach . 5. Conclusion according to the whole text . Abstract: This thesis concentrate on how to understand and memorize the English words well . An essential means is to learn the words through phrases . In order to testify the feasibility of phrase approach, a comparative experiment between phrase approach and point approach was conducted among a great many students. The result proved that the phrase approach is more effective and productive than point – approach . However, it’s not applied so successfully as expected after the experiment, it’s found that the learners of English tend to adopt point-approach , because they seemingly look shorter than phrase ,so many people consider shorter language units easier to learn. Key words: vocabulary ; studying ; phrase-approach ; point-approach ; words coming along; with phrases ; Everybody knows that vocabulary plays essential part in English learning, sure enough , a person who doesn’t master a huge number of vocabulary can not command a foreign language well .one thing that troubled many English learners is to find ways of vocabulary learning . In this paper , I focus on more effective methods of English words learning . In the first part, I mentioned the current situation of vocabulary leaning . Then from an experiment we conclude that phrase-approach is more effective that point- approach . The third part is to find the reason that people don’t accept the phrase-approach well . In the fourth part . I give some advice that trying to change one’s habitual learning method . At last , I reach a conclusion according to the whole text. Though it’s well known that they amount of English words is some standard to judge someone’s English level, the number of the English vocabulary doesn’t mean everything. But we have to admit the vocabulary part is still important eg. We’re required to master 500~1000 words for TEM 4 and 9000~12000 words for TEM-8 . So if we want to pass some qualified exam, if we want to get on a new step in English learning , we have to master English words as many as possible . But during the learning course, a lot of problem have been found . some people complained , they are able to memorize some words , but soon they’ll forget them . Besides, they can’t understand them well in different context . It’s hideous that an English word has so many different meanings . They’re really confused.


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