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  • 作者:上海论文网
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  • 论文编号:el2019053118514418961
  • 日期:2019-05-08
  • 来源:上海论文网


1.1   Haa5 in Cantonese
Haa5  is  an  affix  attached  to  verbal  and  adjectival  elements  in  Hong  Kong  and Guangzhou  Cantonese.  It  occurs  frequently  in casual occasions  like  daily conversations, street interviews, or personal comments rather than formal occasions like official announcements, business communication and important rituals. 

Examples above show that haa5 goes after a verbal element like co5 ‘sit’ in (1a) and coeng3 ‘sing’ in (1b), as well as an adjectival element jit6 ‘hot’ in (2a) and mun6 ‘boring’(2b). It would be of interest to look closer into haa5 to study its distributions, grammatical properties, meaning and function, since the affix haa5 is widely used in daily life but its core properties are not widely known.

1.2   Previous Views on Haa5
1.2.1   Haa5 in Verbal Contexts
Scholars  generally  agree  that  the  original  reading  of  haa5  is  “a  stroke”  (Peng Xiaochuan 2000, 2010, Wang Hongmei et al. 2007, Choo Yuen 2010, among many others).  Haa5  originated  as  a  classifier  meaning  ‘once’  in  V-jat1-haa5  ‘V-once’ constructions, like zong6 jat1 haa5 go3 zung1 ‘hit the bell once’ (3a). As time went by, the numeral expression jat1 was omitted, and thus forming V-haa5 constructions (ibid), as in zong6 haa5 go3 zung1 ‘hit the bell once’ (3b). 
Consider (5a), the action of gam6 ‘pressing’ lasts just for a very short time. The amount of time is factually small, which does not involve the speaker’s judgement. In contrast, the action of zyu6 ‘live’ (5b) obviously last for a long time. The speaker uses  haa5  to  convey  his/her  own judgement,  attitude  and  feeling  that  the unfavourable situation of living in a small apartment is temporary. When the hearer becomes richer,  (s)he  will  move  to  a  better  house.  Haa5  expresses  the  speaker’s intention to ease the frustration of the hearer.
Derived out of its original meaning, haa5 has several derived readings in verbal contexts.
First,  haa5  represents  briefness  in  time  and  effort  in  completing  an  action  (Li Xinkui 1995, among others). Therefore, short-term actions like haau1 ‘knocking on the door’ (6a) and man6 ‘asking’ (6b) can be modified by haa5 (Gao Huanian 1980, Cheung Hung-Nin 2007, Rao Bingcai et al. 2009, Peng 2010, Tang Sze-Wing 2015b, among others).


2.1   The Meaning of Haa5
2.1.1   Previous Views on the Meaning of Haa5
Generally  speaking,  the  study  holds  similar  views  on  the  readings  of  haa5.  Its original  meaning  is  ‘a  stroke,  a  bit,  or  a  tiny amount’,  and  it  has  the  following derived readings:
(1) briefness in time and effort in completing an action;
(2) short-term actions;
(3) a tentative aspectual marker;
(4) to express that the action is casual or performed in a casual manner; and
(5) to make the request milder.
However, a different proposal for understanding these readings is suggested. I propose that the derived readings are not the real meaning of haa5. The real meaning of haa5 has always been ‘a stroke, a bit, or a tiny amount’, and the derived readings are extensions from the original meaning of haa5. Actually, the derived readings are brought about by the context in which haa5 occurs.

2.2   Distributions of Haa5 in Verbal Contexts
2.2.1   Verb Types and Haa5
I will first investigate the verb types selected by verbal-haa5. Stative verbs such as zung1  ji3  ‘like’  (17a)  does  not  co-occur  with  haa5, because  stative  verbs  are non-eventive. Haa5 selects eventive verbs only. Achievement verbs like gin3 dou3 ‘see’ (17c) and accomplishment verbs like se2 jyun4 ‘finish writing’ (17d) cannot be modified by haa5 either, where both types of verbs are telic. Haa5 follows activity verbs only, like tai2 ‘look’ (17b), since activity verbs are atelic. In the case of (17b), the event of tai2 ‘look’ has no specific starting or ending point. By adding haa5 to form tai2 haa5 ‘look briefly’, the time span of the activity is set, and the action of looking will last for just a short while.

My  observation  is  that  haa5  goes  after  activity  verbs,  delimits  an  event,  and turns atelic eventive activity verbs into telic eventive ones.
CHAPTER THREE    HAA5 IN ADJECTIVAL CONTEXTS ............................ 21
3.1   The Distribution of Haa5 ................................... 21
3.2   Minor Adjustments of Degree ......................... 22
3.3   Semantic Restrictions on Haa5 in Adjectival Contexts ............................... 25
4.1   Domain of Haa5 ................. 31
4.2   Syntactic Analysis: Verbal-haa5 ...................... 33
CHAPTER FIVE   CONCLUSION ........................ 49
5.1   Summary of Major Findings .......................... 49
5.2   Limitations ............................... 50


4.1   Domain of Haa5
On the basis of discussions in Chapter 2 and 3, haa5 in both domains will be compared  and  contrasted.  Some  important  facts  (b-d)  are summarized  from observations in previous chapters, based on the prerequisite (a):
(a)  Events in verbal contexts and degree in adjectival contexts are comparable on a scale basis.
(b) Haa5  expresses  the  briefness  of  an  event  and  the  minor  adjustment  of degree.
(c)  Haa5 can only be attached to activity verbs and gradable adjectives.
(d) The  attachment  of  haa5  turns  atelic  eventive  verbs  into  telic  ones  and adjusts slightly the degree of adjectives with moderate degree modifiers.
Visualized in a chart, the domain of haa5 becomes clearer. The distributions of haa5 in both verbal and adjectival contexts are restricted.
As  chart  (36)  shows,  haa5  cannot  modify  non-eventive  or  non-gradable grammar  items:  stative  verbs  and  non-gradable  adjectives. Haa5  never  co-occurs with  grammar  items  on  the  top:  accomplishment  and  achievement  verbs  in  the verbal  context,  or  gradable adjectives  with  a  polarity  degree  modifier  in  the adjectival  context  because  they  represent  the  completion  of  events  and  the  upper bound  of  the  degree  respectively.  Nor  does  haa5  go  after  items  at  the  bottom: inchoative verbs in the verbal context or gradable adjectives with a polarity degree modifier in the adjectival context, as they denote the starting point of events and the lower bound of the degree in their respective terms.


5.1   Summary of Major Findings
To conclude, all uses of haa5 stem from its original meaning: ‘a stroke, a bit, or a tiny amount’. The two major functions of haa5 are also concerned with its original meaning: (1) to show briefness in duration or effort of an action and (2) to adjust the degree moderately. The tiny amount reading of haa5 also enables it to modify events in sequence.
The  distributions  of  haa5  in  verbal  and  adjectival  contexts  share  two similarities  in  terms  of  the  phrases  haa5  selects  and  the semantic  requirements  of haa5.  First,  haa5  selects  atelic  eventive  verbs  with  an  aspectual  marker  or  a modality  marker,  as  well  as gradable  adjectives  with  a  moderate  degree  modifier. Haa5  never  goes  with  a  bare  lexical  item.  Second,  haa5  cannot  co-occur with eventive  verbs  with  starting/ending  points,  or  gradable  adjectives  with  upper/lower bounds. When reflected on a diagram, the alignment of the distributions of haa5 in both  contexts  is  clearly  shown:  haa5  goes  with  lexical  categories  whose  semantics are around the middle of the event progress/degree.#p#分页标题#e#
As for the function of haa5, it is to convey the speaker’s subjective evaluation of  an  event  or  degree.  Acceptability  of  the  same  sentence containing  haa5  varies depending  on  the  distinctive  conversational  contexts.  Although  previous  views  on the derived readings of verbal and adjectival haa5 are acceptable, I argue that these meanings are produced by the context rather than by haa5 itself, where the speaker expresses his/her subjectivity with the use of haa5.
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