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  • 作者:上海论文网
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  • 论文编号:el2019090810250719279
  • 日期:2019-07-23
  • 来源:上海论文网

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Research Background
In 2017, an influential CCTV program named National Treasure has aroused a “cultural relics heat” in cultural relics among Chinese from all walks of life. Each of nine famous museums selects three national treasures to tell the past and present story of them and interprets the genetic code of Chinese culture. President Xi said, “The museum is a large school. It must be well protected and managed. We should study and make good use of the cultural relics that are condensed with traditional Chinese culture, so that artifacts can survive, let the history speak, and give the contemporary people national confidence and historical inspiration.” Museums are the palaces for inheriting  and protecting  human  culture.  As  a  valuable  platform  for  collecting, displaying and studying the human cultural heritage, the museum is open to the public and  has  made  significant  contributions  to  the  inheritance  of  human  civilization. Especially since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the museums have been developing rapidly. State owned, private, and industrial museums have sprung  up,  and  museums  such  as  science  and  technology  museums,  history museums, ethnic museums, and revolutionary museums are competing (Sun 2017). 
With the deepening of economic globalization and China's opening to the outside world,  information  flows  further  around  the  world.  As an ancient  and  charming country,  China  now  is  increasingly  communicating  with  the  countries  around  the world in many different ways. From 21th century, according to the statistics, more than 28 million foreigners come to China for work, travel and study. So how can they know the Chinese history and culture in a close way? The museums play an important role  in  introducing  Chinese  culture  (Guo  2012).  As an  important  part  of  external publicity, the cultural relics exhibition text in museum is an important medium for foreign  tourists  to understand  Chinese  culture.  There  are  different  ways  to  explain cultural  relics,  such  as  multimedia  technology,  pictures  and  so  on, and  the  most important  way  is  probably  texts  (Li  2006:205).  Therefore,  its  translation  is particularly important. The C-E translation of cultural relics exhibition texts will lead foreign tourists into the fascinating world of Chinese culture.

1.2 Research Significance
In order to better introduce the Chinese traditional culture to the world and let the world better understand the history of China, the C-E translation of cultural relics exhibition texts is an indispensable requirement and plays an increasingly important role  in  cross-cultural communication.  After  visiting  several  famous  museums  and their  websites  in  China,  the  author  finds  that  the  translation  of  cultural relics exhibition texts still exists some problems in linguistic and textual aspects against the English  texts  in  Western  museums.  In  spite  of its  significance,  the  translation  of cultural  relics  exhibition  texts  has  gained  little  attention  in  international  publicity translation  studies. On  the  systematic  study  of  C-E  translation  of  cultural  relics exhibition  texts  in  museums  from  the  Skopos  theory  perspective  with reference  of English texts in Western museums, the thesis has certain significance.
Firstly,  by  comparing  the  linguistic  and  textual  differences  in  translation  of cultural relics exhibition texts with the English texts in Western museums, this thesis will try to find out principles and strategies in Chinese museums for the translation.
Secondly, a systematic study of C-E translation of cultural relics exhibition texts in museums from the perspective of Skopos theory with reference of English texts is still  novel.  This  thesis  will  further  provide  the  C-E  principles  and  information construction  advice  in cultural  relics  exhibition  texts,  which  will  make  a  positive contribution to the museum translation and culture dissemination.

Chapter 2 Literature Review: Museum Texts and Cultural Relics Exhibition Texts

2.1 Museum Texts
Each kind of communication has its own unique media, and the museum text is the  media  of  museum  communication.  Louise  Ravelli (2006)  concentrates  on  a generalized use of museum texts, and illustrates the issues with texts deriving mainly from written sources. R.J.Neather (2012) claims that the museum has been considered as a complex semiotic system for a long term where various interactions come out within  and  between  differing  systems  of  signification.  The  museum  has  been recognized  as  such  linguistic  or  verbal system  which  plays  an  important  role  in creating meanings and making visitors accessible to the cultural relics on exhibition in the museums. Museum texts are important because they form a central component of a museum’s communication agenda.
2.1.1 Museums and Museum texts
The word ‘museum’, derived from the Greek word ‘mouseion’, originally means the temple of the nine Muse goddesses who are in charge of art and science. As a symbol in society, the function of museum is both intricate and multi-layered. And its function  differs  in  domination and liberation,  learning  and  leisure.  Ravelli  (2006) explores the changing function of the museum, from early role as cabinets of curiosity or the privileged face of learned societies and now the function has been entrenched to the responsibility to the public. The relations between museums and their visitors are also changing, enabling more dynamic encounters and more diverse interpretations. In 1974, the 11th General Assembly of the International Association of Museums adopts a  charter  that  clearly  stated  that  the  museum  is  a  permanent institution  that  is  not pursuing  profit  and  it  aims  at  serving  the  public  for  research,  education  and appreciation. Louvre Museum, located in Seine, which has the longest history and it is the  largest  modern  museum.  It  used  to  be  the  imperial  palace  of  France. British Museum is the first modern museum officially open to the public in 1759 and it’s also the national museum located in the Great Russell Square north of New Oxford Street in London. 

2.2 Cultural Relics Exhibition Texts
The  museum  texts  include  different  types  according  to  Ravelli  (2006:2),  her emphasis  is  placed  on  the  written  language,  including the  titles,  exhibition  texts, brochure and catalogue descriptions. The cultural relics exhibition text is part of the museum texts for the communication between the cultural relics and their visitors. As Hooper-Greenhill  (1994:125)  notes  in  regard  to  the  issue  of  museum texts: “Exhibition texts and catalogue texts are very often the same, with the same words being used as panels or labels and as parts of a catalogue. There are specific problems with  this  approach.”  He  describes  the  exhibition  texts  in  a  more  detailed  way. However,  the study  of  museum  text  starts  earlier  at  home.  In  1986,  Peng  divides museum text into three parts, which includes the various titles, exhibition texts and comprehensive  introduction.  Cultural  relics  exhibition  texts can  lead  visitors  into  a charming world of the cultural relics. If the cultural relics have their own lines in the exhibition stage, the texts must be their words to express themselves. #p#分页标题#e#
2.2.1 Cultural Relics Exhibition Texts in Museums
There  are  some  different  ways  for  the  visitors  to  have  a  clear  idea  about  the cultural relics in museums, such as the content of guided tour, or the recordings in an audio/CD guide, or the public lectures given by specialists, or the hypertexts which may  be  found  on website.  According  to  Peng  (1986),  the  cultural  relics  exhibition texts should include the content of three aspects. First, the natural attributes of cultural relics need to be written in the texts such as the name, dynasty and characteristics and so on. Second, the social attributes of cultural relics should be included, the value and function.  Third,  the  cultural  relics  exhibition  texts  ought  to  account  for  the exact origin of the relics.
Chapter 3 Skopos Theory: Theoretical Framework ................ 10
3.1 Historical Overview of Skopos Theory .......................... 10
3.2 Basic Concepts of Skopos Theory ....................... 12
Chapter 4 Data Collection and Analysis: C-E translation of Cultural Relics Exhibition Texts in Museums from Perspective of Skopos Theory...........19
4.1 The Skopos of Cultural Relics Exhibition Texts in Museums ........................ 19
4.1.1 Skopos of Education ......................................... 19
4.1.2 Skopos of Communication .......................... 20
Chapter 5 Conclusion .................................. 53
5.1 Major Findings ................................... 53
5.2 Limitations and Suggestions ........................... 54

Chapter 4 Data Collection and Analysis: C-E translation of Cultural Relics Exhibition Texts in Museums from Perspective of Skopos Theory

4.1 The Skopos of Cultural Relics Exhibition Texts in Museums
In  order  to  compare  the  linguistic  and  textual  differences  in  translation  of cultural relics exhibition texts with the English texts in Western museums and discuss the principles of C-E translation of cultural relics exhibition texts in museums, firstly the Skopos of cultural relics exhibition texts should be elaborated. What the Skopos states  is  that  one  must  translate,  consciously  and  consistently,  in accordance  with principle respecting the cultural relics exhibition texts (TT). Actually, the Skopos does not state what the principle is: it must be decided separately in each specific case.  
4.1.1 Skopos of Education
In  1974,  at  the  11th  International  Museum  Association  Conference  in Copenhagen,  Denmark,  it  was  clearly  stated  that  the museum is  an  institution  that does not pursue profitability. It serves the society, and it is permanently open to the public.  The  Museum  collects preserves  and  studies,  disseminates  and  exhibits witnesses  of  human  beings  and  the  objects  that  recorded  the  memories  of human history.  The  cultural  relic  is  an  important  carrier  for  inheriting  the  historical  and cultural  heritage  of  mankind  and  an important  “window”  for  demonstrating  the development of social civilization. The function of the museum stated in the British Museum Commemorative  Book is to spread knowledge and educate the public. The cultural relics exhibitions held in the museum is to exhibit the valuable and charming objects to the public. So the text is used to explain the detailed information and spread knowledge of history to the public. The Skopos of education lets the visitors in the museum appreciate the cultural relics in a more scientific way. The C-E translation of cultural relics exhibition texts in museums is to educate the foreign visitors with the correct information thus they are able to form a comprehensive understanding of the profound Chinese culture and history. 

Chapter 5 Conclusion

5.1 Major Findings 

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