

  • 论文价格:300
  • 用途: 硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:71
  • 论文字数:36566
  • 论文编号:el2021112114482624583
  • 日期:2021-11-21
  • 来源:上海论文网


Chapter 1Introduction

2.2 Previous Critical Studies of Economic News Discourse
2.2.1 Previous Studies of Critical Discourse Analysis
Since the 1980s, numerous scholars and linguists have put the emphasis on thestudy of discourse analysis from the perspective of different theories on the basis ofcritical discourse analysis. Among these scholars, the most famous are Fowler, Van Dijk,Fairclough and Wodak, who tends to explore the innovation in theory of CDA. ”CriticalLinguistics“ was firstly mentioned by Fowler and some other linguists from theuniversity of Anglia in the book Language and Control published in 1979, in which theyapplied critical approach to analyze language in different discourses from news reportsto regulations to study the interaction between ideology and discourse. After presentingthe concept of CDA for the first time in the book of Language and Power, Fairclough(1993) viewed discourse is use of language seen as a form of social practice. Here it isworthwhile noticing that the word ”critical“ in CDA carries no regular meaning ofcriticizing, picking flaws or complaining, instead ”it aims to change or even removewhat is considered to be a false or distorted consciousness and to render transparentwhat had previously been hidden. In so doing it initiates a process of self-reflection inindividuals or in groups so as to achieve liberation from the domination of past constraints.“ (Connerton,1976, p. 20).



Chapter 3Theoretical Framework

3.1 Fairclough’s Three-Dimensional Model
Norman Fairclough’s Three-Dimensional Model has been a central theoreticalframework for CDA linguists. Widely acknowledged as one of the founders and majorproponents of the field of Critical Discourse Analysis, his theoretical characteristic is tocombine linguistic-oriented discourse analysis with discourse-related sociologicaltheories. He (1989) also present an analytical framework and put forward the socialtheory of discourse and the social orientation of discourse analysis, which greatlycontributed to the development of CDA to some extent. CDA emphasizes that theanalysis of text cannot be separated from the discursive practice and the social contextwhere it is produced. In his view, language in use as discourse was a social practice(1989, p. 24). Fairclough held the view that critical discourse analysts should notconfine their study to textual analysis. The analysis of the process of production and theprocess of interpretation should also be taken into consideration.
Xin Bin (2005) indicates that the text is a product of discursive practice orinteraction process, and this practice includes the production and distribution andconsumption of text, all which are all decided by condition of social practice.Fairclough still believed the view that discourse was a combination of the threedimensions, but the specific contents were different in 1989. Based on the threedimensions, he also put forward three levels of critical discourse analysis: textual levelof description, interpretation of text, and explanation of interaction and social context(1989, p. 25):
(1) In detail, description is the textual level of studying the formal attributes of text,such as lexical attributes, textual structure, etc.
(2) Interpretation of discursive text regards the whole text as the result of aproduction process and a resource in the process of interpretation, involving therelationship between text and interaction.
(3) Explanation of social practice also focuses on the relationship betweeninteraction and social context, as well as the social decision on production,interpretation process and social effect.

Chapter 5Results and Discussion

5.1 Description of the News Reports
At the first stage of description, this section will study the selected samples toreveal the linguistic features by adopting Halliday’s Systemic Functional Grammarfrom the aspects of transitivity, lexical choice and modality.
5.1.1 Transitivity Analysis
As presented in the previous chapter, the ideational meta-function is realized bytransitivity. It is a basic semantic system that interprets the experience world as a set ofmanageable process types. Transitivity provides a crucially analytical tool for revealing thelinguistic features of the economics report, which can be divided into six processes. Baseson the different stands and views represented by different news reporters, they may choosedifferent reporting processes, that’s why it is necessary to disclose the hidden ideology through transitivity analysis. The number and percentage of the six processes selected bythe reporters are clearly presented as follow:

Table 5.1 Distribution of Processes in the Two Newspapers
Table 5.1 Distribution of Processes in the Two Newspapers


5.2 Interpretations of the News Reports
After the first stage of description, it comes to the interpretation of practical levelof news discourse. As the second stage in Fairclough’s three-dimensional model,interpretation is always seen as an indispensable part for reveling the relationshipbetween economic news reports and social practice, which is often called as the analysisof intertextuality. Intertextuality is the way that one text influences another. This can bea direct borrowing such as a quotation or plagiarism, or slightly more indirect suchas parody, pastiche, allusion, or translation. As is known to all, economic news reportsare full of inter-texts. At the stage of interpretation, this study will analyze the economicnews reports from aspects of news source and modes of speech reporting. Taking themas two analytical tools, the hidden ideology will be reveled.
5.2.1 Modes of Speech Reporting
Because of the typical features in news reports, news discourse can reflect realityand objectivity by employing the reported speech fully. There are two main types ofreporting modes, which are direct speech and indirect speech. The former one means theinformation that derives from another discourse or text, which provides to enhance the authority of news discourse. The latter one refers to the information paraphrased by thequot-er. It is noted that there is also a sub-type reporting mode called slipping in indirectspeech, that is, some pieces of information is quoted to emphasize some certain points.Due to the way the reporters quota these speech, it can present different attitudes andunderstanding of the reporters from the original work. Thus, the reporting modes can betaken as a useful analytical tool to reveal the hidden ideology. The following is thedistribution of the three reporting modes in the two newspapers.

Chapter 6Conclusion

6.2 Limitations and Suggestions
After the contrastive analysis of the selected samples in the two newspapers, thereare still some limitations due to some factors for this study.
First, due to the limitation of the writer’s ability and knowledge, it is hard to makea comprehensive study. Based on Fairclough’s three-dimensional framework, this thesissimply adopts systemic function grammar as analytical tools like transitivity, lexicalchoice and modality. Since CDA is an interdisciplinary subject and there are many otheraspects of analytical tools not mentioned in this thesis, it is necessary to considermaking a combination of other theories and analytical tools, such as cognitivelinguistics, appraisal theory, sociolinguistics, etc.
Second, because the signing of the ”phrase-one“ trade deal is a relatively new event,there are a few economic news reports about this event in the two newspapers. Anotherfactor that may influence the analytical results is that the collecting samples andstatistics are finished by the writer’s manual operation. Therefore, the suggestion is that a comprehensive corpus or other practicable statistical software should be taken intoconsideration when conducting this kind of study.
Third, due to the length of this thesis, the analysis of the economic news reports isnot deep and objective enough. It is the writer who selects these 22 samples as theresearch samples in this thesis, which may be not comprehensive enough. Although thewriter tries to conduct this research objective, as language use is closely connected tothe social factors, this study may embed the writer’s personal views unconsciously.Thus the suggestion is that some relevant social factors and social events should also bestudied. There is plenty of room for improving in studying CDA.







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