
英文招聘广告中的 语用身份建构探讨

  • 论文价格:150
  • 用途: 硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:1
  • 论文字数:44585
  • 论文编号:el202203021831240
  • 日期:2022-04-02
  • 来源:上海论文网


Chapter One Introduction

1.4 Data Collection and Methodology

The  thesis  chooses  those  ads  that  are  released  on  the  Internet  as  the  research material.  Speaking  of  the  quantity,  over  40,000  words  of  English  recruitment advertisements are collected from the foreign recruiting website www.monster.com and some  official  websites  of  big  companies,  including  American  Airlines,  Walmart, Airbnb and Delta Airlines. And speaking of quality, the corpus involves many social sectors  to  ensure  the  comprehensiveness,  such  as  information  technology,  finance, entertainment,  airlines  and  tourism.  The  main  focus  of  this  thesis  is  the  written discourses, that's why the pictures, videos, design of websites and background music in the ads are not considered.

As  for  the  research  methods,  both  qualitative  and  quantitative  analysis  will  be carried out in the investigation of identities. 

Qualitative  method  can  be  more  useful  for  classifying  and  characterizing  the identities.  It  can  also  gain  insights  into  defining  discursive  strategies  and communicative purposes. This thesis is based on a large quantity of recruiting corpus, many examples will be listed to make a qualitative analysis in concluding the types of identities and inner intentions. In the end, the qualitative research is used to present the characteristics and classifications of identity, discursive strategies and purposes. 


Chapter Three Theoretical Foundation

3.1 Simon's Self-Aspect Model of Identity (SAMI) 

Simon's self-aspect model of identity is a combination of sociology, psychologist and social-cognition. According to Bernd Simon, a self-aspect model of identity (SAMI) refers to the social-cognitive process whereby people give coherence and meaning to their  own  experiences  (Simon,  2004).  SAMI  emphasizes  the  self-aspect  which  is regarded as a concept that serves to process and organize information and knowledge about oneself. 

 According to this model, one's self-aspect means his identity traits and remarks on  them.  These  features  include  personality,  ability,  physical  features,  behavior, ideology, social role, language community and group member. To explain it in a more detailed way, personality features refer to being shy or outgoing; "ability" means the capability to dance or write; physical situation is to describe someone's curly hair or skinny  body;  behaviors  that  refer  to  getting  up  early  or  work  overtime;  ideology signifies Christian or Democrat; social role means a project manager or an engineer; language community is undoubtedly sorted into Chinese or English group; and group members are classified by some common features, such as women or students. 

The function of self-aspect is to explain a person's experiences in various context, social relationships and roles, which would be developed as follows. The first is that self-aspect helps people interpret their behaviors or experiences (e.g. 'I don't like to go to party because I am introverted'). Then experiences could lead to the change of self-aspect (e.g. 'I often go to party now. I may become not introverted gradually'). Finally, self-aspect would increase the possibility of certain experiences (e.g. 'I tend to cheer up this crowd since I am extroverted'). Overall, self-aspect is somewhat equivalent to a theory of self-concept or identity. 

Chapter Five Pragmatic Identity Construction in English Recruitment Advertisements

5.1 Discursive Strategies Used for Pragmatic Identity Construction

Pragmatic  identities  of  three  levels  in  recruitment  advertisements  have  been explored  in  the  previous  chapter.  This  section  is  intended  to  settle  down  the  second question of how the pragmatic identities are constructed through discursive strategies.         As  Tracy  (2002)  noted,  speech  acts  are  essentially  discursive  practice.  There  are correlations between discursive practice and identity, which means one's identity will influence his discursive choices, and in turn, one's discursive practice will define his identity. In light of Chen (2017), pragmatic identity can be constructed by many kinds of  discursive  practices,  ranging  from  macro-level  including  code  switching,  style choice, discourse content to micro-level including speech acts, address forms, grammar, lexical words, etc. It reveals that the construction of pragmatic identity can be analyzed from the perspective of discourse. Consequently, this section sets out to investigate the discursive practices used to construct pragmatics identities, which will be divided into two categories: micro-level and macro-level. 

Accordingly,  the  author  concludes  the  different  discursive  strategies  used  to construct identities of three levels in table 5.1. The following sections will make both quantitative and qualitative analysis. 


5.2 Purposes and Adaptation of Pragmatic Identity Construction

This chapter mainly focuses on the third question, that is, why writers construct variable pragmatic identities in the recruitment advertisements. More specifically, what communicative  purposes  are  satisfied  through  pragmatic  identities  and  how  these identities  are  adaptive  to  three  contextual  correlates  including  social  world,  mental world and physical world. Physical world is not considered here as time and space are not concerned with subject. 

This section firstly analyzes how the resources meet communicative needs by the carrier  of  variable  identities.  Then  it  will  investigate  that  why  identity  is  adapted  to social world and mental world. 

5.2.1 Communicative Purposes Satisfied by Pragmatic Identity Construction

In the previous study on identity, the variability of identities has been figured out and the next key point centers on how people use these identities in certain time or place to  exert  influence  on  the  communicative  targets.  Driven  by  the  constructionism, scholars  pay  more  attention  on  the  fact  that  identity  can  be  viewed  illocutionary resources  to  give  support  to  daily  activity  (Widdicombe,1998).  This  part  primarily explains  that  how  identity  can  be  employed  to  satisfy  the  communicative  needs. According to Chen (2017), identity can be viewed as illocutionary and interpersonal resources when it comes to the purpose of pragmatic identity construction. Therefore, the following part will be developed into two aspects, illocutionary and interpersonal resources. 

Chapter Six Conclusion

6.1 Main Findings

Combined  with  qualitative  and  quantitative  research,  the  thesis  explains  and analyzes research questions mentioned in chapter one.

Firstly,  the  first  question  will  be  answered  from  three  aspects.  There  are  three levels  of  pragmatic  identities  constructed  in  recruitment  advertisings,  including personal level, relational level and collective level. They can also be called as personal identity  with  distinctive  features  differing  from  others,  relational  identity  concerned with interaction and interpersonal relation, as well as collective identity characterized by group common background. Moreover, the thesis made a comprehensive study since both  participants  in  the  recruitment  advertisements  are  considered.  From  the perspective  of  recruiters,  they  tend  to  construct  personal  and  relational  identities  for themselves.  Generally,  recruiters  are  likely  to  describe  themselves  as  capable, outstanding  and  leading  representatives.  Many  positive  images  are  integrated  into personal  identity  so  as  to  show  the  responsibility,  ability  and  success  of  those companies.  Besides,  the  relational  identity  also  occupies  a  large  proportion  since interpersonal relation matters in the communication between recruiters and applicants. Although some relational identities are deviated from recruiters, the identities of helpers or team partners indeed create harmonious relation. From the perspective of applicants, collective identities for them are mainly concerned with jobs. With the aim of providing clarity on recruiting demand, recruiters will construct multiple collective identities that match with job requirements, for instance, master, technician, accounting leader and coach.  All  of  these  identities  reflect  the  requirements  on  background  and  related experience. All in all, both parties have pragmatic identities distributed in three levels, but they have different focus.








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