

  • 论文价格:150
  • 用途: 硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:1
  • 论文字数:42555
  • 论文编号:
  • 日期:2022-09-05
  • 来源:上海论文网



1.1 Previous Translation Studies from the Perspective ofGestalt Psychology

1.1.1 Snell Hornby’s Studies

The psychological activity taking place in the“black box”of thetranslator’s mind though hard to grasp,is noteworthy.The Gestalt psychologyoffers a cross-disciplinary access to cognitive activities of translators.As themost influential concept in the field of translation studies,the age-olddichotomy and typology to some extent beset the further development oftranslation studies.When it comes to the long-existing classical approach tolinguistics and translation studies,Hornby(1995)criticized that the previousstudies are“atomistic and fragmented”in that they are far removed from theconcrete realization of language.

Facilitated by the Gestalt psychology that emphasizes the whole issuperior than the total sum of its parts,an integrated approach was proposed inHornby’s Translation Studies-An Integrated Approach(ibid.)to offer a newangle for translation studies.By this integrated approach to translation studies,it means that translation is not merely the conversion of one language into another.Translators are supposed to adopt a holistic perspective and payattention to the relevance of the TT to a larger context and cultural context.



2.1 Gestalt Psychology and Isomorphism

2.1.1 Gestalt Psychology

Since it was first proposed by experimental psychologist Max Wertheimer(1912)in the 20th century and further enriched by Wolfgang Köhler(1920)andKurt Koffka(1922),the theory of Gestalt psychology has become one of themain branches of modern western psychology.Opposed to certain propositionsof Structuralism,Gestalt psychology emphasizes the wholeness of perceptionthat cannot be further divided into smaller elements.Unlike the“stimulus-response”formula held by Behaviorism,Gestalt psychology placesits research focus on exploring the psychological mechanism behindpsychological explicit behavior.

The kernel conception of Gestalt psychology is that the whole is superiorto the sum of the parts(Dong,2011,p.1).To be specific,the attributes of thewhole are not inferrible from the analysis of its parts.A component ofperceptual experience cannot be analyzed in isolation unless it connects closelywith other components.



3.1 Translator’s Recognition of Image-G

In this part,translators’mental process of recognizing image-G andGestalt qualities in poetry will be elucidated through the lens of Gestaltprinciples of perceptual organization,as building blocks for further theoreticalconstruction of cognitive translation approach to image-G actualization.

3.1.1 Recognition Based on Figure-ground Segregation Principle

This principle suggests that the translator has ability to distinguish figurefrom ground when dealing with scenario of poems constructed by image-G.Perception of figure and ground is not fixed,instead,is reversible whencognitive subject or situational contexts varies.According to the survey onbasic word order of simple sentences in English conducted by Talmy(2000,p.34),the figure usually presents before the background in a sentence.Langacker(ibid.,p.231)used the terms of trajector and landmark to reinterpreted theconception of figure and ground in language analysis,and reiterated Talmy’s views that figure precedes the background in English.To be specific,thesubject always serves as the figure in a sentence while the object as thebackground.A skilled translator knows how to visualize the aesthetic image-Gof ST and highlight the theme of the literature work by reconstructing thefigure-ground relation in the TT.Take an example from the translation of Li Qi(李颀)’s poem Army Life(古从军行).

Example 1:白日登山望烽火,黄昏饮马傍交河。(Li Qi,李颀)

3.2 Cognitive Translation Methods of Image-G Actualization

3.2.1 Prominence

Images ornamented with ideological and aesthetic significance areimportant carrier of artistic conception and aesthetic essence in literary works.Of the perceptual organizational principles,the figure-ground segregationmeans that the cognitive subject tends to mentally process the poetic image bygrouping main images and secondary images,which offers the cognitivemotivation for the translator to reproduce the aesthetic essence of poetry byhighlighting the main images in the translation.

The figure-ground segregation principle can not only help the translatorperceive aesthetic images,but also provide an effective way to grasp the themeof poetry,and further facilitate the correct expression of the original meaning.Due to the fact that the the cognitive habit of English receptors is differentfrom that of Chinese receptors,their recognition of figure-ground relationshipof image-G is varied.The prominence of the main image in translation shouldtake account of the different relationships between word order and salience inEnglish and Chinese.A skilled translator knows how to visualize the aestheticessence of ST and highlight the theme of the literature work by reconstructingthe relationship of ground and figure in TT.


Major Findings

The study on image translation of the Tang frontier poetry from theperspective of Gestalt psychology is a cross-disciplinary approach that offers anovel angle to translation studies.Through theoretical discussions and caseanalysis of actualization of image-G in the previous chapters,the followingfindings can be concluded:

Firstly,ideal actualization of image-G in TT is premised on the basis ofthe translator’s accurate perception of aesthetic characteristics of image-G andGestalt qualities of ST.Image-G in the Tang Frontier poetry refers to a seriesof highly integrated aesthetic images that possesses Gestalt qualities andrelates closely to the poet’s aesthetic experience.Thus,the process of decodingand perceiving the image-G and Gestalt qualities involves high-level cognitiveactivities,in which the translator is required to take the poet’s aesthetic idealsand perceptual laws into account.Then,the artistic conception of the wholepoem can be grasped holistically by accurate perception of aesthetic elements and Gestalt qualities of image-G.To be concisely,only with the correctperception of the original and Gestalt qualities of image-G can the translatorconvert stimuli received from ST into organic image-G schema,whichconstitutes the foundation for image-G actualization in TT.

Secondly,the translator’s perception and comprehension for image-G andits Gestalt qualities in classical Chinese poetry is a top-down process,involving the transformation in categories between different language orlanguage varieties.In this process,Gestalt principles of perceptualorganization governing cognitive activities of human beings,namely,thefigure-ground segregation principle,closure principle,similarity principle andperception constancy principle,provide the cognitive pathway for translators toidentify the aesthetic properties and Gestalt qualities of image-G,and facilitatetranslators to maximally reproduce the emotional connotation and aestheticcharacteristics of ST.








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