

  • 论文价格:150
  • 用途: 硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:1
  • 论文字数:49669
  • 论文编号:el2022020817310729585
  • 日期:2022-02-08
  • 来源:上海论文网


Chapter One   Introduction

1.1 Research background

As a rhetorical method, metaphor has been regarded as a method of persuasion since ancient Greece. Aristotle believed that language can express people’s thoughts to  some  extent.  As  early  as  more  than  300  AD,  Aristotle  studied  metaphor  at  the linguistic  level  and  regarded  it  as  the  rhetoric.  In  1980,  famous  American  scholars Lakoff and Johnson published the book “Metaphors We Live By”, holding the view that  our  thoughts  and  actions  are  based  on  metaphor.  According  to  Lakoff’s theoretical  research,  metaphor  is  the  mapping  from  the  source  domain  to  the  target domain  through  a  familiar  and  concrete  conceptual  domain  to  describe  another unfamiliar  and  abstract  conceptual  domain.  In  other  words,  we  use  metaphor  to connect the old with the new and to use it as a bridge. 

With the gradual maturity of metaphor theories abroad, domestic scholars have also  done  a  lot  of  research.  For  example,  in  the  book  Metaphor,  Shu  Dingfang explains  in  detail  the  understanding  of  metaphor  and  its  working  mechanism.  The book  proposes  that  metaphor  is  the  interaction  between  two  different  concepts,  the effect  of  similarity  and  the  dual  influence  of  imagery.  It  is  under  the  working mechanism of similarity that the shape, appearance and function of things constitute physical  similarity  on  one  hand.  On  the  other  hand,  cultural  or  other  psychological activities  constitute  psychological  similarity.  And  it  is  this  physical  similarity  and psychological  similarity  that  people  associate  to  form  a  metaphor.  We  understand metaphor  mainly  from  the  aspects  of  context,  human  beings,  knowledge  structure and  culture.  Different  environment  and  various  culture  will  lead  to  diverse understandings  of  metaphor,  especially  in  current  information  era  and  the  rapid development  of  science  and  technology  of  the  society.  As  things  around  us  are constantly  updated,  metaphors  are  also  updated  accordingly.  


Chapter Three   Theoretical Framework

3.1 Critical Metaphor Analysis

CMA  is  to  use  the  method  of  CDA  to  analyze  the  function  of  conceptual metaphors.  In  1989,  Fairclough  proposed  the  concept  Critical  Discourse  Analysis (CDA)  for  the  first  time.  This  method  analyzed  language  from  the  perspective  of society and history, aiming to reveal the discourse, ideology and power hidden in the discourse  model.  Unlike  other  discourse analysis  methods,  CDA  is  more  concerned with social problems, and thus gradually becomes a new method of text analysis. In Fairclough’s  view,  the  analysis  of  language  should  at  least  include  three  analytical focuses  which  are  focuses,  text,  discourse  practice  and  cultural  studies.  Wodak pointed  out  that  the  roots  of  CDA  are  the  rhetoric  of  scripture,  textual  language, social language, and applied language and pragmatics. She basically saw CDA as a research  project  (Wodak,  2006).  Halliday’s  systemic  functional  linguistics  is  the linguistic  basis  of  CDA,  which  is  in  line  with  Halliday’s  view  that  the  language  in use  has  three  major  functions  at  the  same  time  including  conceptual  function, interpersonal  function  and  textual  function.  According  to  van  Dijik,  since  the beginning of CDA, there has been no unified theory and methodology and CDA is at most a shared perspective for the analysis of language, symbols and discourse (van Dijk,  1993,  p.  131).  In  his  point,  CDA  contained  three  analytical  dimensions including discourse, socio-cognition and social analysis. 

CMA  is  a  new  method  of  metaphor  research  proposed  by  Charteris  Black  in 2014.  This  method  combines  the  research  methods  of  critical  discourse  analysis, corpus  analysis,  pragmatics  and  cognitive  linguistics.  In  his  monograph  “Critical Metaphor  Analysis  Means  Corpus  Research  Methods”,  Charteris  Black  chose political, religious and news reporting discourses to form a corpus, and analyzed the role  of  metaphor  in  these  discourses,  revealing  the  nature  of  metaphor  and  its  role. Black has built a large corpus of his own. Among political discourses, Black chose New Labour, British Party Political Manifestos, and American Presidential Speeches as  political  discourses,  while  media  corpus  chose  Sports  Reporting  and  Financial Reporting,  and  religious  discourses  were  selected  from  Bible,  The  Old  Testament, Koran, and thus discussed and summarized the discourse model of metaphor.

Chapter Five   Results and Discussion

5.1 Results of Metaphor Identification

This  part  gets  the  result  of  metaphor  identification  which  includes  types  and distribution of conceptual metaphors in two corpora. Then, the meaning construction and metaphor function are also figured out through analysis.

5.1.1 Results of Metaphor Types in China Daily and New York Times

  First  of  all,  the  collected  titles  of  China  Daily  and  New  York  Times  from January to June will be divided into two corpora respectively. Then, the next step is to identify candidate metaphors according to CMA steps and MIP program.

To  make  sure  the  candidate  metaphors,  in  the  first  reading,  the  candidate metaphor is confirmed in the case of linguistic, pragmatic or cognitive incongruity or semantic  tension.  According  to  Charteris’  (2004)  views,  a  metaphor  in  linguistic criteria  is  a  word  or  phrase  that  causes  semantic  tension  by  reification, personification and de-personification. When the conceptual system changes, there is a psychological association between the referent attributes of language expression in the  original  text  and  the  referent  attributes  in  the  new  target  text.  If  the  words  are used with a metaphoric sense, they can be then labeled as metaphor key words. Then, to  make  the  identification  more  accurate, the  MIP  procedure  is  used  again  to  judge whether  the  word  is  metaphorically  used.  The  specific  procedures  are  applied  to identify  metaphors  are  just  as  what  were  elaborated  in  the  section  of  Metaphor Identification.


5.2 Discussion

This  part  includes  discussion  about  the  meaning  construction  and  ideology  of conceptual  metaphor  what’s  more,  functions  of  conceptual  metaphor  are  also explored in this part.

5.2.1 Discussion on Meaning Construction of Conceptual Metaphors

In  the  above  analysis,  the  distribution  of  different  words  has  been  identified  in two  corpora.  And  a  basic  understanding  of  distribution  and  proportion  has  been formed.  Thus,  specific  analysis  about  examples  of  different  conceptual  metaphors will be undertaken.

A. The Analysis of Person Metaphor

The person metaphor takes a large proportion in both China Daily and New York Times.  However,  through  careful  observation,  we  can  find  that  there  are  common usages of person metaphor key words while there are some unique usage of person metaphor  in  both  corpora.  Hence,  in  the  following  part,  comparisons  will  be  done between keys words in New York Times and China Daily. 

a. Common usage of key words

Example 1. Credit Up in May on economic recovery. (China Daily, 6\11) 

Example 2. Americans Expect Years for Recovery. (New York Times,5\21) 

Chapter Six   Conclusion

6.1 Major Findings

On  the  basis  of  Critical  Metaphor  Analysis  and  Optimal  Relevance,  this  thesis conducted  a  research  in  headlines  selected  from  China  Daily  and  New  York  Times from January to June in 2020, employing both qualitative and quantitative analysis. What’s  more,  this  thesis  has  identified  three  major  conceptual  metaphors  including spatial  movement  metaphor,  person  metaphor  and  structure  metaphor.  Among  all structure  metaphors  identified  in  the  corpora,  six  minor  conceptual  metaphors  are identified,  which  contain  journey  metaphor,  war  metaphor,  conflict  metaphor, building metaphor, nature metaphor and liquid metaphor.

The research results show that spatial movement metaphor and person metaphor take the largest proportion among all the conceptual metaphors in both two corpus. These  two  kind  of  conceptual  metaphors  are  closely  related  with  our  daily  life  and ourselves.  The  study  presents  evidences  for  the  inherent  nature  of  the  conceptual metaphors.  The  general  study  shows  that  there  are  three  types  of  typical  metaphors implied  to  describe  different  aspects  of  the  target  domains.  These  metaphorical expressions  derive  from  the  typical  source  domains,  which  are  based  on  our  bodily experience of the outside world. Through the cross-domain mapping from the source domains to the target domains, some abstract concepts are easily understood. Some of the notions are so deeply rooted in our daily life that we ignore their metaphorical origins.  Conceptual  metaphors  are  fundamental  to  humans’  thinking  and understanding  process,  which  is  why  it  is  said  that  humans’  conceptual  system  is basically metaphorical. 








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