

  • 论文价格:免费
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  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:1
  • 论文字数:3600
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  • 日期:2022-09-12
  • 来源:上海论文网


论文目录范文样本一:自我的寻求:全日制英语教育硕士成长中的专业认同 ——以H师范大学为例



Chapter One Introduction

    1.1 Working definition

        1.1.1 Identity

        1.1.2 Professional identity

        1.1.3 Four dimensions of professional identity

    1.2 Research background

        1.2.1 The present situation of Education Master students

        1.2.2 Reform on English in college entrance examination

    1.3 Significance of the research

    1.4 Structure of the research

Chapter Two Literature Review

    2.1 Previous studies on professional identity

    2.2 Previous studies on full-time Education Master students

    2.3 Previous studies on English Education Master

Chapter Three Research Methodology

    3.1 Research questions

    3.2 Research methods

    3.3 Research instrument

    3.4 Research participants

    3.5 Research procedure

        3.5.1 Data collection

        3.5.2 Data analysis

Chapter Four Results and Discussion

    4.1 The current professional identity situation of English Education masters

        4.1.1 Fully prepared to get accepted

        4.1.2 A strong will to be English teacher

        4.1.3 Inactive behavior caused by external factors

        4.1.4 A hesitant evaluation affected by realities

    4.2 Influencing factors of English Education masters’ professional identity

        4.2.1 Internal factors

        4.2.2 External factors

Chapter Five Conclusion

    5.1 Major findings

    5.2 Implications of the study

    5.3 Limitation and suggestions for future research





论文目录范文样本二:全日制英语教育硕士职前专业化发展与专业认同研究 ——基于某师范大学的个案研究



Table of Contents

List of Abbreviations

Chapter One Introduction

    1.1 Research Background

        1.1.1 The current situation of Chinese Pre-serivce English Teachers' education

        1.1.2 The importance of training EFL teachers with research abilities

    1.2 Signiifcance of the Study

    1.3 Research questions

    1.4 Structure of the thesis

Chapter Two Literature Review

    2.1 Self Identity

        2.1.1 Classical identity theory

        2.1.2 Identity theory with the constructionism view

        2.1.3 Research on teachers' identity in general education field

        2.1.4 Research on EFL teachers' identity

        2.1.5 Research on Chinese EFL teachers' identity

        2.1.6 Teachers' identity and their professional development

    2.2 EFL Teachers' Professional Development

        2.2.1 General introduction

        2.2.2 Teachers' professional development theory

        2.2.3 The mode of teachers' professional development

        2.2.4 Teachers' PCK knowledge

        2.2.5 The routes of teachers' professional development

    2.3 Pre-service education

    2.4 The Full-time Professional Degree

    2.5 Theoretical definition

Chapter Three Research Methodologies and Results Discussion

    3.1 Research design

    3.2 Research objectives

    3.3 Instruments

        3.3.1 Questionnaires

        3.3.2 Interview

    3.4 Data Presentation

        3.4.1 Questionnaire results

        3.4.2 Interview

    3.5 Results and Discussions

        3.5.1 The current situation of 2011th full-time Ed. M students based on questionnaires

        3.5.2 The current situation of full-time Ed. M students based on interviews

Chapter 4 Methods to increase professional identity of full-time English Ed. Mstudents at different levels

    4.1 Full-time Ed.M students

        4.1.1 Being research-oriented

        4.1.2 Establishing learning community

        4.1.3 Increasing overall abilities

        4.1.4 Strengthening the evaluation to education practice

    4.2 Curriculum design

        4.2.1 RICH mode

        4.2.2 General education

    4.3 The mentors

    4.4 Enrollment policy

    4.5 Define training objectives

    4.6 Establishing Teachers' education college

Chapter 5 Major Findings and Implications

    5.1 Major findings

    5.2 Implications

    5.3 Limitations and further research

Appendix1 11级全日制英语教育硕士专业认同感调查问卷

Appendix2 全日制英语教育硕士访谈提纲

Appendix3 学科教学(英语)全日制攻读教育硕士专业学位研究生指导性培养方案





论文目录范文样本三:基于元认知策略的英语教育专业听力教学的应用与研究 ——以九江某高职院校师范分院为例



1 绪论

    1.1 研究背景、问题提出及意义

        1.1.1 研究背景

        1.1.2 问题提出

        1.1.3 研究意义

    1.2 国内外研究动态及文献述评

        1.2.1 国外研究动态

        1.2.2 国内研究动态

        1.2.3 文献研究述评

    1.3 研究目的及内容

        1.3.1 研究目的

        1.3.2 研究内容

    1.4 研究思路、技术路线及方法

        1.4.1 研究思路

        1.4.2 技术路线

        1.4.3 研究方法

2 元认知及元认知策略相关概述

    2.1 元认知

    2.2 元认知策略

    2.3 元认知策略分类

3 英语教育专业听力教学现状及原因分析

    3.1 英语教育专业学生英语听力教学现状分析

        3.1.1 我国英语听力教学现状分析

        3.1.2 英语教育专业英语听力现状

        3.1.3 英语教师听力教学现状分析

    3.2 英语教育专业听力教学存在问题的原因分析

        3.2.1 学校方面

        3.2.2 教师方面

        3.2.3 学生方面

4 元认知策略在英语教育专业听力教学中的理论应用分析

    4.1 教学内容

    4.2 教学手段

    4.3 教学步骤

5 元认知策略在英语教育专业听力教学中的实证应用分析

    5.1 研究方案设计

        5.1.1 调研假设

        5.1.2 调研问题

        5.1.3 调研方案

        5.1.4 研究对象与材料

        5.1.5 信度和效度检验

    5.2 调研过程

        5.2.1 预调研阶段

        5.2.2 正式调研阶段

        5.2.3 调研后阶段

    5.3 实证结果分析

        5.3.1 对学生听力前后测结果分析

        5.3.2 对调查表及问卷的结果分析

6 结语

    6.1 研究结论

    6.2 研究创新

    6.3 研究不足

    6.4 未来展望







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