

  • 论文价格:150
  • 用途: 硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:1
  • 论文字数:33233
  • 论文编号:el2022010422145428141
  • 日期:2022-01-04
  • 来源:上海论文网


Chapter 1 Introduction

1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study

The  purpose  of  this  thesis  is  to  introduce  the  status  quo  of  the  use  of  stance  nouns  in English linguistics academic theses, and to compare the English linguistics majors’ masters’ theses written by Chinese graduate students with the English linguistics majors’ masters’ theses written  by  American  graduate  students.  Also,  the  results  of  the  thesis  will  be  of  great significance to the teaching practice. 

The  focus  of  academic  writing  research  is  gradually  changing,  from  the  accuracy  of vocabulary and grammar to writing ability in different text genres. Especially in the discourse, through  the  effective  expression  of  their  own  stance  can  achieve  the  ability  to  establish interpersonal communication with readers. Therefore, there are a large number of studies that examine  stances  from  different  perspectives.  However,  the  understanding  of  stance construction  resources  is  still  incomplete,  and  the  stance  noun  is  an  aspect  that  is  often overlooked.  As  Holmes  (1988)  said:  “We  often  ignore  the  cognitive  appraisal  potential endowed  by  noun  structure...  so  that  students  do  not  acquire  this  kind  of  stance  resource.” Therefore, this research has enlightening the significance for the expansion of noun resources for stance expression.

The theoretical and practical significance of this research coexist. From a theoretical point of view, this research is conducive to enriching the research of evaluative meaning in different types of texts, and broadening the scope of future research on Appraisal Theory. At the same time,  the  three  subsystems  of  the  Appraisal  Theory  are  theoretically  applied to  the  masters’ theses of linguistics. In other words, it increases the feasibility of applying Appraisal Theory in masters’ theses. The practical significance of this research is that it is expected to enable authors of masters’ degree theses in linguistics to master more skills and methods for expressing their stances. At the same time, the research can also help readers better understand the language features in the masters’ theses. More importantly, it will be more effective and appropriate when expressing stances with the help of the Appraisal Theory.


Chapter 3 Methodology

3.1 Research Questions

This thesis is expected to answer the following questions:

(1) Are there any differences in the number and type of stance nouns in the conclusions of M.A. degree theses in English linguistics written by Chinese and American learners?

(2) Are there any differences in the appraisal function of stance nouns in the conclusions of M.A. degree theses in English linguistics written by Chinese and American learners? If there are differences, what are the possible reasons for the differences?

The  research  questions  of  this  thesis  are  centered  on  stance  nouns.  Through  their distribution  in  academic  theses,  the  rules  of  their  use  in  linguistic  thesis  can  be  understood. Then, by discussing how they realize the three elements of Appraisal Theory and what kind of appraisal function they realize, it can provide useful enlightenment for the writing of linguistic academic  theses.  In  order  to  achieve  this  goal  and  find  the  answers  to  the  questions,  some methods and means are needed. So, the research corpus and instruments and procedures will be introduced in the subsequent sections.

Chapter 4 Results and Discussion

4.1 “Noun + Complement” Structure of Stance Nouns

In  the  structure  of  “noun  +  complement  clause”,  the  head  noun  is  followed  by  the complement clause in the form of “that clause”, “of doing”, “to do”,for example:

(1) A question that arises for a classroom or online teacher is: If I have an accent that is unfamiliar  to  many  of  my  students  and  I  have  the  ability  to  change  my  accent,  should  I? (ALMTC)

(2)  ...gaining  the  ability  of  differentiating  the  lexicalized  and  grammatical  concepts  of nouns-noun collocations in the concrete context. (CLMTC)

(3) We owe it to our students to combat this myth, to validate their languages in academia and subsequently, their place in this national community. (ALMTC) 

Winter (1982) thinks that the content of the head nouns in this structure is not specific, and they  need  to  realize  semantic  lexicalization  in  the  complement  clause.  In  Example  (1),  the meaning of “question” is not specific, and we do not know what the specific “question” is. From the perspective of discourse processing, the author needs to provide the specific meaning of the “question”  through  the  context,  that  is,  the  complement  information  to  reveal  the  specific content of the “question” that “If I have an accent that is unknown to many of my students and I  have  the  ability  to  change  my  accent,  should  I?”.  At  the  same  time,  the  author  chooses “question” instead of “idea” or “belief”, which shows that he/she thinks the information in the clause is a problem but not a subjective thought of someone alone. In other words, in the process of  realizing  semantic  concretion,  the  head  noun  expresses  the  author’s  stance  on  the complement information, so it is called stance noun in this thesis.

4.2 Distribution of Stance Nouns in Two Corpora

This section will firstly compare the overall frequency of stance nouns in both CLMTC and ALMTC, and then the features of different categories of stance nouns in the two corpora will be described.

4.2.1 Overall Frequency of Stance Nouns

It can be seen from table 4-1 that 306 stance nouns appear in ALMTC and the normalized frequency is 7.3 while 149 stance nouns are used in CLMTC with the normalized frequency of stance nouns in CLMTC is 2.99. Chi-square test (p value = 0.000 < 0.05) shows that there are significant differences in the use of stance nouns in the masters’ theses of English linguistics between Chinese and American learners. This result is consistent with most previous studies (Jiang & Hyland, 2015; Feng Xiaoping, 2017).


Chapter 5 Conclusion

5.1 Major Findings

Under the perspective of Appraisal Theory, this thesis analyzed the appraisal resources of 80  Chinese  and  American  linguistics  masters’  theses  by  using  qualitative  and  quantitative research methods. The major findings include three aspects. One is the differences in the type and quantity of stance nouns in the conclusion of masters’ theses on English linguistics written by Chinese and American learners. The second is the difference in the use of appraisal resources in the conclusions of masters’ theses of linguistics written by Chinese and American learners. The last one is the reason that cause the difference in the use of appraisal resources between the two corpora. The answers to these questions are as follows.

In the first place, from the perspective of quantity, the number of stance nouns used by American learners is far more than that of Chinese learners; from the perspective of type, the total types of stance nouns used in the conclusion of the masters’ theses of English linguistics between  Chinese  and  American  learners  are  almost  the  same.  However,  the  use  of  the subcategories of Chinese learners under the general types is obviously insufficient, especially in the category of discourse and quality. 

In the second place, there three are differences of the use of appraisal functions. The first difference is that American learners tend to use more negative stance resources than Chinese learners.  The  second  difference  is  that  Chinese  learners  seldom  use  dialogic  contraction  to express stance. The third difference is that American learners prefers to use force resources in their theses. 








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