内容提要:跨国公司是科学技术和社会生产力发展的结果。是生产集中、资本集中和经济全球化的产物,是当代世界经济技术合作的新型的企业组织形式。它代表着现代企业的发展方向,直接体现着国家的竞争力。目前跨国公司的触角已遍及世界每个角落和各个领域。现代跨国公司已成为现代国际投资、国际生产、国际贸易和国际技术转让中最活跃最有影响的力量,据联合国贸发会议最新发布的世界投资报告显示,目前世界上共有各类跨国公司5.3万家,其分支机构45万之众。跨国公司控制着全球生产的40%左右,国际贸易的50-60%,国际技术贸易的60-70%,技术研究与开发的 80-90%。国际直接投资额的 90%,事实上,当前的国际经济关系,在很大程度上是跨国公司内部的关系,跨国公司特别是其中几百家占统治地位的巨型跨国公司形成了巨大的、无所不包的全球经济网络,各国之间的经济关系在很大程度上不过是跨国公司内部经济关系的外在表现,因此,跨国公司已经成为当前国际经济关系的主体,即将到来的21世纪将是世界企业跨国经营的全盛时期,一切高水平、高层次、大规模的贸易、投资和科学研究等活动均将以跨国公司为主体或载体进行。跨国公司将主宰未来全球经济。
Abstract:Transnationa1 Corporation,is the consequence of the deve1opment of sicence, techno1ogy and socia1 productive forces as we11 as the outcome of the t concentration of production and capita1.'It is a1so the resu1t of the ec0nomic g1ob1ism and new tyPe of enterprises of the contemPorary wor1d economy and techn01ogy cooperation. It stands for the deve1oping directions of modern business and direct1y embodies the c0mPetitions between countries. At present, transnationa1 corporations have a1ready reached every corner and every fie1d of the wor1d. Modern Transnationa1 Corporation has become the most active and inf1uentia1 force in internationa1 investment, internationa1 production, internationa1 trade and internationa1 techno1ogy transaction.
According to the report of wor1d investement issued by the Trade and Deve1opment Congress U. N., there are 53 thousand transnationa1 corporations of a11 kinds, wtth 450 thousand branches attached to them in the who1e wor1d. Transnationa1 corporation contro1s 4O% of the g1oba1 production, 50- 60yo of internationa1 techno1ogy trade, 8O-90yo of techno1ogica1 research and ndeve1opment and 900/ of internationa1 direct investment. In fact, the present internationa1 econony re1ationship, to great extent, is the re1ationship within the transnationa1 corporations. Transnationa1 c0rparations, especia11y the severa1 hundreds of the huge and ..
dominative ones form a 1arge, g10be1 economic web Which contains everything. The economic re1ationship betseen countries, to great extent, is no more tran an externa1 disp1ay of the econOmic re1ationship inside the transnationa1 corporations. Hence, transnationa1 corporation has a1ready been the main body of present internationa1 economy re1ationship. The 21 century, which is aPProaching, wi11 be the heyday for transnationa1 corporations- A11 of the high- 1eve1 and 1arge-sca1e activities of trade, investment and scientific studies wi11 be carried on with transnationa1 corporations as their carriers. Transnationa1 corporations wi11 contro1 the g1oba1 economy of future. China, at the end of tlie century, is quickening its steps in putting itse1f into the internationa1 society.
Chinese peop1e pay c1ose attention to how shortening the gap of economic 1eve1 and coInPrehensive power between the economic powers and China. Tliey are a1so concerned about how raising our competitive abi1ity on the who1e and consequent1y keeping us standing strong among the powers at the beginning of next century. Actua11y, since the reform and opening, our enterPrises have stepped out of China and started the business of foreign investment and transnationa1 management. Both of the deve1oPing speed ahd sca1e are unique in the history. They are fair1y high. coInPared wtth the deve1OPing countries- Some facts show that it is a !nain e1ement for our enterprises to invest direct1y and manage transnationa11y in pushing forward our nationa1 econ0my at a high speed. It is bec0ming a new increasing point of the continuous deve1opment of economy in the future. However, the transnationa1 management of our enterprises is just at its starting period, especia11y when coopared with the transnationa1 enterprises of the powers, the gap is striking. There are sti11 1ots of prob1ems which are on the way to be so1ved. Thus, it is a significant work for us to conc1ude the practica1 experience of transnationa1 management of our enterprises for 2O years and then search to find out a way which agrees with the genera1 regu1arity of internati0na1 economic activities as we11 as chinese practica1 transnationa1 management. We are keen on the expection that chinese transnationa1 corporations grow up soon'
This thesis consists of seven parts. The first five parts 1ay emphasis on the ana1ysis and study on the features of genera1 regu1arity of transnationa1 corporations' deve1oping, changing and operating at the end of the century; The 1ast two parts is a research on the chinese way of transnationa1 management of enterprises, on the basis of the former parts, by consu1ting the experience of managing transnationa1 corporations in an internationa1 way.
Chapter One: The deve1opment of conteInPorary
transnationa1 corporations. The chapter makes a genera1 ana1ysis and historica1 investigation into the deve1oping process of transnationa1 corporations. It a1so theoretica11y ana1ySes the reason Why transnationa1 corporations deve1oPed at high speed after the War. On the basis of this point, a stress is put on the profound reseach on the new situation and change of the deve1oPment of direct investment made by transnationa1 corPorations. It is pointed out that the new change of transnationa1 corPorations 1ay not on1y on the quantity but on a breakthrough and 1eap of qua1ity. The thesis gives a Who11y exp1anation in seven aspects. Meanwhi1e, an ana1ysis and research on the change of divect investments and the changing re1ations between supp1ies and demands of direct investments are a1so made in the paper. At 1ast, a conc1usion is brought up' the deve1opment of transnationa1 corporations makes an extensive and deep inf1uence on the g1oba1ized econoIny' Chapter Twot The strategica1 adjustment of transnationa1 corPorations at the end of the century.
The chapter makes a tnu1tip1e and profourd research on the strategica1 adjustment of transnationa1 corporation at the end of the century in four aspects. The four aspects are f the strategica1 adjustment in deve1opment, the $trategica1 adjustment in investrment, the strategica1 adjustment in techno1ogica1 research and deve1opment and the strategica1 adjustment in organizing structure. They consist of the most imPortant features of the deve1opment of transnationa1 corporations at the end the century. In the ana1ysis, a description is given about the genera1 situation of the four strategica1 adjustments as we11 as an eXp1anation in theory is made about the deep cause of the four strategica1 adjustments. These strategica1 adjustments have an extreme1y great inf1uence on the1. present internationa1 economic re1ations and give a Pwih to the g1oba1ized econOny and consequent1y attract the extensive concern of the governmenta1 officers .Qf many countries. internationa1 economic organizatioap and peop1e in business wor1d. They start to pay c1ose attention to this and give a carefu1 consideration to the prob1em of conteInPorary internationa1 economic re1ations. Therefore, at the end of the chapter, a discussion is made on the po1itica1 economy inf1uenced by transnationa1 corporations. 1t is pointed out that the deve1opment 0f transnationa1 corporations is changing peop1e's view on ownerships and races of the countries and gradua11y making the tnarket boundaries of countries and the be1ongings of internationa1 enterprises or nationa1ity obscured. With the continuous deve1opment of the transnationa1 corporations, the aitns of nationa1 economy are being adjusted and changed. Chapter Three f Theory of direct investment of transnationa1 corporations and its new deve1opment. The chapter makes an ana1ysis about the theory of direct investment of transnationa1 corporations in three parts, on the basis of the practica1 deve1opment of transnationa1 corporations. The first part e1aborates the theory of Maxism and Lenninism about internationa1 direct investement, --that is the theory of the export of capita1. This is the starting point of our ana1ysis and study on the theory foundation of transnationa1 corporations' foreign investments. It a1so expounds that our theory of opening to the foreign countries and the practice enriched and deve1oped the internationa1 investmenta1 theory of Maxism, Lenninistn and Mao Zedong thoughts. The second part makes an ana1ysis and a brief coarient on a few popu1ar transnationa1 corporations direct investment theories 0f the western scho1ars. The third part 1ays the stress on the research of the theory on the exp1anation of the reason why transnationa1 corporations direct1y invest, which was brought up by sotne western scho1ars in 199O's. It a1so gives the conunent. It turned out to be two tyPes when we 1ook into the different groups of the western scho1ars who brought uP the theory of transnationa1 corporations,direct investment f one is the theory of transnationa1 corporation based on internationa1 trade theory, which put stress on macro-ana1ysis; the other is the theory of transnationa1 corporation based on industria1 organization theory, which put stress on micro-ana1ysis. Chapter Fourt The foreign direct investment of transnationa1 corporation. The chapter makes a genera1..
ana1ysis on the micro-business action of transnationa1 corporations' foreign direct investment. Gerera11y speaking, transnationa1 corporations must make c1ear the three basic questions when they decide a foreign direct investment f "Why", "where" and uhow",that is "Thy do they make a f0reign direct investment9" (the motiviation of investment)' uWhere do they invest?" (the area a1ternative) and -How do they invest?" (the way of in-put) - The chapter discusses on the three questions in four aspects. First, comes the e1aboration about the motiviation of transnationa1 corporations' foreign direct investment. It is pointed out that the motiviation has very c1ose re1ationship wtth the e1ements 1ike market, production factor and investment driven by income and cost aim. Then comes the ana1ysis on investment environment. That is the ana1ySis on the conditions of the invested areas. The stress is 1aid on the e1aboration of a few popu1ar eva1uations of investing environment of transnationa1 corporations.
The third and forth parts give the answers to the questions Why transnationa1 corporations choose to invest in some p1aces as we11 as the egun about the advantages of the in- put of transnationa1 corporations.
Chapter Five: The internationa1 coInParison of transnationa1 corporation t3Tes. The chapter makes comparison and ana1ysis about the two 1arge tyPes of transnationa1 corporations. It a1so expounds the different transnationa1 corporati0ns with different features 1ike the Industria1 tyPe in Europe and AInerica and the Comprehensive Business Association troe in Japan and Korea and their history of growing,conditions Of deve1oping, motiviation, advantages and different-featured organizing and managing structures.An ana1ysis is a1so made here about the inf1uence they have on different tyPes of countries. The chapter offers an internationa1 reference to chinese. enterprises in choosing transnationa1 corporations management wtth a specia1 mode1.
Chapter Six' The growtng of the transnationa1 management 0f chinese enterprises. The chapter exPounds the experience of the transnationa1 management of chinese enterprises in three aspects. First, an ana1ySis is made about the historica1 inevitabi1ity and the practica1 conditions of chinese way to transnationa1 management, on the basis of the ana1ysis of the oPPortunities and cha11enges which exist in both internationa1 and nationa1 economic enviroanent. It is pointed out that our the0ry, practice and experience of opening for 20 years are the assurance of success of transnati0na1 management. The success is signifiant to the deve1opment of our future nationa1 economy and the inhancement of our comPrehensive nationa1 porer and the internati0na1 comPetitive abi1ity' Second, a historica1 investigation is given to the process of chinese transnationa1 management' An e1aboration and reseach are a1so made especia11y to the practice 0f our transnationa1 management since 1990's. Last1y, I ana1yses the features of our transnationa1 management in twn aspects: macro and micro. I 1ay the stress on the prob1ems and pbstac1es in our transnationa1 management at present and consequent1y provides theoreticai foundation for further research and methods.
Chapter Seven: The strategica1 choice of chinese transnationa1 management. The chapter is the footpoint of the who1e thesis. 0n the basis of the six chapters mentioned above, the chapter out1ines the strategy and po1icy that chinese enterprises used to en1arge tlieir transnationa1 management. First, an ana1ysis is made about industria1 tyPe transnationa1 corporations and comprehensive-business-associati tyPe transnationa1 corporations. At this, I point out that the mode1 by Which chinese transnationa1 corporatins deve1op themse1ves shou1d be set, according to their own features and conditions. Second, A b01d research and discussion are made on the macro and micro strategies of chinese transnationa1 management in two aspects. At 1ast, I a1so make an ana1ysis and research on the importance of preventing risks in transnationa management and the po1icies.
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