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  • 日期:2022-10-28
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[1]脑卒中后下肢深静脉血栓形成的危险因素探讨[J]. 戴晓蓉,魏青,王浩,代玲,刘建平,孟丽红,柏江艳,王美红,张瑞,刘军梅,段晓宁,胡嘉云.  中国临床神经科学. 2016(01)

[2]617例下肢深静脉血栓形成相关危险因素分析[J]. 陶红,欧阳建,沈振丽,徐勇,李萍,周荣富.  血栓与止血学. 2014(04)

[3]Wells评分、Kahn评分、St. André评分、Constans评分对下肢深静脉血栓的诊断价值研究[J]. 田兴仓,李文玲,朱力,孟淑萍,王一帆,张正平,穆丽莎,蒲艳军,孙凯.  中国全科医学. 2014(23)

[4]C-反应蛋白和D-二聚体在下肢深静脉血栓形成中的临床意义[J]. 王旭东,王晋峰.  山西医药杂志. 2014(04)

[5]血浆PCT和CRP水平的动态变化对脓毒症严重程度的评估及其相关性研究[J]. 李丽娟,陈炜,古旭云,盛博,赵磊.  中国实验诊断学. 2013(06)

[6]临床评分结合D-二聚体检测对急性脑梗死患者下肢深静脉血栓的诊断价值[J]. 王立志,罗伟良,何艳.  河北医药. 2012(16)

[7]C-反应蛋白、D-二聚体和纤维蛋白原在下肢深静脉血栓形成中的意义[J]. 余方友,刘斌.  安徽医药. 2012(08)

[8]D-二聚体、同型半胱氨酸、超敏C反应蛋白对深静脉血栓性疾病早期诊断及预后的价值[J]. 欧永强.  中国老年学杂志. 2012(11)

[9]疑诊下肢深静脉血栓患者临床可能性预测评分研究[J]. 朱力,王建国,刘敏,郭晓娟,郭玉林,翟晓辉,郭佑民,王辰.  中华心血管病杂志. 2011 (11)

[10]C-反应蛋白与急性下肢深静脉血栓炎症反应的研究[J]. 杨林,祁光裕,李艳姿,禄韶英.  中国现代普通外科进展. 2007(05)

[1]胃癌淋巴结转移规律的临床研究[D]. 吴元华.山东大学 2019

[2]2型糖尿病对甲状腺乳头状癌颈部淋巴结转移的影响[D]. 王世平.大连医科大学 2018

[3]T1期周围型非小细胞肺癌淋巴结转移规律及治疗方案探讨[D]. 冯超.吉林大学 2018

[4]pT1期胸段食管鳞癌淋巴结转移率及危险因素[D]. 肖俊猛.郑州大学 2018

[5]非小细胞肺癌区域淋巴结转移规律的研究[D]. 杨子昊.吉林大学 2018

[6]乳腺浸润性微乳头状癌临床及病理特征研究[D]. 王莹.吉林大学 2018

[7]关于乳腺浸润性微乳头状癌的预后因素分析[D]. 赖晓纯.广州医科大学 2018

[8]淋巴结转移率与Ⅲ期结肠癌患者预后的关系[D]. 罗德庆.广州医科大学 2018

[9]乳腺癌X线表现与乳腺癌分子分型[D]. 薛晶.河北医科大学 2017

[10]T2期NSCLC的N1特点及影响因素分析[D]. 李珊珊.大连医科大学 2017



[1]眼眶MR脂肪定量分析对Graves眼病的临床价值[J]. 李若程,黄夏华,伏文皓,邹梦莎,武迪德,洪澍彬,朱洪章,杨艳红.  中山大学学报(医学版). 2019(06)

[2]初诊Graves眼病患者生活质量及其影响因素[J]. 翁婵燕,李章芳,胡世弟,罗耀升,冯晓婷,钟强,张青,沈洁.  中华内科杂志. 2019 (08)

[3]3.0 T MRI水-脂分离Dixon技术鉴别良恶性椎体压缩性骨折的价值[J]. 樊秋菊,于楠,胡延静,曹媛,于勇,谭辉,王少彧,薛育.  中国中西医结合影像学杂志. 2019(01)

[4]甲状腺相关眼病的EUGOGO临床分级特征[J]. 曾鹏,余韵,范淑贤,李梓敬,张一弛,廖韵如,胡玉新,王梅.  中山大学学报(医学版). 2018(06)

[5]mDixon Quant脂肪定量技术对强直性脊柱炎骶髂关节炎的应用研究[J]. 展影,安颖颖,屈瑾,雷新玮.  国际医学放射学杂志. 2018(06)

[6]T2 mapping MRI评估甲状腺相关性眼病免疫抑制疗效的初步研究[J]. 姜虹,燕飞,鲜军舫,艾立坤,王雪.  眼科. 2018(05)

[7]核磁共振眼外肌与同侧脑白质信号强度比值对甲状腺相关性眼病活动性评判价值的研究[J]. 蔡秋月,陈智毅,李晨钟,李章芳,蒋薇,罗耀升,胡世弟,沈洁.  中华内分泌代谢杂志. 2018 (02)

[8]球后脂肪体积测定对甲状腺相关性眼病治疗时机的判定价值[J]. 蒋薇,蔡秋月,李章芳,陈智毅,罗耀升,胡世弟,沈洁.  南方医科大学学报. 2017(05)

[9]3.0T MRI多回波Dixon技术对非酒精性脂肪性肝病患者肝脏脂肪的定量分析[J]. 李斯婕,王振,陈录广,傅彩霞,陆建平.  第二军医大学学报. 2016(09)

[10]Hypoxia increases adipogenesis and affects adipocytokine production in orbital fibroblasts-a possible explanation of the link between smoking and Graves’ ophthalmopathy[J]. Chiaw Ling Chng,Oi Fah Lai,Charmaine Sze-Min Chew,Yu Pei Peh,Stephanie Man-Chung Fook-Chong,Lay Leng Seah,Daphne Hsu-Chin Khoo.  International Journal of Ophthalmology. 2014(03)

[1]Prediction of Abnormal Bone Density and Osteoporosis From Lumbar Spine MR Using Modified Dixon Quant in 257 Subjects With Quantitative Computed Tomography as Reference[J] . Yinxia Zhao MD,Mingqian Huang MD,Jie Ding MS,Xintao Zhang MD,Karl Spuhler MS,Shaoyong Hu BS,Mianwen LI MD,Wei Fan BS,Lin Chen BS,Xiaodong Zhang MD, PhD,Shaolin Li MD, PhD,Quan Zhou MD, PhD,Chuan Huang PhD.  Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging . 2019 (2)

[2]Establishment of magnetic resonance imaging 3D reconstruction technology of orbital soft tissue and its preliminary application in patients with thyroid‐associated ophthalmopathy[J] . Jie Shen,Wei Jiang,Yaosheng Luo,Qiuyue Cai,Zhangfang Li,Zhiyi Chen,Shidi Hu,Lei Tang.  Clinical Endocrinology . 2018 (5)

[3]Therapeutic Mechanisms of Glucocorticoids[J] . Jolien Vandewalle,Astrid Luypaert,Karolien De Bosscher,Claude Libert.  Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism . 2018 (1)

[4]Immunopathology alters Th17 cell glucocorticoid sensitivity[J] . J. Banuelos,Y. Cao,S. C. Shin,N. Z. Lu.  Allergy . 2017 (3)

[5]Hypoxia-Dependent HIF-1 Activation Impacts on Tissue Remodeling in Graves? Ophthalmopathy—Implications for Smoking[J] . Gina-Eva G?rtz,Mareike Horstmann,Barbara Aniol,Buena Delos Reyes,Joachim Fandrey,Anja Eckstein,Utta Berchner-Pfannschmidt.  The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolis . 2016 (12)

[6]Calculated Computed Tomography Volumes of Lacrimal Glands and Comparison to Clinical Findings in Patients With Thyroid Eye Disease[J] . Chad M. Bingham,Matheson A. Harris,Tony Realini,John Nguyen,Jeffery P. Hogg,Jennifer A. Sivak-Callcott.  Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery . 2014 (2)

[7]Thyroid Eye Disease: Therapy in the Active Phase[J] . M. Tariq Bhatti,Jonathan J. Dutton.  Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology . 2014 (2)

[8]A Prospective, Randomized Trial of Intravenous Glucocorticoids Therapy With Different Protocols for Patients With Graves? Ophthalmopathy[J] . Wei Zhu,Lei Ye,Liyun Shen,Qin Jiao,Fengjiao Huang,Rulai Han,Xiaofang Zhang,Shu Wang,Weiqing Wang,Guang Ning.  The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism . 2014 (6)

[9]Public Health Relevance of Graves? Orbitopathy[J] . Katharina A. Ponto,Sonja Merkesdal,Gerhard Hommel,Susanne Pitz,Norbert Pfeiffer,George J. Kahaly.  The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism . 2013 (1)

[10]Incidence and Clinical Presentation of Moderate to Severe Graves? Orbitopathy in a Danish Population before and after Iodine Fortification of Salt[J] . Peter Laurberg,Dalia C. Berman,Inge Bülow Pedersen,Stig Andersen,Allan Carlé.  The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism . 2012 (7)

[11]Graves′ orbitopathy: Management of difficult cases[J] . Wilmar Wiersinga.  Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism . 2012 (8)

[12]Quality of Life in a German Graves Orbitopathy Population[J] . Katharina A. Ponto,Gerhard Hommel,Susanne Pitz,Heike Elflein,Norbert Pfeiffer,George J. Kahaly.  American Journal of Ophthalmology . 2011 (3)

[13]Intravenous Glucocorticoids for Graves? Orbitopathy: Efficacy and Morbidity[J] . S. Zang,K. A. Ponto,G. J. Kahaly.  Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism . 2011 (2)

[14]Mesure de la pression intraorbitaire avant, pendant et après décompression orbitaire osseuse dans l’orbitopathie dysthyro?dienne[J] . A. Berthout,C. Vignal,P.V. Jacomet,O. Galatoire,S. Morax.  Journal Francais d’Ophtalmologie . 2010 (9)

[15]Current Insights into the Pathogenesis of Graves’ Orbitopathy[J] . A. K. Eckstein,K. T. M. Johnson,M. Thanos,J. Esser,M. Ludgate.  Horm Metab Res . 2009 (06)

[16]Evidence for Enhanced Adipogenesis in the Orbits of Patients with Graves’ Ophthalmopathy[J] . Seema Kumar,Michael J. Coenen,Philipp E. Scherer,Rebecca S. Bahn.  The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism . 2004 (2)

[17]Current Perspective on the Pathogenesis of Graves’ Disease and Ophthalmopathy[J] . Bellur S. Prabhakar,Rebecca S. Bahn,Terry J. Smith.  Endocrine Reviews . 2003 (6)

[18]Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-γ in Thyroid Eye Disease: Contraindication for Thiazolidinedione Use?[J] . Kerry Starkey,Armin Heufelder,Glynn Baker,Werner Joba,Marc Evans,Stephen Davies,Marian Ludgate.  The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism . 2003 (1)

[19]Significance of orbital fatty tissue for exophthalmos in thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy[J] . Yasuhiro Nishida,Suna Tian,Bengt Isberg,Osamu Hayashi,Leif Tallstedt,Gunnar Lennerstrand.  Graefe’s Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology . 2002 (7)

[20]The Incidence of Graves’ Ophthalmopathy in Olmsted County, Minnesota[J] . GEORGE B. BARTLEY,VAHAB FATOURECHI,EDDIE F. KADRMAS,STEVEN J. JACOBSEN,DUANE M. ILSTRUP,JAMES A. GARRITY,COLUM A. GORMAN.  American Journal of Ophthalmology . 1995 (4)


参考文献的格式案例三:164例卵巢交界性肿瘤患者临床资料回顾性研究 ——临床结局分析及冰冻切片诊断的临床应用

[1]Improving the clinical management of women with borderline tumours: a recurrence risk scoring system from a French multicentre study.[J] . Ouldamer L,Bendifallah S,Nikpayam M,Body G,Fritel X,Uzan C,Morice P,Dara? E,Ballester M.  BJOG : an international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology . 2017 (6)

[2]Is it necessary to perform routine appendectomy for mucinous ovarian neoplasms? A retrospective study and meta-analysis[J] . Aoshuang Cheng,Minghao Li,Margaux J Kanis,Ying Xu,Qing Zhang,Baoxia Cui,Jie Jiang,YouZhong Zhang,Xingsheng Yang,Beihua Kong.  Gynecologic Oncology . 2017 (1)

[3]Fertility preservation in women with borderline ovarian tumours[J] . Giorgia Mangili,Edgardo Somigliana,Veronica Giorgione,Fabio Martinelli,Francesca Filippi,Maria Cristina Petrella,Massimo Candiani,Fedro Peccatori.  Cancer Treatment Reviews . 2016

[4]The Evaluation of Risk Factors Associated With Relapse and Recurrence of Borderline Ovarian Tumors With Long-Term Follow-up[J] . Piotr Sobiczewski,Jolanta Kupryjanczyk,Wojciech Michalski,Beata ?piewankiewicz.  International Journal of Gynecological Cancer . 2016 (6)

[5]Relapse and disease specific survival in 1143 Danish women diagnosed with borderline ovarian tumours (BOT)[J] . Nikoline Marie Schou Karlsen,Mona Aarenstrup Karlsen,Estrid H?gdall,Lotte Nedergaard,Ib Jarle Christensen,Claus H?gdall.  Gynecologic Oncology . 2016 (1)

[6]The diagnostic value of frozen section for borderline ovarian tumours[J] . Halenur Bozdag,Kadir Guzin,Ahmet Gocmen,Sedef Kabaca,Ak?n Usta,Esra Akdeniz Duran.  Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology . 2016 (5)

[7]Long‐term survival in women with borderline ovarian tumors: a population‐based survey of borderline ovarian tumors in Sweden 1960–2007[J] . Grigorios Kalapotharakos,Thomas H?gberg,Kjell Bergfeldt,Christer Borgfeldt.  Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica . 2016 (4)

[8]Fertility-sparing surgery for young patients with borderline ovarian tumors (BOTs): single institution experience.[J] . Chen Rui-Fang,Li Jun,Zhu Ting-Ting,Yu Hai-Lin,Lu Xin.  Journal of ovarian research . 2016 (1)

[9]The Factors Predicting Recurrence in Patients With Serous Borderline Ovarian Tumor[J] . Isin Ureyen,Alper Karalok,Tolga Tasci,Osman Turkmen,Nurettin Boran,Gokhan Tulunay,Taner Turan.  International Journal of Gynecological Cancer . 2016 (1)

[10]Conservative surgery in ovarian borderline tumours: A meta-analysis with emphasis on recurrence risk[J] . Inês Vasconcelos,Miguel de Sousa Mendes.  European Journal of Cancer . 2015 (5)

[11]Limited efficacy of platinum-based adjuvant treatment on the outcome of borderline ovarian tumors[J] . Ines Vasconcelos,Jessica Olschewski,Ioana Braicu,Jalid Sehouli.  European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology . 2015

[12]A meta-analysis on the impact of platinum-based adjuvant treatment on the outcome of borderline ovarian tumors with invasive implants.[J] . Vasconcelos Ines,Olschewski Jessica,Braicu Ioana,Sehouli Jalid.  The oncologist . 2015 (2)

[13]Borderline ovarian tumor in women aged ≥65 years: impact on recurrence and survival[J] . Taejong Song,Yoo-Young Lee,Chel Hun Choi,Tae-Joong Kim,Jeong-Won Lee,Duk-Soo Bae,Byoung-Gie Kim.  European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology . 2014

[14]Diagnostic accuracy of intraoperative consultation (frozen section) in borderline ovarian tumours and factors associated with misdiagnosis[J] . D. Basaran,M. C. Salman,P. Calis,A. Ozek,N. Ozgul,A. Usubü,tü,n,K. Yuce.  Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology . 2014 (5)

[15]Effect of surgical staging on 539 patients with borderline ovarian tumors: A Turkish Gynecologic Oncology Group study[J] . Tevfik Guvenal,Polat Dursun,Pinar S. Hasdemir,Merih Hanhan,Suleyman Guven,Hakan Yetimalar,Behice P. Goksedef,Derya K. Sakarya,Arzu Doruk,Mustafa C. Terek,Bahadir Saatli,Kadir Guzin,Aydin Corakci,Emek Deger,Husnu Celik,Ahmet Cetin,Aydin Ozsaran,Ay?e Ozbakkaloglu,Ali Kolusari,Cetin Celik,Refik Keles,Fulya G. Sagir,Saffet Dilek,Turhan Uslu,Yilmaz Dikmen,Ozden Altundag,Ali Ayhan.  Gynecologic Oncology . 2013 (3)

[16]Borderline tumours of the ovary: A cohort study of the Arbeitsgmeinschaft Gyn?kologische Onkologie (AGO) Study Group[J] . Andreas du Bois,Nina Ewald-Riegler,Nikolaus de Gregorio,Alexander Reuss,Sven Mahner,Christina Fotopoulou,Friedrich Kommoss,Barbara Schmalfeldt,Felix Hilpert,Tanja Fehm,Alexander Burges,Werner Meier,Peter Hillemanns,Lars Hanker,Annette Hasenburg,Hans-Georg Strauss,Martin Hellriegel,Pauline Wimberger,Mignon-Denise Keyver-Paik,Klaus Baumann,Ulrich Canzler,Kerstin Wollschlaeger,Dirk Forner,Jacobus Pfisterer,Willibald Schr?der,Karsten Münstedt,Barbara Richter,Stefan Kommoss,Steffen Ha.  European Journal of Cancer . 2013 (8)

[17]Prognostic factors and survival of borderline ovarian tumors in Rajavithi Hospital between 1979-2006 A.D.[J] . Sornsukolrat Somboon,Tuipae Suphet.  Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet . 2012 (9)

[18]Diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of borderline ovarian tumors.[J] . Fischerova Daniela,Zikan Michal,Dundr Pavel,Cibula David.  The oncologist . 2012 (12)

[19]Borderline ovarian tumours[J] .   Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology . 2012 (3)

[20]Mucinous tumors of the ovary: Diagnostic challenges at frozen section and clinical implications[J] . Ashley-Ann Storms,Paniti Sukumvanich,Sara E. Monaco,Sushil Beriwal,Thomas C. Krivak,Alexander B. Olawaiye,Amal Kanbour-Shakir.  Gynecologic Oncology . 2011 (1)

[21]Accuracy of Frozen-Section Diagnosis of Ovarian Mucinous Tumors[J] . Tip Pongsuvareeyakul,Surapan Khunamornpong,Jongkolnee Settakorn,Kornkanok Sukpan,Prapaporn Suprasert,Sumalee Siriaunkgul.  International Journal of Gynecological Cancer . 2012 (3)

[22]Accuracy of frozen section diagnosis of ovarian borderline tumor[J] . K.K. Shih,K. Garg,R.A. Soslow,D.S. Chi,N.R. Abu-Rustum,R.R. Barakat.  Gynecologic Oncology . 2011 (3)

[23]Accuracy of frozen section diagnosis of borderline ovarian tumors[J] . Taejong Song,Chel Hun Choi,Ha-Jeong Kim,Min Kyu Kim,Tae-Joong Kim,Jeong-Won Lee,Duk-Soo Bae,Byoung-Gie Kim.  Gynecologic Oncology . 2011 (1)

[24]Interventions for the treatment of borderline ovarian tumours.[J] . Faluyi Olusola,Mackean Melanie,Gourley Charlie,Bryant Andrew,Dickinson Heather O.  The Cochrane database of systematic reviews . 2010 (9)

[25]Borderline ovarian tumors and extended patient follow‐up: An individual institution’s experience[J] . Mark A.Rettenmaier,KatrinaLopez,Lisa N.Abaid,John V.Brown,John P.Micha,Bram H.Goldstein.  J. Surg. Oncol. . 2009 (1)

[26]Clinical impact of under-diagnosis by frozen section examination is minimal in borderline ovarian tumors[J] . K. Kim,H.H. Chung,J.W. Kim,N.H. Park,Y.S. Song,S.B. Kang.  European Journal of Surgical Oncology . 2009 (9)

[27]Accuracy of intraoperative frozen section in the diagnosis of ovarian tumors[J] . FaribaYARANDI,Z.EFTEKHAR,NargesIZADI‐MOOD,HadiSHOJAEI.  Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology . 2008 (4)

[28]A clinicopathologic multivariate analysis affecting recurrence of borderline ovarian tumors[J] . Jie Ren,Zhilan Peng,Kaixuan Yang.  Gynecologic Oncology . 2008 (2)

[29]Factors influencing the use and accuracy of frozen section diagnosis of epithelial ovarian tumors[J] .   American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology . 2008 (3)

[30]Accuracy of intraoperative frozen section analysis in borderline tumors of the ovary: A retrospective analysis of 96 cases and review of the literature[J] . Clemens B. Tempfer,Stephan Polterauer,Eva-Katrin Bentz,Alexander Reinthaller,Lukas A. Hefler.  Gynecologic Oncology . 2007 (2)


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