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  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:128
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  • 论文编号:el201505211704016544
  • 日期:2015-05-17
  • 来源:上海论文网

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Research background
With continuous improvement and rapid development of modern science andtechnology, multimedia is widely used in every corner of the society, especially in thefield of education. With the implementation of college English teaching reform(CETR),the teaching system, under the information technology assistance, isgradually changed. The requirements of the society for foreign language talents havechanged fundamentally. According to the new College English CurriculumRequirements (CECR) released by the Ministry of Education in 2004, school shouldcultivate students’ comprehensive ability, especially their listening and speaking skillsand the practical competence of language use. Therefore, the main purpose of collegeEnglish education is to improve students’ comprehensive language ability, especiallythe listening and speaking abilities. The importance of college English listening andspeaking teaching is increasing obviously. Based on CECR, the College Englishteaching should adopt a new mold, that is, making full use of modern informationtechnology, particularly network technology, so that college English listening andspeaking teaching will be, to some extent, towards students’ individualized andautonomous learning. Therefore, the main teaching mode of computer-based collegeEnglish listening and speaking teaching has been changed from the teacher-centeredtraditional teaching model to the student-centered modern teaching model, andemphasizes on promoting students’ ability to use English in an all-round way. Withthe integration of information technology and college English listening and speakingteaching, abundant teaching resources and advanced teaching equipment should havebeen provided for teachers and students.

1.2 Purposes and significance of the research
In this research, the educational ecology theory is applied to evaluate the currentsituation of the college English listening and speaking teaching reform. According tothe research, we try to find out what aspects of college English listening and speakingteaching have been changed after the implementation of the CETR? What newimbalances have appeared in the teaching reform? What are the reasons for the newimbalances and what effective measures can be offered to optimize the imbalancedecological environment? From the theoretical level, based on the interdisciplinarytheory, the research not only provides a new field of vision for the evaluation ofcollege English listening and speaking teaching reform, but also provides a theoreticalbasis to solve the problems of the teaching reform, which will enrich college English teaching theory. From the practical level, educational ecology proposes practicaloptimization methods for ecological imbalances appeared in the reform of collegeEnglish listening and speaking teaching. During the process of teaching and learning,it is beneficial for teachers and students to establish equal and harmonious ecologicalrelationship and achieve the symbiotic and harmonious development. Further,providing students the ideal ecological environment by optimizing the college Englishteaching system, not only can promote students’ learning, but can be more conduciveto the sustainable development of the private individual.

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Educational ecology theory (EET)
Educational ecology is a relatively new interdisciplinary branch between ecologyand education. It talks about the interrelationships between its constituent elementsand the educational environment and emphasizes the comprehensive relations, theintegrated value, the dynamic process and the pursuit of sustainable development. Asthe science of employing ecological methods and principles in studying theeducational phenomenon, it especially explores the influence on educationalecosystem and man. The aim of the research of EET is to explore the disciplines andecological mechanism of educational development and moreover to reveal themethods and ways of optimizing education-ecological environment through analyzingthe complex and dynamic relations between various education-ecologicalenvironmental factors and education development (Ren, 2012: 69-72).

2.2 Previous theory studies on college English listening and speaking teaching
Although college English listening and speaking teaching (CELST) is always animportant yet difficult content of college English teaching in China, scholars havenever stopped their studies about it, particularly when information technology isintegrated into CELST. At present, many experts and researchers have studied theCELST and obtained corresponding results. Researches of CELST are based on somereasonable theories. In teaching, using convincing and systematic theory to guideteaching designs and teaching activities can help to improve the quality of CELST.Wang (2008: 86~88), the scholar of our country, combines the schema theorywith CELST and puts forward the schema of CELST. In his opinion, the teachersshould guide students to listen with building a sound response schema and read withbuilding a rich language schema, then to activate the related schemata having existedin the students’ brain, resulting in a more specific meaning to improve listening andspeaking skill. Under the guidance of the constructivism learning theory andstudent-centered theory, Lu and Nong (2007: 106~109), Dong (2012) and Feng (2013:219~220) implement the CELST under the multimedia environment. Based on theirexperience and basis, students are guided to construct their knowledge under theinfluence of multimedia. The positive effects of the computer-based English listeningand speaking teaching is gained. At the same time, the great significance ofmultimedia auxiliary teaching is confirmed. They discuss the advantages of modernmultimedia technology, the resource integration of multimedia into CELSST as well.In addition, Qiao (2007: 421) based on the indirect speech act theory, carries out theCELST, and gives a number of suggestions for compiling of college English listeningand speaking teaching outline. Wu (2007: 183~184) puts forward specific methodsand measures for the amelioration of CELST, and improves the English teachingunder the guidance of the understanding, mastery and application of cohesion theory.

Chapter 3 Research Design ..........19
3.1 Subjects ........19
3.2 Research questions.....21
3.3 An adapted evaluation model..........21
3.4 Instruments of data collection.........22
3.5 Summary ......27
Chapter 4 Data Analysis and Discussion .........29
4.1 Analysis of the questionnaire results .....29
4.2 Analysis of the interview results.....37
4.3 Analysis of observation.....45
4.4 Analysis the imbalanced ecosystem of CELST ..........48
4.5 Reconstruction of the ecosystem of CELST ....53
4.6 Summary ......64
Chapter 5 Conclusion .....65
5.1 Major findings of the research ........65
5.2 Innovations of the research ..........68
5.3 Limitations and implications of the research .........68

Chapter 4 Data Analysis and Discussion

This chapter is divided into three parts. It conducts a detailed and careful dataanalysis and discussion of the results. Based on the data discussion from theperspective of educational ecology, the paper analyzes the current situation anddiscusses imbalanced causes of the CELSTR from the two aspects of the schoolecological environment and class ecological environment and puts forward the waysof optimization to optimize the imbalanced ecological environment.Based on the previous research, education-ecological environment is a kind ofenvironment with multiplicity, complexity and integrity. It highlights the integratedvalue, the comprehensive relations, the dynamic process and the sustainabledevelopment of the system. Therefore, we need to analyze it from the differentaspects. In Chapter four, the data, under the guidance of theoretical framework, iscollected from the following aspects: school ecological environment and classroomecological environment. Among them, the data is analyzed with foursub-environments involving organizational learning environment, cultural learningenvironment, resourceful learning environment and emotional learning environment.In order to maintain harmonious, sustainable development, the entire learningenvironment needs to keep a dynamic equilibrium.The statistical results of questionnaires, interviews and classroom observationswill be presented separately in the following sections. Via the relative statisticalfigures and tables, the investigation results of the items will be shown clearly.Therefore, the basic rules and characteristics will be presented in this chapter throughthe analysis of the data.



Based on the review of Yanshan University English listening and speakingteaching reform, the paper analyzes the achievements and drawbacks of thecomputer-based CELST and puts forward the optimizing strategies. There exist aseries of problems in the teaching of college English listening and speaking. Thetraditional teaching theories are different to effectively guide the computer-basedCELST at the present stage. Therefore, this paper explores what aspects of collegeEnglish listening and speaking teaching have been changed after the implementationof the CETR. What new imbalances have appeared in the teaching reform? What arethe reasons for the new imbalances and what effective measures can be offered tooptimize the imbalanced ecological environment? The study intends to untangle thefour aspects of imbalances from the perspective of educational ecology in hope ofproviding optimizing strategies, exploring how to construct and optimize thecomputer-based college English listening and speaking teaching system.Owing to the interdisciplinary of the theory, this paper first introduces what isthe educational ecology, analyzes the basic conceptions and principles of ecology andpoints out that college English listening and speaking teaching is a completelyecological system, in which all of ecological factors are in a relative stable state.However, after the information technology has been introduced, the ecological factorslike teaching contents, methods, targets, and the ecological subjects are to be changed.The original ecological equilibrium has been broken and the new imbalances haveappeared.#p#分页标题#e#
Reference (omitted)

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