

  • 论文价格:150
  • 用途: 硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:1
  • 论文字数:36596
  • 论文编号:
  • 日期:2022-04-18
  • 来源:上海论文网



1.2   Research significance

From  the  above  statement,  the  author  will  focus  on  ―-gou3‖  and  ―wei1-‖,  the  two representatives of emerging affixes in Modern Chinese to have the exploration of their internal  word-formation  in  a  new  theoretical  framework-  Booij‘s  Construction Morphology. This paper tries to present a new way to tackle the debated issues on the blurry  boundary  between  derivations  and  compounds  in  Chinese  and  then  analyzes their  cognitive  mechanisms  under  Construction  Grammar.  The  significance  of  this study can be listed out as follows:

y can be listed out as follows: Firstly,  the  author  hopes  it  will  contribute  to  a  better  understanding  of  a ―mistreated‖ category of word formation in Modern Chinese and the description as well as the prediction of new emerging affixes in the future. This paper observes the internal  word  formation  of  two  kinds  of  emerging  affixes  and  summarizes  their features  by  comparing  two  emerging  affixes,  ―-gou3‖,  a  typical  quasi-suffix,  and ―wei1-‖, a typical secreted prefix, with their original words. 

Secondly,  by  adopting  the  theoretical  framework-Construction  Morphology  on Modern  Chinese,  the  author  hopes  that  this  study  can  enrich  its  analysis  of  Chinese facts, and  contribute to  offering  a new way to interpret the internal structure of new cyber words in Chinese. 

Thirdly,  this  study  conduces  to  the  studies  on  the  application  of  Construction Grammar  on  lexical  morphemes  in  Modern  Chinese.  Being  affected  by  Structural Linguistics,  linguists  at  home  consequently  do  not  attach  enough  importance  to  the morphological  study  of  Chinese  (An  and  Cheng  2017).  The  thesis  will  enrich  the application of Construction Grammar in Chinese vocabularies. 


3.1   Morphology and Construction Grammar

Morphology deals with the internal structure of words, which is about how morpheme combines  to  be  words.  Compound  and  derivation  are  two  main  ways  of  word formation.  For  the  analysis  of  word  formation  on  complex  words,  morpheme-based and  word-based  ways  are  fundamental  (An  and  Cheng  2017).  The  morpheme-based approach  is  prevailing  in  post-Bloomfieldian  American  linguistics  including Traditional  Morphology  and  prevalent  Distributed  Morphology  in  which  complex words are regarded as the concatenation of morphemes. For example, ―walker‖ can be treated as the concatenation of a verbal morpheme ―walk‖ and a nominalizing suffix ―-er‖, which carries ―agent‖ meaning. 

Alternatively,  Construction  Morphology,  a  word-based  perspective  in  which words  are  the  formation  units  of  morphological  analysis,  takes  the  notion ―construction‖ into consideration. The advantage is that ‗it can be used both at the level  of  word  structure  and  that  of  syntactic  structure  without  obliterating  the differences  between  these  two  domains‘  (Booij  2010a:2).  Construction  Morphology avoids the analytic way of taking morphemes as the analytic units, which will offer a novel approach to the morphological research on complex words in Chinese.


5.1   A Construction Morphology analysis of “-gou3” word cluster

5.1.1   Classifications of “-gou3” word cluster

In  order  to  keep  a  good  grip  on  the  syllabic  structure  and  word  class  of  new  cyber words  ―gou3‖, the author provides a preliminary statistical analysis of ―-gou3‖ word family after collecting the data from previous studies and Sougou.com.

This  study  observes that in ―-gou3‖ construction, most of them are ―disyllable plus  gou3‖,  accounting  for  over  83%,  such  as  ―da4si4gou3‖,  ―cheng2xu4gou3‖, ―ke1yan2gou3‖ and so on, which are in accord with the feature of disyllabification in Chinese. They  are tri-syllabic words for the whole ―disyllable plus gou3‖, indicating that  new  cyber  words  in  Modern  Chinese,  to  some  extent,  are  inclined  to  become tri-syllabification.  Of  course,  a  very  small  amount  of  them  are  ―monosyllable  plus gou3‖,  such  as  ―chang3gou3‖,  ―yan2gou3‖  and  ―tri-syllable  plus  gou3‖,  such  as ―yuan3guang1deng1gou3‖. The following table 5-1 is The Syllable Structure of ―-gou3‖ and for the detailed data, see Appendix C.


5.2   A Construction Morphology analysis of “wei1-” word cluster

5.2.1   Classification of “wei1-” word cluster

In  2009,  ―micro  blog‖  is  introduced  in  China  by  the  ―Sina‖  company.  With  the development  of  ―Weibo‖,  ―wei1-‖  clusters  based  on  ―Weibo‖  spring  up,  such  as ―wei1you3‖,  ―wei1dian4‖,  ―wei1ke4‖,  ―wei1ying2xiao1‖  and  so  on.  In  2011,  the character ―wei1‖ is selected as the ―Chinese Character of the Year on Both Sides of the Taiwan  Strait‖.  In  2012,  the  character  ―wei1‖  is  listed  on  the  ―China  Jiaozi cutting-edge List‖ and once again becomes the ―Chinese Character of the Year‖. 

In ―wei1-‖ word family, the author finds that the number of syllables after ―wei1‖ in  ―wei1-‖  can  be  roughly  divided  into  four  types:  the  first  type  is  ―wei1‖  plus one-syllable  morphemes  such  as  ―wei1bo1‖,  ―wei1dian4‖  and  ―wei1shang1‖.  For example: ―wei1dian4‖ is a kind of shop run in Wechat as its platform. The second type is  ―wei1‖  plus  disyllable  morphemes  such  as  ―wei1dai4li3‖,  ―wei1shang1cheng2‖, ―wei1ying2xiao1‖ and so on. For example, ―wei1dai4li3‖ means people sell products in Wechat  by  sharing  goods  in  their  Wechat  moments  or  Wechat  groups.  ―wei1‖  plus tri-syllable morphemes consist of the third type of ―wei1-‖, such as ―wei1ji4lu4pian1‖. The  last  type  is  ―wei1‖ plus multi-syllable morphemes, which merely accounts for a small proportion, such as ―wei1 kong3bu4 zhu3yi4‖. The following table 5-4 is about its syllabic number distribution of ―wei1-‖.



6.1   An overview of major findings

The  author  collects  164  ―-gou3‖ and 197 ―wei1-‖  from  the  instances  of  the  previous literature  and  Sougou.com  by  making  use  of  Python  Reptile  and  Jieba  (Chinese  for ―to stutter‖) Chinese text segmentation. This study carries out a statistical analysis of the  data  collected  and  then  describes  construction  schemas  of  the  two  typical emerging  affixes-―-gou3‖  and  ―wei1-‖  in  Modern  Chinese  from  a  new perspective-Construction Morphology. 

As far as the first question is concerned, by  observing lots of new  cyber  words and reading many literatures about word-formation in Chinese, the author summarizes that emerging affixes in Modern Chinese covers two parts: quasi-affixes and secreted affixes  and  gives  a  relatively  clear  definition  about  their  distinctive  features. Quasi-affixes in Modern Chinese evolve from free words, which are able to be used independently. Moreover, their meaning is bleached by way of metaphor or metonymy. On the contrary, secreted affixes develop from loan-words of foreign language, either through phonetic adaptations or through direct translation of their meaning, and they are  bound  to  the  complex  words.  In  new  cyber  words  ―wei1-‖,  ―wei1‖  is  closely related with Weibo or Internet whose meaning has little obvious connections with the typical meanings in the dictionary. This new kind of meaning is entitled to most new cyber words of ―wei1-‖ as ―wei1-‖ word family is analogized.

For  the  next  two  questions,  the  author  makes  some  classifications  on  word clusters of ―-gou3‖ and ―wei1-‖ by representing some tables to find out their features of  word-formation.  By  comparing  them  with  the  ―-gou3‖  and  ―wei1-‖  in  CCL  and explicating their meanings with the aid of several Chinese dictionaries, the study finds that  new  cyber  words  of  ―-gou3‖ in our daily life are not mainly negative, most of which are neutral or even positive. Their construction meanings are stated as follows: a kind of pet name, indicating people‘s close relationship; a kind of self-mockery for those  people  in  some  kind  of  state  for  a  long  time;  a  satire  to  those  people  with despicable behaviors. In addition, the new cyber words ―wei1-‖ are not merely related to  ―tiny  or  small‖  in  the  high-tech  realm,  most  of  which  are  also  closely  connected with Network. 








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