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  • 作者:上海论文网
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  • 论文编号:el2019122821103319601
  • 日期:2019-12-12
  • 来源:上海论文网

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research Background
At first, it is necessary to state the features of the English present progressive in order to conduct  the  future  researches.  The  different  definitions  of  “Aspect”  have  been  presented  by some  linguists  from  different  schools.  Jespersen  (1933)  points  out  that  “By  the  side  of  the simple tenses, we have in English expanded tense: ‘He is working/ He was working/ He has been working’. The chief usage of the expanded tenses is served as a frame round something else”  (Leech,  2004;  Scheffer,  1975).  Zhang  (1984:  45-47)  argues  that  “aspect”  is  a grammatical  category  which  indicates  whether  an  action  is  happening  or  not.  Two subcategories  exist  under  the  aspect:  progressive  aspect  and  perfective  aspect.  The progressive  aspect  implies  that  the  action  or  state  is  ongoing  during  a  period  of  time.  The perfective  aspect  stresses  the  finished  movement.  The  English  language  has  two  aspects: progressive  aspect  and  perfective  aspect.  The  English  progressive  (be  +  Ving)  is  one  of  the most important fields of linguistic inquiry. Hence, the researches about this structure mainly include the basic features and the different usage types.
In recent years, cognitive linguistics has been the focus of linguistic study both at home and abroad. Some linguistic issues that cannot be expounded by other linguistic theories can be  explained  quite  well  by  cognitive  linguistics.  Comparatively  speaking,  the  cognitive approach is a better choice because it reflects people’s cognitive processes. The English verbs can  be  divided  into  two  basic  aspectual  classes  by  the  grammatical  behavior:  the  perfective verbs  and  the  imperfective  verbs  (Langacker,  1987:  78-84).  The  perfective  verbs  can  occur with the progressive rather than the simple present, while imperfective verbs do the opposite (Langacker,  2001:  255).  Zheng  (2008:  179-182)  discusses  that  the  essence  of  process  of progressive  aspect  from  the  perspective  of  the  figure-ground  concept.  She  expounds  the polysemy phenomenon of progressive aspect.

1.2 Research Significances
Now  that  the  scholars  at  home  and  abroad  have  made  systematic  researches  for  the English  present  progressive,  there  are  detailed  references  for  the  following  studies  and  the operability of the thesis.
As  for  the  theoretical  significances,  this  thesis  utilizes  the  theories  of  the  cognitive grammar,  which  provides  an  effective  way  to  discuss  the  linguistic  issues.  The  syntactic projects can be represented by it. The figure-ground theory and the construal theory illustrate the essence of the process of progressive aspect. The semantics problems also can be solved by  it.  For  example,  the  metaphor  theory  and  the  prototype  theory  deal  with  the  polysemy phenomenon.  All  these  theories  improve  the  ability  of  Cognitive  Linguistics  to  express  the new research questions.
As  for  the  practical  significances,  the  theories  in  cognitive  grammar  are  applied  in practice. The practical value of analyzing the English present progressive exists in the English Grammar Teaching and  English Reading Teaching. First, by using the concepts of cognitive grammar, the cognitive mechanisms of the English present progressive are understood easily. And the English learners could bear the features of this structure in mind in order to improve the  efficiency  of  English  teaching  and  to  develop  the  interest  of  English  grammar  learning. The basic semantics of the English present progressive have been discussed by applying the figure-ground  theory.  Now  that  there  is  a  special  sentence  structure,  the  English  present progressive would indicate extra meanings. Therefore, the readers can understand the idea of the  text  from  the  overall  and  the  cognitive  grammar  theories  reveal  people’s  cognitive  laws and characteristics.

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Study From the Perspective of Traditional Grammar
The English progressive, as an important grammatical category or central part of English grammar, has attracted a variety of linguists at home and abroad.
Traditional grammar refers to the language actually used and is based on the observation of  real  world  usage.  It  is  descriptive  rather  than  prescribes  a  set  of  rules  that  speakers  of  a particular  language  should  abide  by.  A  large  amount  of  scholars  have  studied  the  English present  progressive  from  descriptive  perspective  and  make  a  great  contribution  to  the understanding  of  morphological,  syntactic  features  of  English  present  progressive.  Some definitions of the English progressive are as follows. 
According  to  Comrie  (1976),  “Aspect”  is  regarded  as  “different  ways  of  viewing  the internal  temporal  constituency  of  a  situation”.  Concerning  the  question  that  what  kind  of verbs can be utilized in the progressive and what can not, he concludes that “the general rule seems to be that lexically stative verbs can be used non-statively and appear in progressive”. In  addition,  Comrie  (1976)  acknowledges  that  there  exists  “terminological,  and conceptual confusion  of  tense  and  aspect”,  which  is  reflected,  for  instance,  in  the  usage  by  multiple grammars,  especially  by  those  pedagogical  in  nature  and  practical  in  self-description.  These term  tenses  refer  to  combinations  of  different  tenses  and  aspects  such  as  the  present progressive. And more descriptively-oriented  grammarians employ  terms  such as compound tenses (Quirk et al. 1985: 189), composite tenses and periphrastic tenses (Binnick, 1991: 8).

2.2  Study  From  the  Perspective  of  Transformational-generative Grammar
Being a highly formalized way to language created by Chomsky in the 1950s, generative grammar regards language as an innate cognitive faculty and mainly focuses on the study of a set of rules and principles that are employed to explain the generation of languages.
Researchers  have  mainly  concentrated  on  the  syntactic  status  of  English  present progressive.  Chomsky  (1957)  presents  “in  a  finite  clause,  the  lexical  verbs  can  be accompanied  by  markings  for  the  passive,  the  progressive,  the  perfect,  or  any  combination thereof.” Each marking consists of two elements: a schematic verb (either “have” or “be”) and a participial inflection (“-ing” or “-ed”) on the following verbs. Though long noted, this dual marking has generally been taken as arbitrary and unprincipled. Chomsky (1957) thinks that the  modals, tense, the perfect (“have +  -ed”), the progressive (“be +  -ing”), and the passive (“be + -ed”) are taken together as constituting the English auxiliary system. Chen (2005:15-19) expounds  the  definition  of  progressive:  “Prog  [Φ]  is  true  at  an  instant,  if  and  only  if  [Φ]  is true  at  every  instant  in  some  open  interval  containing.”  Obviously,  this  is  a  lopsided  view. And  it  does  not  suit  for  the  telic  situation,  but  atelic  situation.  Dowty  (1979)  introduces  his analysis  into  a  deontic  modal  component  in  the  form  of  inertia  worlds,  the  set  of  worlds  in which  an  event  referred  to  by  means  of  a  progressive  predicate  can  continue  uninterrupted. Dowty’s  interval-semantic  approach,  for  instance,  the  progressive  is  analyzed  as  a  modal operator, yet one of “deontic necessity” rather than “epistemic contingency”. His proposal has given rise to a large variety of formal semantic studies on the English progressive (Landman, 1992; Asher, 1992; Portner, 1998). #p#分页标题#e#
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework ............................................... 21
3.1 Bounding Theory ........................................ 21
3.1.1 Bounding ...................................... 21
3.1.2 Debounding ................................ 23
Chapter Four Analysis of the Cognitive Mechanisms of the English Present Progressive ..................................... 39
4.1 Bounding and Debounding ................................... 39
4.1.1 Classification of Verbs in Cognitive Grammar ............................. 39
4.1.2 Transformation from Perfective Process to Imperfective Process .................. 42
Chapter Five Conclusion .................................... 73
5.1 Major Findings ....................................... 73
5.2 Limitations and Implications ....................... 74

Chapter Four Analysis of the Cognitive Mechanisms of the English Present Progressive

4.1 Bounding and Debounding
Bounding  theory  reveals  the  essence  feature  about  the  people’s  cognition  and observation of the objects of the  world. Hence, this  characteristic  can  also be  applied in the cognition of linguistic construction. Langacker (1987a: 68) divides the meaning expressed by the linguistic constructions into nominal and relationship. The latter one can be classified into two forms: one is non-temporal relationship explained by preposition and adjective, the other is temporal relationship or action process expressed by verb. What is related to this thesis is that  the  bounding  and  debounding  of  the  action  process  or  the  temporal  relationship.  For example: “jump”, “kick”, “sneeze” and “cough” (Qiu, 2011: 128-131).

Chapter Five Conclusion

5.1 Major Findings
This  study  has  explicated  the  cognitive  mechanisms  of  the  English  present  progressive construction  from  the  perspective  of  cognitive  grammar.  Because  the  thesis  is  in  the framework of cognitive grammar, therefore, every chapter focuses on this theme and presents related content. 
Chapter  one  demonstrates  the  research  background,  research  questions,  research significances,  and  research  methodology,  the  organization  of  the  thesis  as  well.  In  these subsections, the cognitive mechanisms are the clues throughout the content.
Chapter  two  is  the  literature  review  of  the  previous  studies,  which  includes  four  main research perspectives: traditional grammar study describes the definitions of “tense and aspect” from  different  scholars;  transformational-generative  grammar  study  discusses  the  syntactic features of it; functional grammar study tells us the essence of the semantics of progressive; cognitive  grammar  study  researches  the  semantics  and  cognitive  schemas  of  the  present progressive.
Chapter  three  mainly  provides  the  theoretical  framework  of  this  study.  This  section firstly  introduces  the  bounding  theory.  Secondly,  this  part  illustrates  the  construal  theory. Lastly, it offers the grounding theory. 
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